


Original Poster:

2,676 posts

193 months

Friday 4th August 2023
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Jack is off home in a couple of weeks, starting to lose his camera shyness...

20230804_183712 by Old_Chad, on Flickr


Original Poster:

2,676 posts

193 months

Tuesday 8th August 2023
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If you are of the assumption that nothing dies so that you can eat you are a fool.


Original Poster:

2,676 posts

193 months

Tuesday 22nd August 2023
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Little & large, Piglet & Bigpig wanting belly rubs. I am beginning to think that Jack may have had his way with Bigpig earlier than I thought, she is getting a bit of a belly on. Jack escaped the day after he arrived and let all the pigs out, I found him in with Cagney & Lacy so assumed he was only interested in them, it is looking like not.

2023-08-22_09-27-55 by Old_Chad, on Flickr


Original Poster:

2,676 posts

193 months

Tuesday 22nd August 2023
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Yep, they are my best work boots n shorts


Original Poster:

2,676 posts

193 months

Tuesday 12th September 2023
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The hot spell is done & I think the piggies are glad, the 4 in pig were feeling the heat a bit.

Petal & Bigpig
2023-09-12_08-42-36 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

the favourite spot on a sunny day
2023-09-12_08-43-15 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

Cagney's winter curls arriving
2023-09-12_08-43-58 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

Topping the wallows last week on a hot day



Original Poster:

2,676 posts

193 months

Friday 6th October 2023
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Looking over the calendar, Cagney's due date should be any time after wednesday, she looked very big this morning. They are off to a new pen sunday thats a bit less muddy, the new farrowing arks are cutting it fine, they arrive next week too. Luckily I have a spare so Lacey will have a house until they arrive.

20231006_103749 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

20231006_103846 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

Lacey is a week or 2 behind I think

20231006_104645 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

The 4 weaners went into a new pen yesterday that was sown with some fodder crops, they completely ignored all that as an Oak tree has come down so they spent all morning hoovering up acorns. They are actually doing a good job of clearing around the tree so I can cut it up for fire wood

20231006_104305 by Old_Chad, on Flickr


Original Poster:

2,676 posts

193 months

Saturday 14th October 2023
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Cagney is just about ready to drop her litter I think

20231010_145512 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

20231014_163815 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

Started nesting in the ark too.


Original Poster:

2,676 posts

193 months

Sunday 15th October 2023
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Cagney has had a litter of 6 overnight. Lacey has just started farrowing an hour ago, off to see how she is doing shortly

signal-2023-10-15-102015_002 by Old_Chad, on Flickr


Original Poster:

2,676 posts

193 months

Monday 16th October 2023
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Lacey had I think 7 overnight, she is a bit more protective of them than Cagney so didn't want to upset her (and get a nip) so just a quick glance and they are all moving about.

20231016_092548 by Old_Chad, on Flickr


Original Poster:

2,676 posts

193 months

Monday 16th October 2023
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A better photo but not close yet, Lacey is rather maternal and started with the not happy grunts whenever I got within 10ft of the ark

2023-10-16_04-39-12 by Old_Chad, on Flickr


Original Poster:

2,676 posts

193 months

Monday 16th October 2023
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Lacey much happier with me just now, I took up an extra bale for each of them as its going to be cold tonight, and Lacey was taking a leaf of the bale at a time out of my hand to shake around the ark

2023-10-16_06-36-01 by Old_Chad, on Flickr


Original Poster:

2,676 posts

193 months

Monday 16th October 2023
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Sway said:
That's awesome, and seems so far removed of friends' experiences with sheep and cows...
Yep, pigs seem much more low maintenance, still tempted at some cattle, but only fattening store cattle, sheep....never!


Original Poster:

2,676 posts

193 months

Tuesday 17th October 2023
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comedy videos will start in about a week when the venture out of the arks, its going to be chaos.

For now you will have to make do with piles of snoozing piglets

20231017_101053 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

20231017_100950 by Old_Chad, on Flickr


Original Poster:

2,676 posts

193 months

Tuesday 17th October 2023
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Think they will be out & about soon, gonna be fun!



Original Poster:

2,676 posts

193 months

Thursday 19th October 2023
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Okay, was expecting them to stay in the ark for at least a week, but nope, these critters are exploring already, always staying where they can see mum though


Original Poster:

2,676 posts

193 months

Thursday 19th October 2023
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Evanivitch said:
The rate piglets develop is crazy!

OP, have you considered some safety bars for the piglets? Mum looks like a big'un, they can be quite clumsy at times especially when the little ones are small and quick.
pros n cons to bars, Manga's are very good mums and are careful sitting down, plus with the ark shape the sow cannot easily get into the corners to crush, both of them seem to check where all the little ones are before lying down, and at night they lay across the entrance so nothing can get in/out without waking the sow.


Original Poster:

2,676 posts

193 months

Thursday 19th October 2023
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Sway said:
So cute!

How 'protective' is mum? Does she allow you to get close as a trusted human, or do you have to keep your distance?
Cagney was fine with me being around on day 1, Lacey was smacking her lips when I got close on her first day (sign of annoyance for a pig) so I left her be. Last night I was sat on the floor next to Lacey scratching her ears while the little ones fed, so all okay with me now. Only me in the pen for a week or so though, no other visitors. I am amazed the mothering instincts of pigs, they nested up the day before they dropped, and just know what to do.


Original Poster:

2,676 posts

193 months

Thursday 19th October 2023
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Evanivitch said:
Good stuff, glad you've thought it through!
wait until you see the arks coming next week for the OSB girls!


Original Poster:

2,676 posts

193 months

Thursday 19th October 2023
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I best not work that out really, my accountant frowns at them too! But they are not where I live which is the biggest pain, 10min drive away. Currently there twice a day to check and feed them, could be done in 5 mins, but really takes 30 mins after ear scratching and a good chat with them


Original Poster:

2,676 posts

193 months

Monday 23rd October 2023
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Bit of a worry yesterday as one of Cagney's went lame, checked out by the vet today and luckily a sprained shoulder (expect from running around the ark like a loon) was fearing a broken leg. Painkiller and some antibiotic to assist recovery, just need to keep an eye on him. He is hopping about and managing to feed okay. While the vet was in the ark with hopalong C& L were put in the trailer and the little ones all sat in the other ark. They are just getting to the brave stage and come over to you if you sit with them.

20231023_153747 by Old_Chad, on Flickr