It's Caturday- Post some cats (vol 3)

It's Caturday- Post some cats (vol 3)



2,122 posts

27 months

Sunday 16th June
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Peter is home! Very very straightforward repair, everyone there are utterly disgusted at our vets.

We're so, so relieved, he's doing really well. Dad suggesting we set up a GoFundMe, but I'm unsure, I don't want to seem tttish and greedy.

Chris Stott

13,682 posts

200 months

Sunday 16th June
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That’s fabulous news!!


6,006 posts

262 months

Sunday 16th June
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Wonderful news! Always, always get a second opinion when the vet just shrugs their shoulders and says nothing can be done.

One of our previous cats became ill - lethargic, wouldn't eat - and the vet, not long out of training, said there's nothing can be done and to euthanise her. We made them get the one of the senior vets (the practice owner). He had a look and said it was likely a spasm in her bile duct (IIRC) and she just needed a steroid injection to get it to release. Within 30 minutes of getting her home she was back to normal and miaowing for food! She lived for another 9 years.

Biker's Nemesis

39,179 posts

211 months

Sunday 16th June
quotequote all
BenS94 said:
Peter is home! Very very straightforward repair, everyone there are utterly disgusted at our vets.

We're so, so relieved, he's doing really well. Dad suggesting we set up a GoFundMe, but I'm unsure, I don't want to seem tttish and greedy.

Great news, she's a beauty.


11,509 posts

63 months

Sunday 16th June
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Biker's Nemesis said:
Great news, she's a beauty.
Called Peter? scratchchin

Excellent news thumbup


2,165 posts

91 months

Sunday 16th June
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BenS94 said:
Peter is home! Very very straightforward repair, everyone there are utterly disgusted at our vets.

We're so, so relieved, he's doing really well. Dad suggesting we set up a GoFundMe, but I'm unsure, I don't want to seem tttish and greedy.

That must be a relief

Peter is a fine looking cat


191 posts

49 months

Sunday 16th June
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Great news about Peter.

Sami needs re-charging.


2,122 posts

27 months

Monday 17th June
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Greeted by Peter this morning, chirping, talking and rolling around purring. He took a few small steps from his bed to the food, then flopped down - though any steps taken were really promising, so in time, I'm sure he'll do well. Total cost for the operation was £5,294 plus what ever we begrudgingly have to pay the st local vets. Worth every penny to see his bright little face this morning.
Yes, I'm still incredibly emotional.


4,053 posts

217 months

Monday 17th June
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That’s fantastic! Reading about what Peter has been through and the issues with your vet really brought me up short. I really worry I would have taken the first vet at face value and not pushed back - I certainly would now!

Edited by giveitfish on Monday 17th June 09:00


7,728 posts

258 months

Monday 17th June
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So good to hear Peter is doing well. I think all us cat slaves on here get why you may be a bit teary. Keep us posted on his progress. cloud9


3,678 posts

106 months

Monday 17th June
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Great news about Peter and well done for getting a second opinion. Like mechanics and doctors it really can be a struggle to find a good vet sometimes you can trust. Well done for getting the second opinion.

At our local vets we've now found one particular vet who we see exclusively now after being given conflicting information on really basic stuff from a couple at the same surgery.


3,356 posts

85 months

Monday 17th June
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BenS94 said:
Greeted by Peter this morning, chirping, talking and rolling around purring. He took a few small steps from his bed to the food, then flopped down - though any steps taken were really promising, so in time, I'm sure he'll do well. Total cost for the operation was £5,294 plus what ever we begrudgingly have to pay the st local vets. Worth every penny to see his bright little face this morning.
Yes, I'm still incredibly emotional.
Not surprised you're emotional, they really get to your heart. Glad he's on the up.


2,122 posts

27 months

Monday 17th June
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Further to my frustration with the vets, I went in and demanded answers to questions floating around in my head.

Records pulled up and they'd had the wrong x-ray against Peter, showing a cat in a far far worse way, which was put to sleep. We could've lost Peter to this. I didn't even get an apology.

Mr E

21,840 posts

262 months

Monday 17th June
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That’s bloody awful and worthy of further investigation.


16,045 posts

249 months

Monday 17th June
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BenS94 said:
Further to my frustration with the vets, I went in and demanded answers to questions floating around in my head.

Records pulled up and they'd had the wrong x-ray against Peter, showing a cat in a far far worse way, which was put to sleep. We could've lost Peter to this. I didn't even get an apology.
A further example of Motco's Law of Universal Incompetence. Appalling treatment especially without any indication of remorse and in this era when social media can slaughter their 'Good Name' with a handful of negative comments.

Motco's Law said:
"Always assume that the professional person, service operative, tradesperson, artisan, or other individual with whom you are dealing is incompetent unless, and until, they demonstrate to the contrary"

Follow this rule and you will rarely be disappointed. It applies to all walks of life from brain surgeons to garbage sorters, and lawyers to checkout operators. Members of this forum excepted, obviously.


7,718 posts

193 months

Monday 17th June
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BenS94 said:
Further to my frustration with the vets, I went in and demanded answers to questions floating around in my head.

Records pulled up and they'd had the wrong x-ray against Peter, showing a cat in a far far worse way, which was put to sleep. We could've lost Peter to this. I didn't even get an apology.

Might be worth a read:


3,994 posts

225 months

Tuesday 18th June
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BenS94 said:
Further to my frustration with the vets, I went in and demanded answers to questions floating around in my head.

Records pulled up and they'd had the wrong x-ray against Peter, showing a cat in a far far worse way, which was put to sleep. We could've lost Peter to this. I didn't even get an apology.
I can't believe that! I would be changing vet, if that was possible for you.

We changed our vet after my wife was annoyed with the receptionist at our previous vets, but your experience is much, much worse.


2,122 posts

27 months

Tuesday 18th June
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Further to this, I have decided to set up a GFM to help my mother recoup money spent. It's been a very very expensive few weeks in vet bills.

I don't know where things stand in "advertising" this.

B'stard Child

28,692 posts

249 months

Tuesday 18th June
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BenS94 said:
Further to this, I have decided to set up a GFM to help my mother recoup money spent. It's been a very very expensive few weeks in vet bills.

I don't know where things stand in "advertising" this.
I'd approach the PH Manager as I think it would need prior approval

It might fall foul of

6. Do not post for the purpose of advertising for personal or business gain,

22. You may not promote charity events; recruit for charitable donations, surveys or petitions; or seek votes for competitions.

Last GFM that did get thro resulted in some very contentious threads about it and it was very car related

Castrol for a knave

4,901 posts

94 months

Tuesday 18th June
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BenS94 said:
Further to my frustration with the vets, I went in and demanded answers to questions floating around in my head.

Records pulled up and they'd had the wrong x-ray against Peter, showing a cat in a far far worse way, which was put to sleep. We could've lost Peter to this. I didn't even get an apology.
fking hell, that is disgusting

So glad to see the little fella is back, with a comedy shaved bum.

You need to have that vet put his hand in his pocket, if not that, tell them you are considering a report to the RCVS.