Going on Holiday in the UK - WHY?

Going on Holiday in the UK - WHY?


Antony Moxey

8,271 posts

222 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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simons123 said:
The weather the only problem with the UK?!

How about the absolutely abysmally bad accomodation choices we have to put up with, the rip off restaurants and bars, the severe lack of parking.....the fact that the VAST MAJORITY of the UK is an absolute cesspit with the odd exception and those odd exception are way too crowded anyway....the fact that you cannot even go into the sea as not only is it freezing, it's filthy full of raw sewage.....the UK is a depressing dump.... remember being in Bosnia the year before last and thinking how much nicer it was there then it is here......

Example of the points I have made = I really like Dartmouth in Devon. Pretty stunning place...but yet the accomodation there is few and far between and the accomodation you can get is a complete rip off. It's a nightmare to park and there are hardly any restaurants despite being a popular place.
Don't be such a fking drama queen. Whether you like it or not, everything you've written is just childish hyperbole - go and have a tantrum somewhere else. Good grief.


939 posts

7 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Antony Moxey said:
simons123 said:
The weather the only problem with the UK?!

How about the absolutely abysmally bad accomodation choices we have to put up with, the rip off restaurants and bars, the severe lack of parking.....the fact that the VAST MAJORITY of the UK is an absolute cesspit with the odd exception and those odd exception are way too crowded anyway....the fact that you cannot even go into the sea as not only is it freezing, it's filthy full of raw sewage.....the UK is a depressing dump.... remember being in Bosnia the year before last and thinking how much nicer it was there then it is here......

Example of the points I have made = I really like Dartmouth in Devon. Pretty stunning place...but yet the accomodation there is few and far between and the accomodation you can get is a complete rip off. It's a nightmare to park and there are hardly any restaurants despite being a popular place.
Don't be such a fking drama queen. Whether you like it or not, everything you've written is just childish hyperbole - go and have a tantrum somewhere else. Good grief.


2,497 posts

53 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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otolith said:
When we do the AirBnB & hire car type of foreign holiday, we eat out a lot, but even when do we cook for ourselves it's always interesting to shop locally. Not sure visiting an ASDA in a different town in the UK really cuts it on that front.
Why would you go to Asda? If you went to Devon for instance wouldn't it be better getting food from local farmshops/butchers/bakers/candlestick makers?


57,085 posts

207 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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MightyBadger said:
otolith said:
When we do the AirBnB & hire car type of foreign holiday, we eat out a lot, but even when do we cook for ourselves it's always interesting to shop locally. Not sure visiting an ASDA in a different town in the UK really cuts it on that front.
Why would you go to Asda? If you went to Devon for instance wouldn't it be better getting food from local farmshops/butchers/bakers/candlestick makers?
You could indeed, but it's still not going to be anything different to what you can get at home.


20,862 posts

275 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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otolith said:
You could indeed, but it's still not going to be anything different to what you can get at home.
Come to sunny Wales and you can get laverbread in the supermarkets. You can't get that iat home n your bloody England supermarket, see? Because no one would buy it because it's horrible. Oh, hang on ...


5,166 posts

162 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Antony Moxey said:
simons123 said:
The weather the only problem with the UK?!

How about the absolutely abysmally bad accomodation choices we have to put up with, the rip off restaurants and bars, the severe lack of parking.....the fact that the VAST MAJORITY of the UK is an absolute cesspit with the odd exception and those odd exception are way too crowded anyway....the fact that you cannot even go into the sea as not only is it freezing, it's filthy full of raw sewage.....the UK is a depressing dump.... remember being in Bosnia the year before last and thinking how much nicer it was there then it is here......

Example of the points I have made = I really like Dartmouth in Devon. Pretty stunning place...but yet the accomodation there is few and far between and the accomodation you can get is a complete rip off. It's a nightmare to park and there are hardly any restaurants despite being a popular place.
Don't be such a fking drama queen. Whether you like it or not, everything you've written is just childish hyperbole - go and have a tantrum somewhere else. Good grief.
I think drama queen is going a bit too far. I'm a great fan of the UK as a holiday destination but the posters points have some validity. And Bosnia is a bad comparison as it has a lot of nice places.

There are some awful rip off places in the UK and there's no denying that there's sewage going into the sea. You have to pick and choose where you go but all these points are true of most developed countries.


6,388 posts

135 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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I‘ve lived abroad on and off for 32 years, and full-time for the last 24.

I enjoy returning to the UK for holidays.

Having a brother with a decent-sized house by South Fistral helps!


36,763 posts

227 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Pistom said:
I think drama queen is going a bit too far. I'm a great fan of the UK as a holiday destination but the posters points have some validity. And Bosnia is a bad comparison as it has a lot of nice places.

There are some awful rip off places in the UK and there's no denying that there's sewage going into the sea. You have to pick and choose where you go but all these points are true of most developed countries.
23% of coastal settlements on the Med put untreated sewage into what is basically a big lake.

The Med is the most polluted sea in Europe.

Plenty of Richard the Thirds floating off French Atlantic beaches too.


6,427 posts

218 months

Yesterday (05:36)
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We love going to Scotland, normally go every year. This year it was just Edinburgh but thought we try Wales this year. Just ferry/flights out of the UK would have cost the same as accommodation, and this year we are trying to save some ££££.

