Animal cruelty - it's not all bad

Animal cruelty - it's not all bad


Stu R

Original Poster:

21,410 posts

218 months

Wednesday 26th May 2010
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After months of trying to do battle with the cat armed with a welding glove and a brush (and losing several layers of skin and the battle every time), in a desperate attempt to try and stop his fur matting, I finally conceeded and had the little git taken to the vets for a date with the shears.

Normally he looks something like this:

But, after developing (I kid ye not) almost an inch of matted fur armour plating on his hind legs I decided that regardless of what he's choosing to take on outdoors, the skin beneath it can't be taking to kindly to the armour, plus he was fast starting to look like a raggy stray mess.

What followed was a fairly textbook reinactment of Mr E's 'trip to the vets' followed by some fairly brutal shaving under sedation. He truly despises grooming, and like most moggies, would far rather continue his never-ending tyranny of evil outdoors, keeping the local bird/mouse/vole population under control with a seemingly continuous flow of fresh corpses littered across the lawn.

I think it's fair to say that little war on wildlife is on pause now, as frankly with his new found Ugg-Boot chic, even the most cat fearing animals will run away laughing at him. Yes, he looks utterly ridiculous.

Behold what I think could well be a nominee for the stupidest looking cat of 2010 awards if they existed:


Stu R

Original Poster:

21,410 posts

218 months

Thursday 27th May 2010
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Hmmm just got woken up by a cat sat 6 inches from my head staring at me. I think i'll get my will in order eek

sadly shaving him was the only option, it was getting bad enough to effect the skin underneath. I kid you not you've never seen a cat dislike a brush so much. Nothing will cam him down, and even with welding gauntlets on you fast end up looking like the victim of a nail bombing. Plus a quick run with the clippers have provided me with so much comedy biggrin

he used to be an indoor cat in dubai where his fur was ace, never a knot, tat or matt at all. He's gone damn near feral here and when he's shedding in full flow it's impossible to keep on top of. By the time you're finished taking the vegetation and bits of tree from him he's in a foul mood!

So until he's furry again, he shall be a source of amusement smile