A bit random, but...



Original Poster:

17,318 posts

239 months

Thursday 28th October 2010
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Out here in Dubai, people have pretty much zero respect for other people, never mind animals. We "rescued" a little pug from a 2ft square cage at the back of a farm. No clean water, and no shade from the blistering heat. He's now doing very well and is spolit rotten.
Thing is, a girl at work, her brother has a cheetah. Another guy's mate has 2 tigers, and had white lion for a while, before the Government decided they weren't allowed.
There is a guy up the road from us who has a Giraffe in his garden.
The Mrs has seen baboon's and crocodiles in people's gardens, all kept as pets...and kept badly at best. It sickens me.

Oh, and I have a cricket stuck in my air-con unit. He goes mental only at night and the noise is driving me senile. Changing rooms doesn't help, neither do ear plugs, a broom stick or insect killer. He's won...I give in.