For cat lovers...



Original Poster:

11,974 posts

221 months

Saturday 30th October 2010
quotequote all
Found this on the Internet.

That is all.


3,995 posts

225 months

Saturday 30th October 2010
quotequote all
1) There's for a forum for that now

2) It's a repost anyway

Sorry about that.


22,907 posts

244 months

Saturday 30th October 2010
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S'wonderful that there t'internet.


4,423 posts

198 months

Saturday 30th October 2010
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What the bloody hell is that all about?

SXi Lad

2,964 posts

192 months


56,198 posts

218 months

Saturday 30th October 2010
quotequote all
welcome to the internet


22,907 posts

244 months

Saturday 30th October 2010
quotequote all
SXi Lad said:

SXi Lad

2,964 posts

192 months

Saturday 30th October 2010
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Marf said:
SXi Lad said:
Quite a sad story..shame.


33,038 posts

179 months

Saturday 30th October 2010
quotequote all
tribbles said:
There's for a forum for that now
I didn't know that, damn.

Laurel Green

30,808 posts

235 months

Saturday 30th October 2010
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Would that be Prescott's cat perchance?


1,417 posts

210 months

Saturday 30th October 2010
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OP, you didn't happen to Google shaven ginger pu55y by any chance did you?


Original Poster:

11,974 posts

221 months

Saturday 30th October 2010
quotequote all
CobolMan said:
OP, you didn't happen to Google shaven ginger pu55y by any chance did you?
Brazillian wax actually. I don;t go for rusty roofs.


14,682 posts

214 months

Saturday 30th October 2010
quotequote all
SXi Lad said:
Marf said:
SXi Lad said:
Quite a sad story..shame.
Aww, that is sad frown

Re: the OP picture, don't get why the cat is shaved like that, it's not a long haired cat, short haired do get matted but don't normally need that aggressive a shave!