It's Caturday- Post some cats (vol 3)

It's Caturday- Post some cats (vol 3)



9,225 posts

260 months

Tuesday 29th December 2015
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1,313 posts

148 months

Tuesday 29th December 2015
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Got home from holiday and noticed that, although she appeared calm and relaxed, Nimbus's breathing seemed somewhat laboured. Yesterday we took her to the vet who diagnosed possible congestive heart failure or perhaps a viral infection. He drained some fluid from her lung cavity and has put her on diuretics. He hopes to stabilise her breathing enough to get an X-ray today and get blood test results back in short order. Prognosis is apparently not good. Bugger. She's only 7 and the most affectionate cat you could imagine.


7,728 posts

258 months

Tuesday 29th December 2015
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Keeping fingers crossed CR6.


32,003 posts

224 months

Tuesday 29th December 2015
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Paws crossed for Nimbus


1,832 posts

195 months

Tuesday 29th December 2015
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Not good. Poor kitty frown
Hope all goes well.


41,069 posts

193 months

Tuesday 29th December 2015
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ali_kat said:
Paws crossed for Nimbus
and another one


13,214 posts

212 months

Wednesday 30th December 2015
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irocfan said:
ali_kat said:
Paws crossed for Nimbus
and another one
Same here.. Hoping for a good outcome!


2,348 posts

125 months

Thursday 31st December 2015
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Not my photo but, as anyone with a Bengal knows, they are rather partial to a backflip or two. Or three... so this raised a smile.

(found at random whilst browsing a collection of daft animal pictures)

Biker's Nemesis

39,179 posts

211 months

Thursday 31st December 2015
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Any news on Nimbus.

Nik da Greek

2,503 posts

153 months

Thursday 31st December 2015
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We had a conversation with the li'l un, my five year old daughter Niah, about why she can't have a kitten just yet. It's cos Rab (the cat) is old and a bit knackerdy and all his life he had to put up with other cats, all of whom were largely mental and made his life hell. Now he's the last one left he's never been so happy and we plan on letting him enjoy his twilight in peace and quiet. Fair enough

....until three days later, there li'l un is, feeding Rab as she likes to do, while whispering to him "you're old and you're going to die soon so that I can have a kitten" eek Starting to wonder if letting her keep feeding him is a Good Thing, for fear of polonium flavour Royal Canin...

Rab, pictured in nicer weather

and just 'cos it's a good pic, this is the original Nya (spelled differently to the li'l un) after whom she was named... kinda. Nya was short for Nyarlathotep, for those who know their Cthulhu. The current Niah is just short


41,069 posts

193 months

Thursday 31st December 2015
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Nik da Greek said:
you're old and you're going to die soon so that I can have a kitten" eek Starting to wonder if letting her keep feeding him is a Good Thing, for fear of polonium flavour Royal Canin...
quality!! Have a rofl


1,313 posts

148 months

Thursday 31st December 2015
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Biker's Nemesis said:
Any news on Nimbus.
Thanks to everyone for the best wishes. Some positive news, some not. Her tests came back negative for virus infections. She had an X-ray that showed no unusual lumps or masses, so likely not cancer. She is still on diuretics and has had a second lot of fluid drained from her chest cavity. Breathing is still laboured but slightly better. Looking more and more like heart problems, but the vet who could do an ultra-sound on her heart is away on holiday at present. If all goes well today she may be allowed home. We will feel much happier about that as, if she doesn't have much longer, we'd rather she was relaxed and in familiar surroundings. Fingers crossed.


32,003 posts

224 months

Friday 1st January 2016
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Paws remain crossed here


1,313 posts

148 months

Friday 1st January 2016
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Well Nimbus has been home for 24 hours now. She's had a good sleep and purrs her head off when ever she gets a cuddle or a pat. Nova, our younger Birman, has given her a thorough wash. Not eating yet, but is drinking. So far she is defying any predictions of her imminent demise. We'll just take things day by day and keep an eye on her. It's lovely to have her back.


4,905 posts

158 months

Friday 1st January 2016
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Nom de ploom said:
8bit said:
Our Sasha, taken yesterday, just wandered into the kitchen and started gobbing off at me about something smile

Epic photo! proper evil!

Thanks smile She genuinely doesn't have an evil bone in her body though, that one. Just caught her mid yowl!

Dr_Rick said:
Is she an NFC? She's a very similar shape to our Magnus, especially the ruff and the tail.
Unsure. We got her and another similar-looking, older male from a rehoming center a few years back. They told us they were Maine Coons but we're not totally convinced as they're not as big as MCs we've known and are less chunky. The crazy cat woman that runs the cattery we use thinks they're NFC crosses, which could be right.


7,728 posts

258 months

Saturday 2nd January 2016
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CR6ZZ said:
Well Nimbus has been home for 24 hours now. She's had a good sleep and purrs her head off when ever she gets a cuddle or a pat. Nova, our younger Birman, has given her a thorough wash. Not eating yet, but is drinking. So far she is defying any predictions of her imminent demise. We'll just take things day by day and keep an eye on her. It's lovely to have her back.
Good to hear thumbup


32,003 posts

224 months

Saturday 2nd January 2016
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13,214 posts

212 months

Saturday 2nd January 2016
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CR6ZZ said:
Well Nimbus has been home for 24 hours now. She's had a good sleep and purrs her head off when ever she gets a cuddle or a pat. Nova, our younger Birman, has given her a thorough wash. Not eating yet, but is drinking. So far she is defying any predictions of her imminent demise. We'll just take things day by day and keep an eye on hee. It's lovely to have her back.
That's great news..Paws crossed it stays that way!


1,383 posts

164 months

Sunday 3rd January 2016
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Meet Loki


13,214 posts

212 months

Sunday 3rd January 2016
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Beautiful! Bengal? If so Loki is probably a very apt name hehe