Missing cats



Original Poster:

6,652 posts

221 months

Monday 24th June
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Two of our cats are missing. The ginger tom occasionally wanders for a day or two. The calico cat has had the odd night away, but rarely. Neither have been seen for over a week now. One going missing could have been trapped or killed on the road, but two disappearing on the same night seems very unusual. We have recently taken on three other older kittens, which the bigger cats aren't too fond of, so we think that may be why they aren't returning in the morning, but again, unless they have discussed their plans(!) I can't see how they could both stray at the same time. We've checked all our outbuildings and their usual hiding spots but no luck. There are limited roads around here as we are quite remote, and no sign of them being hit, but again, both in one night seems odd. The only other idea I have is that one of our fields is being left for late cutting, so the grass is about two feet tall, so they are maybe just hiding in there, eating mice, shrews and rabbits, living their best lives and don't want to come home. We've explained to the children that cats sometimes wander for a while, but as time ticks on we are becoming more concerned that they are gone for good.


Original Poster:

6,652 posts

221 months

Monday 24th June
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Simpo Two said:
Perhaps the incumbents have found a house without other animals? I would ask the nearby properties.
We've put a post on the village FB group, but not much luck. There are only two houses nearby so not difficult to check.


Original Poster:

6,652 posts

221 months

Monday 24th June
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Original Poster:

6,652 posts

221 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Simpo Two said:
LimaDelta said:
We've put a post on the village FB group, but not much luck. There are only two houses nearby so not difficult to check.
Many villagers will not use FB, and if they do, not be in the village group. I would use something that everyone can see - are there shops?. Maybe get their photos in the village magazine, if there is one.
There is only a post office, and they know. FB or not word gets around quickly here.


Original Poster:

6,652 posts

221 months

Yesterday (08:15)
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The ginger tom returned this morning, so much happier children. He seems well fed and clean, no fleas or ticks, so I think he's been taken in by someone in a neighbouring village. Maybe the other one is still there.


Original Poster:

6,652 posts

221 months

Yesterday (09:03)
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dave123456 said:
Worth investing in a tracker?
I have considered this, however we have no mobile signal here, and none of our cats have ever worn collars so there might be some 'resistance' to fitting one now!