Cats VS Dogs..........



Original Poster:

17,435 posts

202 months

Wednesday 27th October 2010
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Seemed suitable seeing as we have a new forum and everything......

Cats are cooler, they are independant, not dopey idiot creatures


Edited by Dan_1981 on Wednesday 27th October 16:33


Original Poster:

17,435 posts

202 months

Wednesday 27th October 2010
quotequote all
Gargamel said:
Just think of the the drug smugglers caught by hard working cats .... oh no wait.

Try to think of them both as Human types

Dogs are the working class, only as good as their leaders can teach them to be, but loyal to a fault, hard working and if they go wrong, well its because they don't know any better.

Cats, cats are like benefits cheats....

Or more accurately, cats are like the upper classes, expecting everything to be done for them, food to be provided on a whim, entertainment to be laid on. A nice comfy warm spot in the house. Reagrdless of who is actually sat there.

And occasionaly they'll go out hunting.