


Original Poster:

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250 months

Wednesday 27th October 2010
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I have a vague recollection of seeing old photos - from Kenya at the turn of the 20th century I think - showing zebras harnessed to pull a carriage and another of them jumping a fence with a rider. But I also remember reading somewhere that zebras can't be tamed or domesticated. (mind you they used to say that about African elephants and they have since been tamed).

Do you think that if you reared a zebra foal among domestic horses it would think it was a horse and would behave like one? I hope so, because I know you can buy zebras at game auctions in South Africa. And I would love to annoy some of the more stuck up horsey types that I've come across by entering one into a showjumping ring or dresasage test. Or even a polo match.

What does PH think?


Original Poster:

3,325 posts

250 months

Wednesday 27th October 2010
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TotalControl said:
zebra said:
Mrs Zebra is domesticated but I have had to accept failure in terms of taming her.
And another hehe


Original Poster:

3,325 posts

250 months

Wednesday 27th October 2010
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Found the pics I was thinking of:


Original Poster:

3,325 posts

250 months

Thursday 28th October 2010
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I've also eaten zebra, in Kenya.

According to Wikipedia, the carriage pic is real zebras. They belonged to Lord Rothschild and he used them in London in 1907.