Found my lost corn snake after 12 years!!!!!!!

Found my lost corn snake after 12 years!!!!!!!



90,809 posts

258 months

Tuesday 30th March 2010
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Guess who's so fat he hasn't seen his snake for more than 12 years...


5,205 posts

287 months

Wednesday 31st March 2010
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absolutely awesome story!

I think releasing it is also fine. No comparison to the grey/red squirrel or rabbits issue. Aside from our climate generally not being able to support snakes from hot climates, they just don't have the breeding capacity of squirrels or rabbits. That is a pretty hard corn snake!

[quote=becksW}A friend of mine has a corn snake called Dennis, he is about 20 years old now! Lazy snake. always has been smile
smile i have a 22 year old corn snake called Derek who is also a lazy little git.

though his ability to escape pretty much anything over the years has always impressed. Luckily the pythons are far stupider....


25,257 posts

235 months

Wednesday 31st March 2010
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Excellent story.
  • yawn* to all those who are making out that you are the worst paedophile in the world because you are releasing it into the wild.
Good work thumbup


90,809 posts

258 months

Wednesday 31st March 2010
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Sorry, that was a bit sudden....

That's fixed it....

Edited by mybrainhurts on Wednesday 31st March 17:43


57 months

Wednesday 31st March 2010
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you have all assumed the snake is hetrosexual and denied the snake its right to choose its own sexuality and not be pre-judged by society . shame on you homophobic narrow minded bigots


6,008 posts

187 months

Wednesday 31st March 2010
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Good story cant belive it would last so long outside in this country.

Not sure where i stand with the letting it go bit. I understand why you did it and to be fair was the best thing for the snake. I also agree that you shouldnt let anything go into the wild thats not supposed to be here.


31,319 posts

244 months

Wednesday 31st March 2010
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blindswelledrat said:
Excellent story.
  • yawn* to all those who are making out that you are the worst paedophile in the world because you are releasing it into the wild.
Good work thumbup
Who would have thought a rodent would vote for more snakes roaming free! Never mind one that can't see the snake coming!


623 posts

189 months

Wednesday 31st March 2010
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pablo said:
you have all assumed the snake is hetrosexual and denied the snake its right to choose its own sexuality and not be pre-judged by society . shame on you homophobic narrow minded bigots



90,809 posts

258 months

Wednesday 31st March 2010
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Munter said:
blindswelledrat said:
Excellent story.
  • yawn* to all those who are making out that you are the worst paedophile in the world because you are releasing it into the wild.
Good work thumbup
Who would have thought a rodent would vote for more snakes roaming free! Never mind one that can't see the snake coming!
He was just trying to provoke a facepalm, the little tinker...

And I fell for it....

What am I like...?


20,103 posts

189 months

Wednesday 31st March 2010
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to all those who are moaning about releasing a non-native creature into the british countryside, whats your thoughts about immigration?


90,809 posts

258 months

Wednesday 31st March 2010
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dudleybloke said:
to all those who are moaning about releasing a non-native creature into the british countryside, whats your thoughts about immigration?
It's ok if they live in

poo at Paul's

14,225 posts

178 months

Wednesday 31st March 2010
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WorAl said:
poo at Paul's said:
Great, just what we need. Wild snakes.

Why not knit a few coats for some fk off big spiders and let them fkers out too!?

(As you can tell I dont like snakes or spiders!!)laugh
Or quite obviously the countryside.
I live right out in the country, very rural and love it. Still dont like spiders or snakes!

poo at Paul's

14,225 posts

178 months

Wednesday 31st March 2010
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mybrainhurts said:
dudleybloke said:
to all those who are moaning about releasing a non-native creature into the british countryside, whats your thoughts about immigration?
It's ok if they live in v8ish's mum's back garden!! laugh


7,251 posts

236 months

Wednesday 31st March 2010
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Munter said:
blindswelledrat said:
Excellent story.
  • yawn* to all those who are making out that you are the worst paedophile in the world because you are releasing it into the wild.
Good work thumbup
Who would have thought a rodent would vote for more snakes roaming free! Never mind one that can't see the snake coming!
and is in an aroused state!


4,689 posts

243 months

Thursday 1st April 2010
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Guffy said:
philthy said:
Cool story, but you might want to edit your post.

