Putting my cat down...



Original Poster:

2,045 posts

200 months

Tuesday 29th August 2023
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Well this is st!!!

15years old, he is stting everywhere and lost weight over the last 3 months. Had bloods and stools which indicate nothing.

Everything is a litter tray. And hes lost the plot...do I just book him in? Poor fella stinks and is looking rough...

Guess we all suck it up at this stage? I've just not done it before..


Original Poster:

2,045 posts

200 months

Tuesday 29th August 2023
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Vet says one thing but he is screaming in agony, no clue where he is and stting everywhere, we've done probiotics and dry food but I've had enough...just feel a right £un% if I do this....


Original Poster:

2,045 posts

200 months

Wednesday 30th August 2023
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Cheers guys,

Was " lucky" with his brother a few years back, quick decline and we found him dead in his bed.

Been finding him in very strange places hiding around the house in the last 48hr and read that they take themselves off to die in private.

I'd honestly prefer to do a quick 12 bore while he's snoring than the cat box/ howling trip to the vet...

1st world problems hey!


Original Poster:

2,045 posts

200 months

Friday 8th September 2023
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Simpo Two said:
I'm trying to unravel this. So you took him to the vet - what did the vet recommend? What is the current state of play?
Other half has just been back this morning as its got worse, vet fears the worst, tumour up his bum...
She couldn't give the nod to the vet so I've just told my 9yr old little that the cats due any day now and is very sick..lots of tears
Wish we'd have got an injection and pretended the cat had fallen asleep when he came home from school today but we have a 24hr stay of....

Edited by rallye101 on Saturday 9th September 08:07


Original Poster:

2,045 posts

200 months

Saturday 9th September 2023
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Vets said he's uncomfortable but not in pain, will pop over midday Monday,my son will find him snuggled up " asleep" when he gets back from school....will go from there...frown