Post a pick of your Fish tank and Fish

Post a pick of your Fish tank and Fish



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221 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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basically following on from my thread earlier

im very intrested and right into fish tank setups etc, so would be great to see everyones aquarium

looking at these, thinkin they would look nice all in.

Angel fish



Dwarf Neon rainbow blue

Golden Algae eater


Motoro Sting ray


Red Platy

Siamese fighting fish

Edited by paul26982 on Friday 6th February 21:07


Original Poster:

3,850 posts

221 months

Saturday 7th February 2009
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have spoke to my cousin today he has fish etc, he reckons that marine arnt as hard to keep as they used to be. said that pets at home do the proper mix for the water etc now, just wanted to through this into the mix of the conversation


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221 months

Saturday 7th February 2009
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Soft Top said:
Very modest setup compared to some posted already but I bet we have some of the happiest goldfish around. 4 small-medium sized fish in a 90 litre tank, two stage filtration and with RO water.

OK, so it's the way it should be done, but how many goldfish are put into the kitchen sink whilst the whole tank is scubbed out with bleach once a month?

Anyway - here they are:

like the layout, plants etc.


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3,850 posts

221 months

Saturday 7th February 2009
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Jasandjules said:
paul26982 said:
have spoke to my cousin today he has fish etc, he reckons that marine arnt as hard to keep as they used to be. said that pets at home do the proper mix for the water etc now, just wanted to through this into the mix of the conversation
Ah, 600l is about 120G or so which should be fine for him then, and he'll certainly enjoy a bigger tank...... How do you rate the LEDs? Have you a PAR meter at all? IF so, have you tested the ratings at depths?

Marines - they are not as hard as some people make out, BUT they are not simple by any means. With a few months of research though, I can't see why people can't start it. I'd never kept fish before I started a marine tank, we saw a long horn cowfish and had to have one (Do a google image search, they are funny as hell)...

RO water is needed as noted above. The salt is then mixed in (which is say £55 per 20kg bucket). Weekly/bi-weekly water changes, test the water regularly (Ammonia, Nitrate and Nitrate, and PH, and Specific Gravity), then if you have corals, you'll need to test the DKH (hardness), Calcium and Magnesium too. Oh, and of course Phosphate..... For each coral/fish you need to know you can accomodate it's needs (flow, light, heat, any predators, any fish they won't get along with). Ideally you want to run an auto top-up unit too to keep up with evaporation. It takes a fair bit of research, but it can be worth it......
wink look very intresting


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3,850 posts

221 months

Saturday 7th February 2009
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Guffy said:
I found this when i was researching marine aquariums last year, it's the equivalent of my Aston DB9 dream cloud9

I think if i had the space for this, i could maybe get over my trepidation about keeping marine's.

Anyway, great story on the construction and cost, something like £8k i seem to remember!
stunning, not being funny but would have expaected that in a much better house, beautifull though, ideal set up, apart from the wood frame


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3,850 posts

221 months

Sunday 8th February 2009
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might go and ask a few questions tomorow, just to see what thwy have to say, also anyone with any links to sites for a tank and running gear, cheapest possibly, for a 4ft tank think pes at home was wanting £40 and another £45 for the hood


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221 months

Sunday 8th February 2009
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hmmm page not found, going for the tropical set up!


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221 months

Monday 9th February 2009
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221 months

Monday 9th February 2009
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thats nice


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221 months

Monday 9th February 2009
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eek looks like a real sea-bed


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221 months

Monday 9th February 2009
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a mermaid would look fantastic in that thing, just out of intrest what did you do with it' sell it on etc. How much did it stand you and how much did you sell it on for!


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221 months

Monday 9th February 2009
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sad story mate,


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221 months

Monday 9th February 2009
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looks like an amazing painting, doesnt look real if you know what i mean


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221 months

Tuesday 10th February 2009
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another amazing shot, is the pic like that because of the style of the photo from the camerea, or does it look like that in the flesh


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221 months

Tuesday 10th February 2009
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went to look at some tanks today, looking at a 4 foot. make duel, nicely finished off with flush hood and all the equiptment, £230 which i thought wasnt bad.


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221 months

Tuesday 10th February 2009
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otolith said:
You mean Juwel? Good quality tanks and cabinets, well made. We've got two of them.
boxedin correct


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221 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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L4MBOLUV3R said:
paul26982 said:
another amazing shot, is the pic like that because of the style of the photo from the camera, or does it look like that in the flesh
id imagine they would look just as good. here's a non-studio photo. looks just as stunning to me.

i absoloutly love that cool


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221 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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racingsnake said:
35 litre Biotube.
Now has many more fish, angels, female fighter, ruddy nosed tetra etc...
do they not get dizzy wobble


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3,850 posts

221 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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im going for slate and sand, the last pic.... now that would be imense


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221 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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Ron Burgundy said: