Post a pick of your Fish tank and Fish

Post a pick of your Fish tank and Fish


Boosted LS1

21,190 posts

263 months

Tuesday 15th December 2009
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Glassman said:
Personally, Clown Loach were my favourite.
I've got those, one of them is 28 years old. I used to have a stunning wild severum as well but lost that a many years ago. Now it's just the clowns and a shoal of scissor tails. I may get some pearl gourami's later. I had those before and really like them.


2,385 posts

211 months

Wednesday 16th December 2009
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Boosted LS1 said:
Glassman said:
Personally, Clown Loach were my favourite.
I've got those, one of them is 28 years old. I used to have a stunning wild severum as well but lost that a many years ago. Now it's just the clowns and a shoal of scissor tails. I may get some pearl gourami's later. I had those before and really like them.
Wow, 28!! That's old. I've got a 6 foot tank with 25-30 clown loaches of varying sizes, I love them. I've had my oldest one for about 7 years and I thought that was old! As soon as we've finished renovating our house I'm going to get a 10 foot custom tank built just for the clowns, then get a nice big shoal of neons to add some colour.

Boosted LS1

21,190 posts

263 months

Wednesday 16th December 2009
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I was told he was 8 when I got him, he had two pals as well but they died for one reason or another. I've had him 20 years. His markings are a bit faded and I think he's getting cataracts. I was give three more botias recently so introduced them. Only then did I realise how big he is and they're tiny. He's only about 5-6" long but he's got height and substance. My tank's 4 foot but I don't want to crowd it so just a few more fish will do. The clowns have been trouble free in the time I've had them, very sturdy fish.


14,180 posts

185 months

Wednesday 16th December 2009
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Boosted LS1 said:
I was told he was 8 when I got him, he had two pals as well but they died for one reason or another. I've had him 20 years. His markings are a bit faded and I think he's getting cataracts. I was give three more botias recently so introduced them. Only then did I realise how big he is and they're tiny. He's only about 5-6" long but he's got height and substance. My tank's 4 foot but I don't want to crowd it so just a few more fish will do. The clowns have been trouble free in the time I've had them, very sturdy fish.
Do they go well with others? Currently got 3 green tiger barbs, and want to replace the eaten guppys with something more hardy and able to stand up to the Birchir.

Boosted LS1

21,190 posts

263 months

Wednesday 16th December 2009
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They're quite sociable. Initially they will chase fish above them but stop that after a few days. Your barbs will be fine. I was given a small armoured cat fish and it got knocked about for a few days but now it gets ignored. It was pretty defenceless so I was worried about it for a while. If you buy clowns then get at least 4 because they like to cuddle up together smile I wouldn't buy many more though. Mine live in tap water and always have done.

What's a birchir?


14,180 posts

185 months

Wednesday 16th December 2009
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Boosted LS1 said:
What's a birchir?
Cheers for the reply. Always like the CLs, will have a look for some when I get back from Christmas hols.

As for the birchir - have a look at the photos at the top of the page. He's an air breathing, can walk with his fins, able to live outside the tank, awesome fish.


6,276 posts

185 months

Wednesday 16th December 2009
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HereBeMonsters said:
Boosted LS1 said:
What's a birchir?
Cheers for the reply. Always like the CLs, will have a look for some when I get back from Christmas hols.

As for the birchir - have a look at the photos at the top of the page. He's an air breathing, can walk with his fins, able to live outside the tank, awesome fish.
What size tank have you got? Clowns are pretty active, should do well with barbs - though you won't be doing the tank any harm if you up the number of tiger barbs - I've heard 5 or 6 quoted as a good minimum shoal size, should get the most out of them then.

I've always wanted to have a decent sized, active tank that I could put a few decent sized SA/CA cichlids in, with a decent sized shoal of tigers/rainbows as dither fish. One day...

Boosted LS1

21,190 posts

263 months

Wednesday 16th December 2009
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HereBeMonsters said:
Boosted LS1 said:
What's a birchir?
Cheers for the reply. Always like the CLs, will have a look for some when I get back from Christmas hols.

