Tropical Fish settup



Original Poster:

659 posts

198 months

Tuesday 30th June 2009
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Right then, I know there are better places on the interweb to ask this, but, I'm not a member so thought I'd give it a shot.

I'm looking to set up a small tropical fich tank, 2 foot, by 1, by 1, so nothing massive.
Can anyone recomend good places to by filters and like, recomend any makes.

What do I need, a filter (biological?), heater, gravel, plants, fish etc.




Original Poster:

659 posts

198 months

Wednesday 1st July 2009
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Thanks for the replies.

I know it's a small tank, but, that's all I can fit without getting rid of the PS3 and V+ which sn't going to happen.
Also, I can't change where I can have it as anywhere other than where I have it now will be pointless as it won't be seen or just get in the way.

As for what I want, just a small community type arrangement. I'm thinking some tetras for the there smallness and then a couple of the those siemese fighting fish, I'd guessing not to blokes as they'll just kick each other to st.

Oh, and a couple of shrimp thyp things to wander around.


Original Poster:

659 posts

198 months

Monday 6th July 2009
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Thanks for the info, just ordered everything I need, I think. So I should get it settup this weekend, possibly get some fish in by next weekend.

Hopefully won't then be watching them die on a daily basis.


Original Poster:

659 posts

198 months

Tuesday 7th July 2009
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With regard to cycling, I know this has to be done. Just printed something on it and will print the link you posted. Cheers.

I have just orderded a API test kit so have that on the way. Plan is to get some water in this weekend, need to read my info, but then I'd like to get a few fish in the weekend after. If the water is OK of course.

Thanks again.


Original Poster:

659 posts

198 months

Wednesday 8th July 2009
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Aye, I've read up a bit now, a week to cylcle the was a little ambitious.

I'm in the North East, Sunderland ish. I may see if I can get some filter stuff off my local aquarium shop, he seems quite helpful. Or, I may just do it myself, it'll help me get used to my water tests etc.

I gather I can still mess about with the tanks in this time, ie, adding plants, decorations etc?!?



Original Poster:

659 posts

198 months

Wednesday 8th July 2009
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GreenDog said:
I've just changed my filter at the weekend and am in South Shields regularly, I could have given you the old one to get your tank going if I'd known ! Ah well.
Aye, well - wasn't meant to be I guess. Thanks for the offer tho. Think I'll try the fella at Harton Aquatics, he may even sell me something. Worth a try.

Edited by cramman on Wednesday 8th July 14:22


Original Poster:

659 posts

198 months

Wednesday 8th July 2009
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I've had a look. There is someone very local on that list. Just need to join to see how active they are. I'll have a look tonight I think. Meant to be working from home right now.


is the fella, and I'm in Shields.


Original Poster:

659 posts

198 months

Thursday 9th July 2009
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Lights? What's the crack here?

What's needed, I'm not going to be going for a heavily planted aquarium, so, do you have to use the standers stip lights? Do fish need a certain type of light?

What about the LED light strips?


Original Poster:

659 posts

198 months

Thursday 9th July 2009
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Also, hoods?

Th one I have looks a bit st. If I can use underwater lights (LEDs) do I need such a big hood. Normally I guess these house lights/starters.

Any other option. I know, I need to join a fish forum!


Original Poster:

659 posts

198 months

Friday 10th July 2009
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Thanks again for the advice. I'll pop along to the local pet shop at the weekemd, he seems decent. Just I wanted to know something before I went.

I've been looking throught forum you posted the links to. Alot of info on there.