Your pets weird habits........



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10,345 posts

249 months

Friday 19th February 2021
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And why you think they do them.

Our cat has an odd thing whereby she hangs around clearly wanting something from you. If you entertain her she'll head for her food, turning all the time to check you're accompanying her. When we get there I go to the bowl and stand there, sometimes pointing while she tucks in. I'm wondering if she got punted out when feeding as a kitten and needed escorting perhaps? When we got her the woman said she was weened and 6 weeks old, the vet said she was much younger than that, but the weird thing is she's only started doing it in later life, so maybe not?

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8,815 posts

182 months

Friday 19th February 2021
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Bull terriers can be total attention wes, one of my mums bullies didn't like my mum hoovering the stairs carpet as it meant the dog was missing out on attention.

Every time my mum started hoovering at the bottom the dog would find one of its toys, barge past to get to the top of the stairs and throw the toy down to my mum. If my mum didn't throw the toy back up the dog would run back down to grab the toy and repeat the process.

The really funny bit was the dog watching her toy as it bounced down the stairs, instead of moving her eyes to track its progress she moved her entire head so she would be at the top of the stairs nodding her head in approval of the gravitational effects on her selected toy rofl


2,471 posts

87 months

Friday 19th February 2021
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Our Staffie likes nothing more than pushing a stone around with his nose, whilst barking at it.


Original Poster:

10,345 posts

249 months

Saturday 20th February 2021
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The other weird cat one is she will absolutely not get on my OHs lap despite her bringing her up (before she met me). She feeds her, looks after her, everything.
Yet when I come home from work she paces around eyeing me up until I sit down in my chair and get my feet up. She then jumps on and lies out on my lap and watches TV. That's another thing she's learned to love as she's got older - the TV, especially nature programs. Gardeners World, Winter watch, farming programs etc. I've never known an animal patiently watch something on telly for as long as she does, she genuinely enjoys watching it.


1,621 posts

254 months

Saturday 20th February 2021
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Cat 1, Bailey, rag doll: grinds his teeth when hungry, will kick his front feet with his back ones when he’s ‘having a moment’, full on headbutts you for attention, shouts at you through the window for having the temerity to go outside (indoor cats), does a front leg paddling thing on the ground before drinking from the water bowl (no matter what the age of the water). If you walk into a room, Bailey will stop walking and literally freeze, staring at you. This is then a staring match until someone breaks contact.

Cat 2, Mocha, his sister: literally shouts at you at any given opportunity, will try to sit in the fridge / freezer if the doors open, plays fetch, will force you to make a circle of your arms on the table and then sit in it

Both get hangry. Both insist on sitting on the top of chair backs.


1,162 posts

163 months

Saturday 20th February 2021
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I have to hold Chester (fat Basset)s paw until he goes to sleep! He lays on the floor by my side, with his bed made of pillows and cushions his head raised as it should be and his duvet pulled up to his neck and there he stays 'mooing' at me until I hold his paw when he will start snoring within seconds.


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10,345 posts

249 months

Saturday 20th February 2021
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We had a family dog who was scared of water. Not only streams and ponds, but she would skirt around puddles on the path which is quite understandable I suppose.
The problem was she didn't like drinking it either, even when she was really thirsty after a walk on a hot day. She would pant away so you'd give her a bowl of water, she'd close her mouth and walk off.
Sadly and unsurprisingly died from (IIRC) kidney failure, but not at a bad age.


23,877 posts

276 months

Saturday 20th February 2021
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Evoluzione said:
And why you think they do them.

Our cat has an odd thing whereby she hangs around clearly wanting something from you. If you entertain her she'll head for her food, turning all the time to check you're accompanying her. When we get there I go to the bowl and stand there, sometimes pointing while she tucks in.
Katboy does the same thing, sometimes you have to do it three or four times with him until he gets bored of it. hehe


4,568 posts

132 months

Saturday 20th February 2021
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My dads dog refuses every toy in existence except his original first toy he got as a pup. Iv never seen a dog like something so much.


4,612 posts

135 months

Saturday 20th February 2021
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Jenson, our big white tom, loves (and I mean LOVES) bread of all descriptions.

He recognises the sound of my Dualit toaster and will come charging into the kitchen if he hears it going.

He's stolen (and ripped open) bags of pitta breads and bagels when I didn't realise the full extent of his addiction. He's also bought food into the garden (like when a cat catches something). Haul so far includes several slices of white crusty, a piece of sponge cake (eaten in the garden before we had a chance to get it off him) and a sodden bourbon biscuit which he proudly dropped onto the kitchen floor.

