


Original Poster:

17,431 posts

213 months

Tuesday 31st December 2024
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Anyone been to portinax or tarida ?


6,939 posts

229 months

Wednesday 1st January
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Yes, both.

Both very nice places with lovely beaches, but they are relatively isolated in regard to some of the larger parts of the island. Portinax is at the top of the island and there’s not a great deal nearby, Tarida is on the west coast and to be fair it’s closer to other stuff - Tarida also has the good sunsets.

If you’re the type who likes to explore then get a car.


143 posts

150 months

Wednesday 1st January
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Been to portinax , quiet town with iirc just the one big beach. Quiet and relaxing with 2 or 3 pubs/restaurants( may have changed as this was 15 years ago)

The beach was in a little bay so was a nightmare for jellyfish when I was there.