XL Bully



Original Poster:

155 posts

125 months

Monday 11th September 2023
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Following the recent incident involving an attack by an XL Bully, this topic has once again gained significant attention in the media.

As someone who deeply appreciates dogs, having grown up with a family pet and now owner of two dachshund puppies, I find it difficult to comprehend why individuals would want one, especially around children and then allow their XL Bully to roam freely in public spaces without any control over them.

Just last weekend, while at Liverpool One car park, two "young men" walking through with their two XL bully’s without leads or collars. I’m normally chilled around dogs, but these genuinely give me a scare.

I’m interested in hearing other people's perspectives and experiences - both positive and negative - when it comes to XL bully.

Edited by BMRed on Monday 11th September 18:59


5,609 posts

26 months

Monday 11th September 2023
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I can't understand why any normal person would actually want one. I can't believe anyone goes through all the different dog breeds and crosses and thinks that it's the right choice.


4,593 posts

68 months

Monday 11th September 2023
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Bought by many as a status symbol without any real knowledge of the breed, or even dogs in general, for many of the people that own them the effect of walking around with some kind of terrier (other small breeds are available) would not have the same effect.


38,665 posts

201 months

Monday 11th September 2023
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Most dangerous dogs with the worst of society. What a combo.


184 posts

43 months

Monday 11th September 2023
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I volunteer with a bulldog rescue charity. We are asked daily, many times over, to take xl bully’s. We absolutely refuse. Nearly all of them have bite history or the owners say they’re having a baby and dog can’t be trusted etc. Having looked into the breeding lines and how they are being ear cropped and the calibre of people buying them….never, ever will we take them. They’re giving bull breeds a very bad name. The actual bulldog, frenchie, mastiff etc are just idiotic and goofballs. This xl bully is nothing like that. They can be trained but at some point the instinct is too strong for them and they will snap, there’s too much history in their dna to trust them.


33,038 posts

179 months

Monday 11th September 2023
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Our little (big) man got badly attacked last year by one. Police proved to be beyond useless, complete waste of time. Owner was even worse, pure scum.


4,588 posts

147 months

Monday 11th September 2023
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I saw someone walking with one on Saturday, they look like a mutant dog, I was more annoyed the mutant owner was walking him in 30 degree heat at 12pm.

Simpo Two

86,020 posts

268 months

Monday 11th September 2023
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In the attack in the petrol station they said the owner just stood there and did nothing.

Yes, status symbols for chavs and thugs, and protection for their drug dealing and to defeat police dogs. If I wanted to do all that I'd get one.


5,172 posts

231 months

Monday 11th September 2023
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Stereotype s behaving inappropriately, who'd have guessed.

They'll move onto something else next; crocodiles perhaps?


6,048 posts

96 months

Monday 11th September 2023
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Really don’t see the appeal, and whilst I am not against a ban, it will only move the problem on to another “tough image” breed. If you want to find a solution to dangerous dogs then you need to start with the owners. Tougher penalties for dogs which are out of control. Treat dog on dog attacks more seriously. And stop tolerating the dregs of society.

Rich Boy Spanner

1,398 posts

133 months

Monday 11th September 2023
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Ugly violent dogs for ugly violent people. See them around Salford, with the usual rat owners in their Sports Direct finery.


184 posts

43 months

Monday 11th September 2023
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It will just move to back yard breeders with even worse genetics.


769 posts

80 months

Monday 11th September 2023
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Dogs have been part of my life for 30 years but I can't see any reason anyone should have a bully xl


672 posts

34 months

Monday 11th September 2023
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I would say most people have untrained dogs that are pulling their owners when on lead. I always feel a little unsetlled when I see an Bully owner on the street. Why? Because they look like they aren't able to handle the dog. It's mostly women or guys that are somewhat womanly in stature that own these dogs. They need to be banned as the dogs are stupid and it would actually lower the number of dogs out there that slobber over my trousers... "oh, don't mind him, he's a sweet little boy"... said every owner after.

Han Solo

201 posts

28 months

Monday 11th September 2023
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okgo said:
Most dangerous dogs with the worst of society. What a combo.
Based on?

Most dangerous dogs in the UK, the world?

Who / What are the worst of society?

Or do you just try and feel good about deriding others?

I know a number of people with a ‘mini’ Bully and they are lovely things, have seen a number of XL Bully’s in the woodland by our house, owned by someone from the Wirral / L’pool based on their accent and tbh have stopped taking our French Bulldogs there, (not because of XL Bullys but general lack of any control over their dogs).

Unfortunately like staffies ‘were’ these are status symbols, if they are banned, etc, they will just move on to another similar breed.

Stick Legs

5,267 posts

168 months

Monday 11th September 2023
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I love dogs, have a Labrador.

A friend of mine had a customer who breeds these.

I was there one day when said Gentleman arrived woth his XL Bullies.

On a lead, with him standing on gravel it was all he cpuld do to hold the dog back, his feet skidding on gravel.

Incredibly strong, very intimidating.

The concept of one attacking a person is horrible.

My Labrador could turn funny & lash out & bite, but the overall strength of the dog will limit damage & be able to restrain or overcome the dog. No chance with one of these.


184 posts

43 months

Tuesday 12th September 2023
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Mini bullys don't have the same attitude and genetics and are softies. But the skeletal problems and general health of them are appalling. Big, heavy skeleton on snub legs leads to dodgy hips, luxating patellas, plus the usual skin and allergy problems. Don't mess with original breeds...


1,374 posts

53 months

Tuesday 12th September 2023
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People who can’t control their dogs of whatever breed, need to be dealt with through the courts as if they’d attacked the victim themselves.


4,588 posts

147 months

Tuesday 12th September 2023
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How much are these dogs? It used to be the case the feral scum owning such dogs would get a Heinz variety.

I think this is yet another case of media outlets and social media making these dogs more obvious to be the in thing and bringing more terror to the streets.

What is your existing controless police force going to do Ms Braverman when you've got to now deal with the dogs when they get banned?

Vsix and Vtec

717 posts

21 months

Tuesday 12th September 2023
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They seem to have been bred with the explicit understanding people will buy one to intimidate and dominate. The almost cartoonesque physique of bulging muscles and size are all very impressive when the dog is young, but a neighbour is finding out, the older dog finds its physique works against it and consequently the joint pain and the weight gain reduce the mobility to a pitiful level.

When I asked him a few years back why he got them, his answer was "for protection, innit", to which all I could muster was "from what??". We live in a quiet area, with only the seasonal noises of fireworks in autumn and a handful of kids on the park in the summer. There's no gang or robbery trouble, not even cars being vandalised or broken into. It all came down to wanting to look "hard". Man's a taxi driver, but his profession is where the "are you looking at me" starts and ends. Some just arent comfortable enough to be themselves and need to fake something else I guess.