Driving in the USA - paying for fuel - Cash or card?

Driving in the USA - paying for fuel - Cash or card?



33,306 posts

122 months

ShortBeardy said:
Re Costco
yes in general it is cheaper.
But may want to do `sums' on whether its worth the fee to make the saving
Yes, joining Costco just to get fuel in the US can’t possibly make sense for a holiday. Might make sense in the UK if you’re not going out of your way. I’m a member in UK and the UK card wouldn’t work on the pumps there a few years ago (had to get the forecourt guy to use a master card) but I think I’ve read that they’ve sorted that.

Mind you, I was bemused by how much fuel varied in price generally - even at gas stations close to each other, yet the dearer one would be busy.

What we usually did was my wife went into the shop with the card and waited while I filled up - I’m not sure what the process is but don’t recall any drama (been about 20 times).