Hollywood's killer bear



Original Poster:

255 posts

183 months

Sunday 31st October 2010
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Watched this programme on Nat Geo last night. SHOCKING. I honestly dont know what to think, its a wild animal at the end of the day.



Original Poster:

255 posts

183 months

Sunday 31st October 2010
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I honestly am totally shocked by the stupidity of the "trainer". It seems like the bear was trained to wrestle etc with the trainer and no one else, but despite that he let his cousin stand next to the bear with nothing but a stick for defense if anything happened.
Just leave wild animals in the wild! After watching the doc last night, now that the bear has killed a man it has to be locked in a cage. They let it out only to be trained once again. Im sure if it happens again which it probably will the bear will be destroyed. And it really shouldnt come to that. Quite upsetting really frown