Found my lost corn snake after 12 years!!!!!!!

Found my lost corn snake after 12 years!!!!!!!



617 posts

203 months

Monday 29th March 2010
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Great story.

Famous Graham

26,553 posts

228 months

Monday 29th March 2010
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Andy Zarse said:
normalbloke said:
Andy Zarse said:
Not wishing to be a party pooper, but isn't releasing non-indigenous species into the wild an offence against the Wildlife and Countryside Act? What if he meets a lady corn snake and they nreed? Not good news?
It is almost frowned upon as much as posting on a thread before reading it...

Great story!
I did read the thread before posting ??? and very heart warming it is too.

The Cornsnake is a North American species. It is not indigenous to the Uk and an offence is commited on releasing it into the wild. I was simply concerned that the OP may not realise he was commiting an offence then posting about his actions on PH.

So I don't understand your problem.
The point was that philthy already said that.


13,871 posts

287 months

Monday 29th March 2010
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Andy Zarse said:
The Cornsnake is a North American species.
...and like a lot of North American snakes, will claim to be able to trace lineage back to the original Pilgrim Pythons who slithered off Plymouth Rock next to the Mayflower, either that or claim to be Scots, and turn up at Burns' Night dinners dressed in very dodgy snake tartan and generally not knowing what the hell to do with a sporran. Thankfully, very few of them claim to be Irish, given that St.Patrick apparently wasn't keen.

Anyway, good luck to the little blighter.

Adz The Rat

14,382 posts

212 months

Monday 29th March 2010
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Brilliant, its amazing it has survived this long in the wild!!

As for it being illegal, come on who really cares???

Dr G

15,264 posts

245 months

Monday 29th March 2010
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Not I, said the Wolf laugh

What a cool story, how long do the blighters generally live for?


19,747 posts

231 months

Monday 29th March 2010
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Dr G said:
Not I, said the Wolf laugh

What a cool story, how long do the blighters generally live for?
25 years IIRC

Hope mine makes it that far, however mine won't be playing out to the same extent as the OP's


38,621 posts

201 months

Monday 29th March 2010
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Adz The Rat said:
Brilliant, its amazing it has survived this long in the wild!!

As for it being illegal, come on who really cares???
Not me, if its never ventured further than the back garden in 12 years then I would wager it won't anytime soon.


20,099 posts

189 months

Tuesday 30th March 2010
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snakes alive!

would be cool to put a camera on the rockery to see him hunt.


38,621 posts

201 months

Tuesday 30th March 2010
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dudleybloke said:
snakes alive!

would be cool to put a camera on the rockery to see him hunt.
Just look on youtube, or discovery channel, cooler snakes with awesom venom killing stuff.


1,264 posts

195 months

Tuesday 30th March 2010
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Good post. Wonder what the furthest away its traveled is.

Nolar Dog

8,786 posts

198 months

Tuesday 30th March 2010
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clap I think you did the right thing. Must have been cool to see him again!

Signed: A. Snake Fan


24,741 posts

269 months

Tuesday 30th March 2010
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Celt said:
Good post. Wonder what the furthest away its traveled is.
Second gnome on left.


7,296 posts

230 months

Tuesday 30th March 2010
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GKP said:
Wild? It was bloddy furious.

nono Absolutely livid.


13,757 posts

225 months

Tuesday 30th March 2010
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Err...Im with Andy Zarse on this one. As nice as it is to hear about, releasing a non-native species in to the wild is an absolute no-no in my opinion. The wildlife balance is too delicate. Im actually amazed that attitude seems to be in the minority on this thread.


For something closer to home, the driving out of red squirrels:

Fine, youre doing your old pet/freind a favour. But what about the species already native, happily roaming the countryside who werent expecting to come across a corn snake this summer?

In my opinion, tres uncool.


2,015 posts

183 months

Tuesday 30th March 2010
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I'm sure it was well chuffed, having enjoyed the last 12 years free to roam as it pleases it's now back, stuck in a poxy tank.


4,458 posts

189 months

Tuesday 30th March 2010
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bonsai said:
I'm sure it was well chuffed, having enjoyed the last 12 years free to roam as it pleases it's now back, stuck in a poxy tank.
You're the worst at reading so far hehe


17,153 posts

223 months

Tuesday 30th March 2010
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Somewhatfoolish said:
bonsai said:
I'm sure it was well chuffed, having enjoyed the last 12 years free to roam as it pleases it's now back, stuck in a poxy tank.
You're the worst at reading so far hehe
can you hit reply just by looking at the title in the forum list? hehe


2,015 posts

183 months

Tuesday 30th March 2010
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Davi said:
Somewhatfoolish said:
bonsai said:
I'm sure it was well chuffed, having enjoyed the last 12 years free to roam as it pleases it's now back, stuck in a poxy tank.
You're the worst at reading so far hehe
can you hit reply just by looking at the title in the forum list? hehe
ooops. sorry. well done for letting him free again.


99 posts

184 months

Tuesday 30th March 2010
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If you armchair warriors want to go on about how its illegal what he's done, as far as anyones aware its never left the garden, which is private property.


Rusty Arches

694 posts

176 months

Tuesday 30th March 2010
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308mate said:
For something closer to home, the driving out of red squirrels:
Who cares about Red Squirrels? A Squirrel's a Squirrel, just seems that the Grey ones are better.