Post a pick of your Fish tank and Fish

Post a pick of your Fish tank and Fish



Original Poster:

3,850 posts

221 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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basically following on from my thread earlier

im very intrested and right into fish tank setups etc, so would be great to see everyones aquarium

looking at these, thinkin they would look nice all in.

Angel fish



Dwarf Neon rainbow blue

Golden Algae eater


Motoro Sting ray


Red Platy

Siamese fighting fish

Edited by paul26982 on Friday 6th February 21:07


90,809 posts

258 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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If Fish Tank is rhyming slang, you're on tricky ground, my lad....


22,687 posts

218 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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Where? Favourite fish's what?

Shaw Tarse

31,548 posts

206 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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paul26982 said:
Basicly folowing on from my thread earlier

im very intrested and right into fish tank setups etc, so would be great to see everyones setup and there favourite fish's.
Pedant getmecoat


22,687 posts

218 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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Shaw Tarse said:
paul26982 said:
Basicly folowing on from my thread earlier

im very intrested and right into fish tank setups etc, so would be great to see everyones setup and there favourite fish's.
Pedant getmecoat
You forgetted basicly and intrested.


2,138 posts

238 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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I will have to try and get some pic's up later ( on iPod now ) I have been keeping marines for about 5 years, bloody good hobby although you need to be able to affford to burn money to do it properly! I have only got a nano running (although mostly sps)now due to house moves but that still works out a lot of money each month. I look forward to seeing a few other peeps tanks.



39,788 posts

287 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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I had a very modest set up for a while.

It was only a small tank so liked lots of small fish.


57,064 posts

207 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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This was the cichlid tank before we put the cichlids in it:

With some fish in it

We've also got this Amazonian setup, which I'll be stripping and restarting sometime soon (planning to add CO2, change the substrate, upgrade the lighting and plant heavily)


22,687 posts

218 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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Siamese Fighting Fish is pretty much a lone ranger; definitely won't make friends with Angel and Cichlid.

Personally, Clown Loach were my favourite.


70,095 posts

232 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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The tanks are, uh, too large to fit in a photo without being too far away.......


57,064 posts

207 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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By the way, Paul, those fish you've listed aren't all compatible with each other - some have radically different water chemistry requirements, others will beat the crap out of the rest.

Russell B

846 posts

228 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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My Blue throat trigger

large mushroom coral

Various corals

Purple tang

Edited by Russell B on Friday 6th February 21:45


10,954 posts

229 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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shout parakitaMol. Your thread is here!!

I'll post mine once the fish have moved in, it's still being cycled at the moment


1,302 posts

186 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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Taken about 6 months ago on my iPhone so the quality is naff, have around double the amount of coral in it and the goldrim tang has moved onto a mates tank. Under the "arch" on the second picture you might just be able to make out my african ghost eel.

Here's the Nano i keep in my office, 90litres i think.

Real men keep big snakes though, this is Cuddles one of my burms.

And killer one of my reticulated pythons.


656 posts

242 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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Marine Tropical tank 5 weeks in so cycling process still going.

Introduced this week 1 x Featherduster, 2 x Turbo snails (one is a bloody monster), 2 x Red Legged Hermit Crabs, Colony of Yellow Polyp.

Seemed to have aquired a different breed of snail from live rock from week 2 but it is very happy.

All figures working out, fingers crossed.

Introduced 2 small clowns today to get things going and test system.

Pics off of phone so not great quality.






Will let this stabilize for another month before adding ONE fish.


1,935 posts

198 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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i miss my fish tank. so peaceful watching the fish and maintaining it.

my favourite fish has always been plecco's dont know why. always found them intresting.

if i was to get another tank i would like todo this with it.


1,302 posts

186 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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GSW500 are those the tmc led's? they are cool, i have a blue one for night time viewing. My hallide has actinics for blues in the day so its not needed in the day but well worth the money and just as good as a hallide imo.


44,574 posts

200 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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L4MBOLUV3R said:
i miss my fish tank. so peaceful watching the fish and maintaining it.

my favourite fish has always been plecco's dont know why. always found them intresting.

if i was to get another tank i would like todo this with it.
That is beautiful, as are the others in the link. Thanks.

I have various tanks of tropical fish on and off for nigh on 25 years. I stopped about three years ago. However, seeing the setups in the link has rekindled my interest. Some of them are truly stunning.


656 posts

242 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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I got a double set off of fleabay, fixed to canopy via cable tie sticky mounts and on timer.
Transformer has variable voltage so they can be dimmed too, only 15 quid.

I also got a single set from Hong Kong as a backup, fixed and ready to plug into timer if others fail.

Think single set was about 6 quid.

Have fluorescent T5 marine tubes in canopy at present but these may be replaced with Halide lamps.

I've doubled up on everything to err on the side of caution, don't want to lose any livestock for the sake of 10/20 quid.

I could find details if required for led's.


Russell B

846 posts

228 months

Saturday 7th February 2009
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LeeThePeople said:
GSW500 are those the tmc led's? they are cool, i have a blue one for night time viewing. My hallide has actinics for blues in the day so its not needed in the day but well worth the money and just as good as a hallide imo.
Hi, Im running 2 Marine blues, 2 reef whites and a blue. My corals grow well.