It's Caturday- Post some cats (vol 3)

It's Caturday- Post some cats (vol 3)



3,356 posts

85 months

Friday 14th June
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As per previous post, this is Nora who arrived 2 hrs ago. She is in remarkable condition having lived in a shed for 10 weeks. I'm nervous as she's just slept since being here but is breathing consistently and seems relaxed. I'm sure I'll calm down a bit later.


2,165 posts

91 months

Friday 14th June
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Venisonpie said:
As per previous post, this is Nora who arrived 2 hrs ago. She is in remarkable condition having lived in a shed for 10 weeks. I'm nervous as she's just slept since being here but is breathing consistently and seems relaxed. I'm sure I'll calm down a bit later.

Sleep is often a cat’s way of coping with change.

One of ours hid behind the stove for four days.

Just take things at her pace.

She looks lovely


3,356 posts

85 months

Friday 14th June
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garythesign said:
Sleep is often a cat’s way of coping with change.

One of ours hid behind the stove for four days.

Just take things at her pace.

She looks lovely
Thanks, its reasuring words like that I need right now. I've gone full on cat dad and my world now revolves around a ball of fur that probably weighs no more than a large orange!

Biker's Nemesis

39,179 posts

211 months

Friday 14th June
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Millie who'll be 21 years old in 7 weeks 2 days. She's just about blind and is as deaf as a post. Her sense of smell is very good though.

Her coat is very matted despite getting a rub down with a damp warm spunge in baby shampoo and combed evey evening.

She still eats well and has no toilet accidents. She had her 20th annual booster in March. The Vet I thought seemed to suggest putting her to sleep. The vet was not the usual one we have seen over the years. Millie will not be going back to see her. I have decided to change to another practice after 36 years.

Willow. Millies younger sister keeps a eye on her all the time. All photos are from this week.

Chris Stott

13,682 posts

200 months

Friday 14th June
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21… got to love an old car with slightly matted fur cloud9

Edited by Chris Stott on Friday 14th June 14:07


2,809 posts

172 months

Friday 14th June
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The Gauge said:
I'm really not into cats, however there is a gorgeous cat called Picasso that hangs around outside my local shops every day. He just sits on the wall letting all the passers by stroke him. He gets posted about quite a lot on a local Facebook group. I always approach him and give him a stroke..

There is a cat local to me like that, but he is a ginger. He's got is own facebook pages aswell as he explores quite far (a good few miles). Did go missing a for a couple weeks over the new year, but all found.


2,809 posts

172 months

Friday 14th June
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BenS94 said:
Mixed emotions here. Our local vets just gave up on Peter, said his pelvis was detached from his spine, would never be fixed and he needs put to sleep.

I asked for a second opinion and it was said he could be referred to a specialist a couple of hours away but it would cost thousands to sort him - I jumped at the chance, money means nothing to me compared to that soft ball of fluff, especially with him being so feral and wild before, learning to trust and love us.

We took him down there and the first thing the consultant said was "he's nowhere near as bad as we thought looking at his x-ray, you can collect him at the weekend and he'll be walking again in a couple of days".

I was so muddled with my emotions as it was a mix of incredible anger mixed with overwhelming relief.

I shall keep you all posted.

Good news smile

We took ours to get a heart scan last week as she has a heart murmur that the vet thought was worse. All seems ok. Claimed on the pet insurance but still have to pay the excess and 20 or 25%.


3,994 posts

225 months

Friday 14th June
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BenS94 said:
Mixed emotions here. Our local vets just gave up on Peter, said his pelvis was detached from his spine, would never be fixed and he needs put to sleep.

I asked for a second opinion and it was said he could be referred to a specialist a couple of hours away but it would cost thousands to sort him - I jumped at the chance, money means nothing to me compared to that soft ball of fluff, especially with him being so feral and wild before, learning to trust and love us.

We took him down there and the first thing the consultant said was "he's nowhere near as bad as we thought looking at his x-ray, you can collect him at the weekend and he'll be walking again in a couple of days".

I was so muddled with my emotions as it was a mix of incredible anger mixed with overwhelming relief.

I shall keep you all posted.

The very best of luck with that. The specialists are expensive, but tend to really know their stuff.

We're collecting our Oreo from our specialist - he's been there since last Saturday after being lethargic and very anemic.

It was either cancer or FIP, but neither my vet nor them could get a positive result. He's responded well enough to the FIP treatment, so that looks like what it is. Just another 80 days of tablets. I think it'll end up going over our limit of £10k for the year for the insurance...

At his worst, they were considering tube feeding, and a blood transfusion (which would probably have to be taken from his brother, as they only had dog blood in stock).