DEFRA website said:
It is illegal to allow any animal which is not ordinarily resident
in Great Britain, or is listed on Schedule 9 to the Wildlife and
Countryside Act 1981, to escape into the wild, or to release it
without a licence. You must therefore carefully consider the longterm
arrangements for how the animal will be housed throughout
its stay in the country.
Great story!

There's always someone out there with a rule book laugh

PH: Legislation matters
I had some vague memory of some legislation that stopped someone releasing a hedgehog, or squirrel? I forget, but it was some bloody creature that we all see most days.


56,198 posts

218 months

Thursday 1st April 2010
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V8ish said:
Just had to share this with someone!! Nothing to do with cars but thought you maybe interested??

When I was 14 I lost my corn snake, can't remember exactley how but you know how they are. I still have the number two (bought at the same time) and I'm now 26. Tuesday I got a call from my mum (where I was living at the time).

"Your not going to belive what I have just found in the Rockery!!"

I honestly had to drive straight to my parents to see if it was true! Sure enough there was sam sat there is a cool box, my mum had caught him and had got him in the kitchen. I was absolulty gob smacked that this snake had survived outside for 12 years and especially given the recent snow spell in the UK! His condition wasn't that bad with just a few scuffs and a bit of a light scab on his mouth although he nose was grazed. He wasn't as big as my current well fed snake although he was still a decent size.

Upon further investigation we concluded he had been living under the rocks around the rockery and had formed a section of tunnels - my dad had been putting rat poisen there for years thinking that was what was causing the smooth trackes in and out.

They have chickens near the pond and my dad had noticed occasionally an egg was smashed on the flor but assumed it was the chickens doing this - |I'm convinced it was sam along with teh occasional mouse of even gold fish from the pond????

After keeping him for two days I decided he was far two wild to go with my other snake;seth. he went for anything moving and was doing himself damage knocking his head on the glass I put over the top to cover the box. I gave him a mouse but he didnt want to eat. After much debate we decided to let him go again. The reason behind this was simple - he was now a wild snake and survived for 12 years (still cant get over that!) so would be totallu unfair to now put him in a box for the rest of his days. My parents are happy to let him help himself to an egg now and again and agree he must have kept the mice down. They even have some frozen mice to put by his tunnels every so often.

As soon as we put him within 10 feet of his home he went stright into his tunnels - he knew exactely where he was going!!

Just goes to show how tough these snakes are - I have complete resepct for him and hope to see him soon one day - WHAT A LEGEND!!!

Edited by V8ish on Monday 29th March 20:51
wow great story cool


4,689 posts

243 months

Thursday 1st April 2010
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This had me howling with laughter when the story broke:

I know I shouldn't have, but rofl


1,970 posts

192 months

Thursday 1st April 2010
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philthy said:
This had me howling with laughter when the story broke:

I know I shouldn't have, but rofl
I suppose thats what you get when you let your cat roam free to st in your neighbours garden hehe

Back on topic, what a nice story and hope the snake lives on strong and free like he has done for the past 12 years.

For those nay sayers, FFS! its already been living "wild" for 12 fecking years, if sheffield has not been over run by corn snakes by now I doubt it ever bloody will. And can you imagine just how many imported animal species have been let loose or escaped over the years? They dont seem to have affected things too much have they?


310 posts

184 months

Thursday 1st April 2010
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philthy said:
This had me howling with laughter when the story broke:

I know I shouldn't have, but rofl
not being a cat person thats effin quality serves the lil bugger right,

although im not sure about classing a snake as a "domestic pet" my dads burmeese python certainly isnt hes an aggressive bugger when hes hungry and wont even register a rat as food unless your waving it infront of him, i dont think snakes have ever lost the natural instinct to hunt and find food, they may eventually learn that they dont need to do it but if they escape when young its all still there, as this lil fella proved

The Prophet

129 posts

181 months

Thursday 1st April 2010
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For the people worried about the snake finding another Cornsnake and staring some sort of serpent apocalypse in the UK, I should point out that Cornsnake eggs need an incubation period of about 65 days at 28ºC.

How often do we get 28ºC temperatures for 65 consecutive days?