


Original Poster:

2,672 posts

193 months

Thursday 2nd March 2023
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Pecking order is now fixed, feed time is quite calm unless Piglet tries to eat from Bigpig's trough LOL.

20230302_124843 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

The Manga's definitely do more damage with their longer snouts, OSBs are easier on the ground.

2 Manga's rooting for 2 weeks (under to oak trees looking for acorns
20230302_124746 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

6 OSB's along the same bit of hedge for a week and 1/2
20230302_124716 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

Just had the details through for the pedigree of them, I was expecting 2 registered on the herd book and the rest just notified births, turns out they are all registered so 1 that was heading for the freezer in 3 moths has had a reprieve!

It has thrown out my breeding and sausage plan for the year now, I was planning to have 2 litters from an OSB boar from Cagney & 1 of the OSB's. Cagney's will be slower finishing, so may do 3 litters now, 2 OSB and 1 Manga cross.


6,825 posts

179 months

Wednesday 8th March 2023
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Really interesting! Thanks for sharing!

It must be nice knowing what you eat has had a great life and has been looked after properly!


Original Poster:

2,672 posts

193 months

Wednesday 8th March 2023
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Original Poster:

2,672 posts

193 months

Wednesday 8th March 2023
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They only stay still while eating or snoozing in the sun (which is rare at the moment)

20230307_123410 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

20230304_105212 by Old_Chad, on Flickr


26,633 posts

183 months

Wednesday 8th March 2023
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I guess that affectionate is the wrong word, but do they like being touched and stroked, and are they relaxed in human company? Or are they waiting for a chance to eat you?


Original Poster:

2,672 posts

193 months

Wednesday 8th March 2023
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Definitely friendly, new pigs are a bit more cautious, but like a head and ear scratch. Cagney & Lacy are overly friendly, have to be careful when in with them as they are 100kg+ and can easily bowl you over when they run up for scratches, both like ear and belly scratches. But I am 100% sure if I fell over & sparked out in the pens with C&L I would come out with a limb chewed off! LOL The OSBs are a bit more domesticated and further from their wild boar roots, think it would take a bit longer before I was on the menu with them. I keep them well fed, a hungry pig is a hangry pig!


Original Poster:

2,672 posts

193 months

Thursday 9th March 2023
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Snow day

2023-03-09_02-11-04 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

2023-03-09_02-11-35 by Old_Chad, on Flickr


Original Poster:

2,672 posts

193 months

Tuesday 28th March 2023
quotequote all
Update, the OSB's are doing really well, organising a visit from a boar over in north Wales for a month or so after easter, need to introduce Cagney & Lacey to the oldest 2 OSBs as they will need to be penned together with the boar for some time. Managed to remember to get a photo of each of the girls today mainly for my records, the 2 little ones have really put on some weight since they arrived.

20230328_160632 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

20230328_160642 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

20230328_160704 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

20230328_160651 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

the pig with no name
20230328_160735 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

20230328_160740 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

And one of Cagney & Lacey in peak fluff, will start shedding soon
20230328_160845 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

Edited by scrw. on Friday 12th May 23:34

Edited by scrw. on Friday 12th May 23:35

hairy v

1,232 posts

147 months

Tuesday 28th March 2023
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At Cotswold Farm Park on Sunday:


Original Poster:

2,672 posts

193 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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The OSBs do like a brush

20230402_124829 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

Adlib feeder has arrived, they seem most happy with it, need to go and stock up on food now, and depress myself when I find out how much it costs to fill it LOL

20230404_132944 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

20230404_132959 by Old_Chad, on Flickr


Original Poster:

2,672 posts

193 months

Saturday 8th April 2023
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They have been loving the sun over the last few days...

20230407_135031 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

Greta snores, I did try sneaking up to get a video but she woke up just after I took this shot
20230407_134954 by Old_Chad, on Flickr


Original Poster:

2,672 posts

193 months

Saturday 8th April 2023
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Pig with no name has now been called Petal by the boss.

Penny Whistle

5,783 posts

173 months

Saturday 8th April 2023
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How does an ad lib feeder work ? Presumably you fill it with bags of nuts/rolls and somehow regulate how quickly it is released, with enough space for all to get a fair share ?


Original Poster:

2,672 posts

193 months

Saturday 8th April 2023
quotequote all
The slot the feed comes out is quite small, so slowly falls through. I am keeping an eye on the amount they are going through at the minute, the first 2 days they ate ~30-40% more than I was feeding them in the troughs, now it is about 10% more and they are properly grazing at it as and when they like. Now they know there is always food there they are not eating as much as possible in 1 go. There are 5 feed segments, and apart from the 2 big pigs they share the segments if 2 go up, always the case of other pigs feed must be better than mine and they are constantly swapping if a few of them are at the food. According to the manufacturer & Red Tractor one feeder is good for 50 pigs, never going to get near that number in our herd.


Original Poster:

2,672 posts

193 months

Thursday 20th April 2023
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They do like lounging in the sun, will have to build a decent sunshade in time for the summer, OSBs are prone to sunburnt ears.

2023-04-20_12-25-58 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

2023-04-20_12-16-03 by Old_Chad, on Flickr


2,667 posts

124 months

Thursday 20th April 2023
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After working for 20 years processing 3k pigs a day, I do love to look at the live beasts. I can just watch them for hours.
Are they as intelligent as they sometimes look?


Original Poster:

2,672 posts

193 months

Thursday 20th April 2023
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Oh yes, Cagney & Lacey are very smart, OSBs are more chilled out, expect due to the OSBs being more domesticated. When C&L first arrived they were very good escape artists, stopped once they knew what a cushy number they were on.


14,103 posts

204 months

Thursday 20th April 2023
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Interesting thread and the Mangalica are topical for me having recently discovered the soft salami at a local Hungarian deli.


Original Poster:

2,672 posts

193 months

Thursday 20th April 2023
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bolidemichael said:
Interesting thread and the Mangalica are topical for me having recently discovered the soft salami at a local Hungarian deli.
That is good stuff, can get some locally to me, and will have to discuss with them if they can make some just for me to sell on from our pigs.


Original Poster:

2,672 posts

193 months

Sunday 23rd April 2023
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Piglet posing in the sun

2023-04-23_11-00-20 by Old_Chad, on Flickr