Well, that was emotional !



Original Poster:

42,440 posts

206 months

Wednesday 26th July 2023
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Our old dog, Rambo, a small poodle based terrier type thing is 14 and a half, and has a heart complaint which is managed with something called Vetmedin.

Heart failure in dogs is often accompanied by coughing and yacking due to fluid build up etc, and he had been doing more of that last week. Dogs do that anyway when they managed to drag on their leads or hoover up water from their bowl into their lungs being greedy, but more often than that and for no other reason.

Saturday morning at 3.30 AM, I hear barking, he has started doing this as he has got older, probably as he sleeps a lot, he fancies going out for a pee, sniff and bark at next doors Labradors, but usually 6am onwards as its light, went down bleary eyed and let him out, noticed him yacking quite badly in the garden and he came in breathing very heavily. I noticed we had forgotten to give him the second half of his tablet, gave it him as thought may as well.

I watch him for a bit and its clear he is in some distress, tail between legs, panting heavily, couldn't settle. We let him in our bedroom, which my wife usually doesnt allow but we had both sort of come to the conclusion he was dying, his heart had finally failed and he was struggling to stay alive, he just lay there panting and we were going to ring the emergency vet but having been through this and as he seemed to have lay down we elected to let nature take its course. I was in bits, I am very attached to the manky old fleabag. Felt bad as hadnt let him sniff on his walk as it was pissing down so just pulled him away and made him walk back with me, didnt think it would be the last walk we had, done it every evening for 14.5 years or more.

Anyway, we lay there occasionally checking to see if he had gone, but he was just there heavy breathing, didnt go back to sleep, didnt want to get up and disturb, him as he would try to follow, which he did when I went for a pee but was obviously struggling very badly.

Went downstairs about seven to get a brew and try and distract myself, he wanders in and plonks himself on a beanbag, breathing still labored, still yacking.

Went in the kitchen and he follows me, give him a treat from the cupboard and expected him to ignore it, but he wolfs it, and then looks up, expecting another.

Open the door and see if he wants to go for a pee, out he trots, somewhat subdued but better than I expected, then ambles over to bark at the fence where the two labradors appear to have a bark off usually, does a couple of pathetic barks and comes in, plonks down, was kind of upsetting as he was trying to carry on as normal but obviously didnt have it in him.

Then over the course of the morning, he sort of rallies, I know people and animals can do this right before they drop dead, so didnt get too hopeful, but the improvements kept coming and by evening he was back to his normal self more or less, cam over at 9.30 PM and jumped on my lap, breathed his foul breath in my face, a subtle hint that its walk time but I elected to forgo a walk seeing as he was at deaths door earlier.

Went down Sunday morning half expecting a basket full of dead dog, and for a minute, nothing but as he has got a bit deaf recently, he doesn't hear you come in, but up the had pops and he gets up,has a stretch and starts mithering for food.

Was off Monday, booked a vets appt for the evening, we went out for a few hours, again anticipating he may have popped off, but was fine on our return.

Took him to the vet, explained it all and the vet was at a loss, but checked him over and said he is actually in slightly better shape than his last checkup, his pulse was quite a lot lower, he was marginally lighter and considering his age and heart condition, was in fine fettle. He waked the mile to the vets and mile back without batting an eyelid. Vet said missing a dose of the medication wouldn't cause this, and we had missed one before on occasion with no ill effects.

He hasnt been dong the yacking, aside from when pulling on his lead, which he does for the first 100 metres or so, not heard him doing it around the house like he had been doing, it goes right through me, not the noise but the reminder that he is getting old and isnt well, but just not heard it the last few days.

Anyway, am "yacking" on myself, but anyone got any suggestions as to what happened ? I am at a loss, so was the vet, thought he was a goner for sure and am so grateful for a bit of extra time with him, never know with any dog, especially an old fella like him but the fact he has survived, is ok, not diminished and if anything better than he was is fantastic.

Cant believe it, we were deciding on where to bury him. Its weird, my gran died a couple of years back and I wasn't really all that upset, bit sad but the dog, was inconsolable and still welling up thinking about it. I know I will have to do it and it will be for real, but ts almost like he is doing an encore and is preparing me. Wife was even convinced though she now says it was all an act and he is going to be nominated for the Canine Oscars for that performance.

Add the wife let slip, despite having been adamant that we wouldn't be getting another dog, that she knows how much it means to me and isnt completely averse. Though I worry that if I get another one, they might not match up to this hairy little barky dickbag.

Anyway, happy ending for now, hopefully not bored you to tears !


2,232 posts

94 months

Wednesday 26th July 2023
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Well Jacko that was a tough read, but fortunately a good ending.

I hope yours lasts a while longer yet.

Years ago we had a retriever with cancer so knew we were on borrowed time.

One Saturday we thought it was curtains and rushed him to the vets. Halfway there he rallied round and was singing from the back of the car. He lasted a few months after that, but it is horrible watching your best mate goung downhill.

We have had to put down seven dogs so far. The replacements have all had their own personalities and are not compared to those who have gone before. Apart from their abilities to deliver the smelliest farts.

Good luck