The good thing about UK holidays is I get to take the bike on the back of the car.......the bad thing is the last time I took the bike out in Wales I developed a real life connection with the term 'S...t Showe', not only was there way to avoid this thing, the road was also 'damp' and despite the sun it was windy and cool, I'll leave the rest to your imagination smile.


6,427 posts

218 months

Yesterday (05:55)
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Last year we were at Glencoe in Easter, and it felt like summer, though personally I like watching/feeling the weather rolls in through the hills. A bit too hot/sunny for me!!

Will try and make a trip up north again later this year. Still haven't made to the Isle of Mull, that's the holiday destination.

This is the weather I personally prefer when up in Scotland.

Edited by gangzoom on Sunday 7th July 06:12


1,600 posts

150 months

Yesterday (13:21)
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gangzoom said:
Last year we were at Glencoe in Easter, and it felt like summer, though personally I like watching/feeling the weather rolls in through the hills. A bit too hot/sunny for me!!

Will try and make a trip up north again later this year. Still haven't made to the Isle of Mull, that's the holiday destination.



This is the weather I personally prefer when up in Scotland.


Edited by gangzoom on Sunday 7th July 06:12
I remember being in Glen Strathfarrar one Easter and the weather was gorgeous with lovely warm sunshine and we were down to t shirts. But these events are extremely unusual and you certainly can’t plan a holiday/break around it.

Went to a local festival yesterday - blistering sunshine for 20 minutes than an hour of heavy downpour after that. Rinse & repeat all afternoon. It was rubbish and I really felt sorry for the poor folk who had stalls trying to make a living.

I love many aspects of the UK but holidays are far more pleasurable abroad.


3,255 posts

130 months

Yesterday (13:33)
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gangzoom said:
Last year we were at Glencoe in Easter, and it felt like summer, though personally I like watching/feeling the weather rolls in through the hills. A bit too hot/sunny for me!!

Will try and make a trip up north again later this year. Still haven't made to the Isle of Mull, that's the holiday destination.



This is the weather I personally prefer when up in Scotland.


Edited by gangzoom on Sunday 7th July 06:12
Stunning scenery!!


7,194 posts

147 months

Went camping in Oxfordshire at the weekend. I left the booking to someone else, what we got was a muddy field behind a pub with little in the way of facilities. It pissed it down relentlessly and my 12yo tent sprang a few leaks on the seams, probably not the best time to be reminded that these things need re-waterproofing from time to time.

Despite all that we had a great time!

Admittedly I'd have rather been a 5 star hotel with an infinity pool, white sandy beach and crystal clear seas but this was a weekend away for a load of families from my son's primary school. We hoped for sun but got (a lot of) rain. Kids didn't give a st and just wanted to play in some mud with some manky old toy tractors!


520 posts

34 months

Currently sitting on a cruise ship moored in Civitavecchia with people bringing me any drink I like.

The package included flights to Barcelona and two nights in a lovely hotel.

For the same money we could have spent a week at Centre Parks.

We have looked at going away for a few nights in the UK, even a travel Lodge is £150 a night.

I think prices increased during Covid as people had no choice and now just look mental compared to going abroad.


7,194 posts

147 months

“Pontins in terrible holiday experience shocker”


Much as I don’t mind holidaying in the UK, Pontins, Butlins and Center Parcs are a hard no for me.


38,665 posts

201 months

They’re nothing alike. Center Parcs is (full of chavs) but worlds different to those other two. Far preferable to a cruise OR a tent IMO.


3,953 posts

85 months

Not binary. Uk and overseas are not mutually exclusive.

Centre parcs is such a sad tale. Used to be a bastion of middle classnss as a kid in the 90s. Despite being pricey in school gols now its at least 50% scum.

Just because you are scum you dont need to act it.

Still enjoy it though.


57,085 posts

207 months

gangzoom said:
We love going to Scotland, normally go every year. This year it was just Edinburgh but thought we try Wales this year. Just ferry/flights out of the UK would have cost the same as accommodation, and this year we are trying to save some ££££.

The good thing about UK holidays is I get to take the bike on the back of the car.......the bad thing is the last time I took the bike out in Wales I developed a real life connection with the term 'S...t Showe', not only was there way to avoid this thing, the road was also 'damp' and despite the sun it was windy and cool, I'll leave the rest to your imagination smile.


I hope you washed it all off before venturing into the sex pond!


7,194 posts

147 months

I've just searched the Longleat Center Parcs: four nights in August, lodge for two adults and a kid, 900 quid! yikes

Fortunately I have no desire to go there whatsoever, but that is crazy expensive.


3,645 posts

192 months

I'm going to the Dolomites shortly which should be sunny, but there's still a lot of snow and ice and rain. Next month I'm going to California and there's a really high chance of wildfires and smoke ruining views. Arguably it's less risky to go to Scotland.

The obvious point here is that success of holidays in the UK and abroad really depends on what type of holiday you're looking for and what you're doing. I'd rather be eaten alive by midges in Scotland than go on a giant cruise ship or sit on a beach for days and days in extremely hot weather. Also judging by some of the replies here I'm quite grateful I don't go on trips anywhere near some of you.

I do agree that pre-planning UK trips is extremely difficult though, but I see very similar problems for many other parts of the world for the types of trips that I do.

Edited by Matt.. on Monday 8th July 16:35