It's Caturday- Post some cats (vol 3)

It's Caturday- Post some cats (vol 3)


Joey Ramone

2,151 posts

128 months

Wednesday 27th January 2016
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This is my little Dora. A farm cat who wandered into my life a year ago and decided she liked it. Here she is having followed me to the pub.

Day before yesterday, she was subdued, just staring at the floor. Wouldn't eat (she normally loves her food), wouldn't drink. She looked miserable. Sits there, immobile, in the dark, trying to hide away. Can barely walk, looks incredibly frail. Took her to the vet and he decided eventually that it was something to do with her liver. Gave me liquid antibiotics but we just can't get them into her - it was like walking into a set of snarling, rotating knives. Like that scene in Indiana Jones when they guy gets hit by an aircraft propeller. Tried this morning again and she just threw them up and escaped into the garden. I went after her, she looked at me over her shoulder, and then disappeared.

I thought that was it, but she re-emerged this evening, although she's still very sick. Got her to the vet and she's there now, overnight, on a drip. Hopefully they'll be able to figure out what's wrong. But he warned me that it may be complex and ultimately fatal.

It's weird. She's a grumpy little sod but she's incredibly devoted. Follows me everywhere and just likes to be near me, even though she spits and hisses if I pick her up. My wife hated her when she first appeared. Now she's the one rushing Dora backward and forward to the Vet and anxiously checking up on her by phone.

Hope you're OK little buddy. I hate the thought of you being in pain while I'm not by your side.

Edited by Joey Ramone on Wednesday 27th January 18:30

Edited by Joey Ramone on Wednesday 27th January 18:31


31,319 posts

244 months

Wednesday 27th January 2016
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I hope she's ok. I remember her from previous posts and following you to the pub smile

This is Alan. Alan has a cough. After spending a day at the Vets last week and an unusually large amount of fluid coming out of a cat's lungs (apparently). The vet has decided he might have lung worm, and a minor chest infection based on his results.


1,113 posts

175 months

Thursday 28th January 2016
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Bridget (chocolate) and Darcy (seal point) Ragdolls. Nearly 6 months old and SO much fluff smile


32,003 posts

224 months

Thursday 28th January 2016
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Paws crossed for Dora

I too remembered her story smile


19,078 posts

219 months

Thursday 28th January 2016
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Is anyone missing an unopened packet of light up party balloons? I found a packet buried in Lebowski's litter tray late last night.


12,415 posts

247 months

Thursday 28th January 2016
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George's latest random sleeping positions

Negative Creep

25,055 posts

230 months

Thursday 28th January 2016
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Vet found a lump and he'd dropped to only 3.5kg, so had to have him put to sleep. Through all these years my only true friend and companion. Absolutely heartbroken


31,319 posts

244 months

Thursday 28th January 2016
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Negative Creep said:
Vet found a lump and he'd dropped to only 3.5kg, so had to have him put to sleep. Through all these years my only true friend and companion. Absolutely heartbroken
Really sorry to hear that. frown

Joey Ramone

2,151 posts

128 months

Thursday 28th January 2016
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Negative Creep said:
Vet found a lump and he'd dropped to only 3.5kg, so had to have him put to sleep. Through all these years my only true friend and companion. Absolutely heartbroken
Gutted for you mate. Just think of all those years of fun that the two of you had together. And now he's no longer suffering. That's the way it should be.


975 posts

215 months

Thursday 28th January 2016
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Togyer in full concentration

Negative Creep

25,055 posts

230 months

Thursday 28th January 2016
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Thanks, he went literally seconds after the needle went in so I knew he didn't suffer. Have been thinking I should have taken him a week ago but in truth I was scared of losing him. I know everyone says this but he was the kindest and most affectionate cat I've ever met, just wanted to climb on everyone's lap and have a cuddle. Taken last night:


1,659 posts

205 months

Thursday 28th January 2016
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So dreadfully sorry to hear this, what a handsome fellow he was frown


41,113 posts

193 months

Thursday 28th January 2016
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Bugger - really sorry to hear that dude :-(

Joey Ramone

2,151 posts

128 months

Thursday 28th January 2016
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That second photo is lovely. Great way to remember him.

They all gotta go at some point. And best it be peacefully and gracefully, after 16 odd years of friendship and lots of cuddles.


1,313 posts

148 months

Thursday 28th January 2016
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Negative Creep said:
Thanks, he went literally seconds after the needle went in so I knew he didn't suffer. Have been thinking I should have taken him a week ago but in truth I was scared of losing him. I know everyone says this but he was the kindest and most affectionate cat I've ever met, just wanted to climb on everyone's lap and have a cuddle. Taken last night:
Really sorry to hear that.

Update on Nimbus... Despite the vet estimating she had less than a week to live, she has hung on for a month so far. Not eating terribly much so has lost a lot of weight, but seems contented, with no signs of distress except the occasional episode of laboured breathing. Still sleeps with us at night (purring loudly) and climbs on any available knee for a cuddle. Spends 99% of her day sleeping, but that is really not too much of a change... We'll just keep taking it one day at a time.

S. Gonzales Esq.

2,557 posts

215 months

Thursday 28th January 2016
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I'm afraid there have been too many posts like this lately, but they're the inevitable corollary to things posted in the happier times.

We lost Daisy on Tuesday, and being at the vet, holding her on my lap as she went was one of the hardest things I've ever done. It was completely the right thing to do, but that didn't make it any easier.

Despite a diagnosis of kidney failure two years ago she made it to nineteen and a half, but it's never quite long enough.


41,113 posts

193 months

Thursday 28th January 2016
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Man that sucks frown sorry to hear that


3,995 posts

225 months

Thursday 28th January 2016
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Negative Creep said:
Vet found a lump and he'd dropped to only 3.5kg, so had to have him put to sleep. Through all these years my only true friend and companion. Absolutely heartbroken
Very sorry to hear that; Kif went from 4.8kg to 3.2kg in about 8 weeks. The steroids he was taking kept him going a few weeks longer.

In some respects, I'm glad it was me that had to make the decision rather than my girlfriend as I'm off to the US for work next week and if I hadn't been there with him, I would've regretted it immensely.

But it's for the best. Difficult to do, but to stop them suffering.


32,003 posts

224 months

Friday 29th January 2016
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Negative Creep - I'm so sorry for your loss frown He was a gorgeous cat and a good age, and you can see how much he loved you!

S. Gonzales Esq. - I'm sorry Daisy left you too, but she was a really good age and very lucky to have so much more time after that diagnosis.

Paws remain crossed for Nimbus & Dora


11,503 posts

210 months

Friday 29th January 2016
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Sorry to hear that Negative Creep.