Post photos of your dogs (Vol 5)

Post photos of your dogs (Vol 5)



3,597 posts

117 months

SistersofPercy said:
Worn him out. Neville rather loved the beach, wouldn’t dip a paw in the sea but maybe on a warmer day could be persuaded. He shared my chips on the promenade and was snoring before we started the engine when he got back to the car.

That is a really lovely photo


4,298 posts

227 months

1st anniversary of Yogi's "Gotcha" day.

First introduction to Jasper the Superstar 12 months ago

And then one today....

Two very good natured and gentle hairy bears.

Antony Moxey

8,260 posts

222 months

I know we shouldn't have our favourites but I really can't can't get enough of seeing pics of these two.


21,147 posts

147 months

He has some rather tasty cars too. whistle


13,413 posts

180 months

kevbernard said:
She's just turned 4, so been fairly calm for a couple of years now.
Prior to that - utter mayem! hehe
We’ve got a while to go then! laugh

She’s very sweet and loving, but she’s a little whirlwind when she gets going.


22,778 posts

143 months

Barry and Daphne yesterday, Barry starting to show he's getting older with his grey bits:


13,413 posts

180 months

QBee said:
Our two are the other way round in this respect.

Sky the spaniel is now 16 years old and is a bit wobbly on her feet on occasion, is nearly deaf, has to be lifted in and out of the car, and can tend to wander off and then forget where I am, or just stand staring at the water bowl as if she has forgotten what it is. She is 18 kg.

Marley is 3 years old and 33 kg and we adoped him a year ago from a home where his life from 3 months old was made a misery by an aggressive 10 year old Jack Russell, to the point where a vet visit was required to dress the wounds.

He has respected Sky from day one, 367 days ago, never uses his size and strength against her, always waits for her to be fed first, never tries to steal her food and doesn't complain if she uses his bed for a sleep. He follows her out into the garden and, if you say "Where's Sky?" goes and looks for her.
The most he has ever done was try to block her from leaving the house when he wanted to go for a walk with me and without her.

Sometimes it does just work out fine. smile
I think we’ll get there, Oakley is 11 so he’s an old chap who very set in his ways. He likes his own space and likes being at home these days.

Lunar is much more tactile and is desperate to curl up and sleep with him, but he’s having none of it. At first he just took himself away, but he’ll now sit and chill on the same sofa with her for a while. He even had a trot with her on a walk the other day.


6,145 posts

195 months

QBee said:
He has some rather tasty cars too. whistle
Indeed. A while ago there was a pic with the pair of them posing next to the Stratos.


1,780 posts

151 months

Rex is happy to be back in a tractor while I make some hay.


22,778 posts

143 months

Daisy loves her bubbles:


85 posts

64 months

LandieMark said:
Rex is happy to be back in a tractor while I make some hay.

On high alert for any mice that are disturbed!


1,780 posts

151 months

It's the hares that had him triggered.


85 posts

64 months

LandieMark said:
It's the hares that had him triggered.
Does he try to jump out after them or just look at them, then you and go ‘Please dad, me chase?’


24,372 posts

116 months

Reginald has a new bed:


1,780 posts

151 months

millik said:
LandieMark said:
It's the hares that had him triggered.
Does he try to jump out after them or just look at them, then you and go ‘Please dad, me chase?’
What do you think? He claws and head butts the glass. biglaugh


3,597 posts

117 months

Some wonderful photos on the last few pages.

I have hesitated to post photos, for fear of being judged (believe me, I judged myself) but we have a new addition.

We actually got her a couple of weeks before we lost Rosie, which is why I was reluctant to post. Whilst Rosie was unwell at the time (kidney disease doesn’t go away), she had perked up significantly, otherwise I wouldn’t have considered it for a moment.

I had wanted another whippet ever since we lost Sam and Jet. As anyone who has looked for a ‘second hand’ whippet knows, they don’t come up very often (especially in rescue), and people rehoming them privately often want a lot of money for them. I didn’t want a puppy, especially from a breeder, and most being advertised were many miles away, which is difficult when you need to take other dogs along for a meet and greet. This one was a private rehoming of a female dog just over a year old, and only about 40 miles away from us.

Funnily enough, I am pretty sure that I saw her litter when she was sold by the breeder, as they have fairly distinctive colouring/markings (and I recognise the breeder’s details in the paperwork we have).

So please may I introduce Luna (seems to be a popular name at the moment):

With Max and Daphne:

I am on leave this week, so hopefully we will get out and about a bit and take a few more photos.


24,372 posts

116 months

moorx said:
Some wonderful photos on the last few pages.

I have hesitated to post photos, for fear of being judged (believe me, I judged myself) but we have a new addition.

We actually got her a couple of weeks before we lost Rosie, which is why I was reluctant to post. Whilst Rosie was unwell at the time (kidney disease doesn’t go away), she had perked up significantly, otherwise I wouldn’t have considered it for a moment.

I had wanted another whippet ever since we lost Sam and Jet. As anyone who has looked for a ‘second hand’ whippet knows, they don’t come up very often (especially in rescue), and people rehoming them privately often want a lot of money for them. I didn’t want a puppy, especially from a breeder, and most being advertised were many miles away, which is difficult when you need to take other dogs along for a meet and greet. This one was a private rehoming of a female dog just over a year old, and only about 40 miles away from us.

Funnily enough, I am pretty sure that I saw her litter when she was sold by the breeder, as they have fairly distinctive colouring/markings (and I recognise the breeder’s details in the paperwork we have).

So please may I introduce Luna (seems to be a popular name at the moment):

With Max and Daphne:

I am on leave this week, so hopefully we will get out and about a bit and take a few more photos.

I love whippets.

Antony Moxey

8,260 posts

222 months

Moorx, not sure why you thought you’d be judged, this isn’t the thread for that. The only thing I might judge you on is that you’ve denied us pics of the lovely Luna this long - shame on you. biggrin She looks a delight.


21,147 posts

147 months

The Lunas I meet in our local park are just one tic short of their accurate name. wobble


4,151 posts

106 months

Not sure if this thread has been posted in here (Apology's if it has). If not it’s worth a read. Complete with pictures near the end.

It’s renewed my faith in the pistonheads community proving that it’s not just a place for pointless arguments.