It's also the third time he's been to them; the first time was when he was attacked by an animal and broke his palate and nose which needed screwing together, and then the screw removed because it was interfering with his breathing.

The second time was when he broke his femur in 2 places, and it was a bit too difficult for our normal vet to deal with.

Here his is, resting a couple of months ago...

Chris Stott

13,682 posts

200 months

Friday 14th June
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Cripes… the insurance must love him laugh


3,994 posts

225 months

Friday 14th June
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Chris Stott said:
Cripes… the insurance must love him laugh
£7,500 for the first and £6,500 for the second one.

Our other three cats are comparatively cheap for the insurance company (two have never had insurance problems, and one has around £1,300 over his 6 years).


2,165 posts

91 months

Friday 14th June
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Biker's Nemesis said:
Millie who'll be 21 years old in 7 weeks 2 days. She's just about blind and is as deaf as a post. Her sense of smell is very good though.

Her coat is very matted despite getting a rub down with a damp warm spunge in baby shampoo and combed evey evening.

She still eats well and has no toilet accidents. She had her 20th annual booster in March. The Vet I thought seemed to suggest putting her to sleep. The vet was not the usual one we have seen over the years. Millie will not be going back to see her. I have decided to change to another practice after 36 years.

Willow. Millies younger sister keeps a eye on her all the time. All photos are from this week.

How lovely to have a cat that age.

Our first cat lived to just short of 20 and we thought that was a natural lifespan. Unfortunately, subsequent cats have not lived as long


2,951 posts

187 months

Saturday 15th June
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Michael_B said:
M1K3 said:
In theory, she - Mopsy - is a Persian. Her fella - Onyx - is the black Persian and their offspring is Cloud, the dirty brown/off-white trouble maker.
His Royal Gingerness is a Exotic Shorthair, so a Persian/American Shorthair cross, hence the facial similarity.
Do you have to groom them much? One of the reasons we chose HRG is because he is basically a lazy man's Persian, and can just about take care of himself smile
Mine are also pretty lazy, now I think about it I don't see them having full on grooming sessions. They do however each get a bath once a week from one of our maids so I am probably encouraging their laziness biglaugh


1,887 posts

213 months

Saturday 15th June
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Venisonpie said:
garythesign said:
Sleep is often a cat’s way of coping with change.

One of ours hid behind the stove for four days.

Just take things at her pace.

She looks lovely
Thanks, its reasuring words like that I need right now. I've gone full on cat dad and my world now revolves around a ball of fur that probably weighs no more than a large orange!
Ours took about 3 weeks before she’d have a look at us. Three years on and she can’t get enough of us.


3,356 posts

85 months

Saturday 15th June
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balise said:
Ours took about 3 weeks before she’d have a look at us. Three years on and she can’t get enough of us.
Things are progressing, my concern now is what mischief she gets up to!


4,579 posts

193 months

Saturday 15th June
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garythesign said:
How lovely to have a cat that age.

Our first cat lived to just short of 20 and we thought that was a natural lifespan. Unfortunately, subsequent cats have not lived as long
Nah, 20 is really pushing it. 16/17 is typical - reckoned to be 80-84 in human years.

Mr E

21,840 posts

262 months

Saturday 15th June
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Bonnie and Clyde. Both 18.
Cone of shame due to half Clyde’s right ear removed recently.

They didn’t get all the tumour, going back in Monday and they’ll take the rest off.
Poor bugger.

Quality of life pretty good tbh. I’d still probably swap.

Chris Stott

13,682 posts

200 months

Saturday 15th June
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This is Toby, my nephews boy. He’s had a tough life…. Rescued, lost a leg n a traffic accident, then some years later had to have both his ears amputated due to cancer… he loves to sleep in the sun.

He’s 16 or 17 now, but is happy as Larry, living his best life very day… and he seems in very good health other than the obvious.

Boss cat.


1,673 posts

199 months

Sunday 16th June
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It's touching to see the love given to the "Motley Crue". They give so much in return.


7,728 posts

258 months

Sunday 16th June
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rossub said:
garythesign said:
How lovely to have a cat that age.

Our first cat lived to just short of 20 and we thought that was a natural lifespan. Unfortunately, subsequent cats have not lived as long
Nah, 20 is really pushing it. 16/17 is typical - reckoned to be 80-84 in human years.
Our first three lived quite a while. Clyde was 17, Bonnie 22 and Wednesday was nearly 24 when she went. I still think a cat in a good home is the pinnacle of the reincarnation ladder. hehe


5,717 posts

201 months

Sunday 16th June
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Just missing a strand of drool!