Animal behaviourist help....



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163 months

Monday 17th July 2017
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Not a problem, just wondering why sort of question. Chester, my fat, stupid Basset (ish) is really odd, even by dogs in my families standards, When I first got him back from my wife (3.5 years ago now) he was very badly behaved and a real problem dog. With advice from Bex and perseverance I quickly got him back to a pretty good mutt though he still throws up the occasional curve ball! He hates other dogs when he's on his lead and is not terribly fond of them (sometimes, rarely these days it must be said) if he is free and they are on their lead. No matter what I do I cannot cure him of this behaviour and it does annoy me but I'm aware so usually manage to keep him under control...

But, he seems to be really, REALLY needy. Yet he's also the most confident, happy go lucky, laid back sort of mutt you could ever meet! I have to hold his paw at night until he goes to sleep. Yes, honestly, front left paw is placed firmly in my hand (he sleeps in his bed of pillows and cushions by my side with a quilt over him) and only once he's snoring can his paw be released.


Also, his favourite hobby is coming and pressing his head into my face/shoulder/chest and then staying there! I am a cripple so spend a lot of time laying on the floor so I am right at his height and he takes huge delight in the above behaviour. He will not bugger off no matter how nicely/firmly I request him to go forth and multiply. Also, now it's summer (have you noticed?) the front door is open and he loves sitting at the gate watching the world go by/scanning the horizon for other dogs he can bark at, and when he does (bark at another dog) he runs in and does the head pressing lark! I'm not sure if he's telling me what a clever chap he is or if he's asking if it's okay?


I'm beginning to think he's just contrary as he loves going in the car and enjoys immensely every journey but he will not get in the car without all sorts of shenanigans! I have to put him on his lead to get him the 5 feet from gate to car door or he scarpers! Same with coming home, lead has to go on or he'll never come back to the car.


Phoebe (black lab) on the other hand continues to be an utter delight (though her poor back legs are getting worse frown ) and she is utterly bemused by Chester and his odd ways and she is often taken by surprise when Chester starts barking at some innocent dog (both on leads) and has no idea what the problem is and looks around for the source of concern!

I love them both dearly and I'm not really worried by Chester's foible, but just wonder if there is something I am missing.