However, he is 'normal' in that he's also caught and killed a lot of vermin (he is a big bugger).


1,893 posts

141 months

Saturday 20th February 2021
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Amber likes to "Superman" down the stairs. That is from the top of the stairs she will start to walk down then splay her back legs out behind her and sort of semi slide all the way down.


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10,345 posts

249 months

Saturday 20th February 2021
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tedmus said:
Amber likes to "Superman" down the stairs. That is from the top of the stairs she will start to walk down then splay her back legs out behind her and sort of semi slide all the way down.
Is amber a goat or something?


1,893 posts

141 months

Saturday 20th February 2021
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Evoluzione said:
tedmus said:
Amber likes to "Superman" down the stairs. That is from the top of the stairs she will start to walk down then splay her back legs out behind her and sort of semi slide all the way down.
Is amber a goat or something?
She's 100% knobhead. (Boxer cross)


Original Poster:

10,345 posts

249 months

Saturday 20th February 2021
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We had another family dog - a Collie who did some odd things. She had this 'thing' whereby she had to be wherever you were going before you! She would never ever be behind.
You would go out onto the pavement and head South, she would rocket off down the road South until she could go no more and wait. So you'd turn round and head North, she'd come flying past like a freight train heading North and do the same!

She also saw cars as sheep (I think). If one came past she'd get down on her belly and watch it go by as if she was ready to herd it. She was very clever and quick as Collies are and knew not to go on roads. I remember she ran across some grass at full speed towards a road once, when she came to the edge she went from 30 - 0 in .1 second and went straight down on her belly to lie in wait and watch the passing car. The driver was fully expecting her to dash across in front so stood on the anchors and pulled up with tyres screeching. Lots of swear words came from the lowered window about 'that ******* dog!'


4,812 posts

217 months

Saturday 20th February 2021
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Our last dog, Sula, never responded to the word “walk” but if you mentioned the word “car” she’d go loopy with excitement. A true petrolhead! cloud9.

Our current dog, Ember, hates the car with a passion. She makes up for it by being super affectionate and having an interesting range of vocal sounds she makes depending on the situation. Never known a dog with such a range. She’ll be talking next! laugh


13,924 posts

244 months

Saturday 20th February 2021
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If I sneeze, Derek miaows ‘bless you’. Or it could be ‘noisy tosser’, it’s hard to tell to be fair. But I prefer to anthropomorphise positively.


207 posts

143 months

Saturday 20th February 2021
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My cat will stand up on her hind legs to head nudge a proffered hand. Every cat I meet I try the same as I'm sure it can't be that unusual, but nothing yet! (not that I meet a lot of cats, but squirrels don't even try either tongue out)


45,202 posts

257 months

Saturday 20th February 2021
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On walks with our Golden Retriever we occasionally encounter a spot where the local constabulary from time to time setup to do speed and vehicle checks. Someone sits up the road with laser gun and anpr, they signal to two motorbike coppers sitting in a field entrance which vehicles to pull in at a car park space further along. When they're in action, dog deviates from normal route, drags me up to the field gate, and then stands there fascinated just being a nosey git. Every time one of the bikes pulls out to stop somebody, which happens a lot, he gets really excited, bounces around and wags his tail furiously, then calms down and waits for the next victim.

Not particularly a weird habit as retriever gannet genes are always set on full warp, but the idiot with hollow legs is always on the lookout for discarded takeaways and snacks. He seems to have a very sophisticated doggy equivalent of previous satnav addresses, GPS in this case standing for Global Provisioning System. Thus on walks we tend to have repeat inspections of places where bounty has been found earlier, thus we have the magical battered sausage and chips hedge, the Greggs giant sausage roll bush, the pie and sloppy peas grass verge, and numerous offerings from MaccyD's, melted McFlurry's being a particular favourite. Many more locations stored in the memory.


10,636 posts

228 months

Saturday 20th February 2021
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Our Staffy has always done this odd thing where she stands with her bed in front of her then pulls it backwards, jumps backwards and repeats. It's not like she's just trying to move it somewhere because she often just walks it up and down the living room while we're sitting there watching telly.

She does the same thing with tennis balls on the beach. The ball will be in front of her then she pulls it underneath her, hops back and does it again, and gradually moves the ball backwards leaving a channel in the sand.

No idea what the reason is but she seems to enjoy herself.


576 posts

174 months

Saturday 20th February 2021
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Some funny old pets about!
This is Harry he likes to clean up the hay he drags out of his house