As for the birchir - have a look at the photos at the top of the page. He's an air breathing, can walk with his fins, able to live outside the tank, awesome fish.
Cool, I've not seen one of those before. Soon he'll be walking to the shops. Obviously from areas where ponds dry up then or when he wants to move into another stream/river.


14,180 posts

185 months

Thursday 17th December 2009
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Boosted LS1 said:
HereBeMonsters said:
Boosted LS1 said:
What's a birchir?
Cheers for the reply. Always like the CLs, will have a look for some when I get back from Christmas hols.

As for the birchir - have a look at the photos at the top of the page. He's an air breathing, can walk with his fins, able to live outside the tank, awesome fish.
Cool, I've not seen one of those before. Soon he'll be walking to the shops. Obviously from areas where ponds dry up then or when he wants to move into another stream/river.
Yeah, he can survive outside the tank indefinitely as long as his skin is kept moist. He's like a fish version of an axolotl, I guess.

I like the unusual ones. Over the years I've had a couple of freshwater crabs, a fighting fish or two, pearl gouramis (rather than the "standard" blue/red ones), various sharks and of course the prawn.

Sport Coupe

415 posts

201 months

Friday 18th December 2009
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Some photos of mine.


240 posts

217 months

Saturday 24th July 2010
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Old thread but thought I would jump start it with a pic of my new tank, 170ltr Juwel Panorama


23,850 posts

224 months

Sunday 25th July 2010
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Currently running a planted tank, but fancy a change


896 posts

189 months

Sunday 25th July 2010
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Kept fish for years but lost interest and gave up,then about a year ago had an urge to start up again so I bought a 2nd hand Juwel Rio 180 last year.


1,158 posts

210 months

Sunday 25th July 2010
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I have an Oscar who is just over a year old:

He is a fun pet, loves attention, needs alot of food and likes to beg for it! But he doesn't like cameras, I think the lens resembles a challenging fish with an open mouth:


6,276 posts

185 months

Sunday 25th July 2010
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I got well into fishkeeping a couple of years ago, and was running 8 tanks at 1 point (in a 1 bed flat) but buying a house placed my priorities elsewhere. Now down to a sensible 3 tanks and getting back into it.

Couple of pic's of a pair of fish I used to love - German Blue Ram's. Will have a nosy through photobucket and see if there are any other interesting ones:


3,699 posts

174 months

Monday 26th July 2010
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The Rams are beautiful! Really nice condition.

Oxygen Thief

1,739 posts

188 months

Monday 26th July 2010
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ToyotaJim said:
I have an Oscar who is just over a year old:

He is a fun pet, loves attention, needs alot of food and likes to beg for it! But he doesn't like cameras, I think the lens resembles a challenging fish with an open mouth:

That is one handsome fish.
What size tank do you keep him in, also does he have any tank mates?


6,276 posts

185 months

Monday 26th July 2010
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JFReturns said:
The Rams are beautiful! Really nice condition.
Thanks. Unfortunately the pair didn't survive tank juggling prior to moving house which I was pretty gutted about as they were two of the most interesting to watch fish I've seen. I'm currently renovating my community tank and am thinking a new pair might be a good addition though.

And the oscar looks lovely.


3,699 posts

174 months

Monday 26th July 2010
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tenohfive said:
JFReturns said:
The Rams are beautiful! Really nice condition.
Thanks. Unfortunately the pair didn't survive tank juggling prior to moving house which I was pretty gutted about as they were two of the most interesting to watch fish I've seen. I'm currently renovating my community tank and am thinking a new pair might be a good addition though.
I've kept them in the distant past and found them very sensitive to stress.

They are so colourful and peaceful though, you should get them again!


1,158 posts

210 months

Monday 26th July 2010
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Oxygen Thief said:
That is one handsome fish.
What size tank do you keep him in, also does he have any tank mates?
Thanks! He is in a 300 litre tank at the moment with 4 synodontis - just about the only thing he won't fight or eat. He is a great pet, very fun and interacts as you walk around the room; if I go to the fridge he will think I'm off to get him a prawn or some lettuce, cue lots of splashing and shooting backwards and forwards.

Not a good one if you like a spotless aquarium though - Oscars will destroy anything thats not nailed down, and are very messy eaters so the syno's are there to clean up after him!

Edited by ToyotaJim on Monday 26th July 20:17