It's Caturday- Post some cats (vol 3)

It's Caturday- Post some cats (vol 3)


Nik da Greek

2,503 posts

153 months

Saturday 16th January 2016
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Elli5 said:
Life isn't fair. I took it for granted that she would grow to be a fat old grumpy moggy and now she has gone. I can't quite believe it. Blue and her sister Pfieffer were the first pets my wife and I got together so it been a complete shock to us both. We miss her dearly.

It sounds daft but I wanted to put a tribute for her someplace lasting where others could see how awesome she was. Felt this was the right place.
Sad times, sorry for your loss with Blue.

I feel I might be posting something similar soon... ol' Rab has taken to messing in the house and along with other things (drinking loads all the time, always hungry) I fear he's on the way out. He's fifteen now, so a good innings but it's never enough. Trouble is, our lad is Rab's best friend; the moggy sleeps on the end of his bed every night and loves him to bits so he'll be devastated if we have to put him down. You can't have a cat fouling the place though when there are little ones around. I hate to put a "healthy" cat down but I'd hate even more the kids to get toxoplasmosis.

Sucks weeping

But since it's a pic thread, and also Caturday Saturday, here's Rab pretending to remember what it's like being a kitten

The Penguin

269 posts

222 months

Saturday 16th January 2016
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Gretchen said:
^ That's so lovely. Well done to you and Elliot for looking out for others. If you're feeding them Cullen Skink they've really landed in their feet!
We think Elliot was previously abandoned and Timothy was part of a litter that were stray. We couldn't leave them, Elliot still looks out for Tim even now. Unfortunately Korea is really bad for animal care and there are no neuter and release schemes. I think due to the fact Koreans live in high rises once cats (& dogs) get past the cute state they are put out.

Cullen skink was a treat after their flight from Korea.


32,003 posts

224 months

Sunday 17th January 2016
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Nik da Greek said:
Sad times, sorry for your loss with Blue.

I feel I might be posting something similar soon... ol' Rab has taken to messing in the house and along with other things (drinking loads all the time, always hungry) I fear he's on the way out. He's fifteen now, so a good innings but it's never enough. Trouble is, our lad is Rab's best friend; the moggy sleeps on the end of his bed every night and loves him to bits so he'll be devastated if we have to put him down. You can't have a cat fouling the place though when there are little ones around. I hate to put a "healthy" cat down but I'd hate even more the kids to get toxoplasmosis.

Sucks weeping

But since it's a pic thread, and also Caturday Saturday, here's Rab pretending to remember what it's like being a kitten

As they're not pregnant, they'll be ok

Biker's Nemesis

39,228 posts

211 months

Sunday 17th January 2016
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Elli5 said:
This is my mate Blue

She was completely motivated by food and always wondered were her next meal was coming from.

When she had a belly full she would always be flat out, usually on my lap, while I caught up on TV.

Best of all she was the biggest flirt I've ever known, tummy rubs were her favorite. Note her flashing her white pubes!

Yesterday was the saddest day, she died all of a sudden at four and a half years old. It's been terrible. I know to some people they are only cats but me and Blue were inseparable, the best of mates. I'm not ashamed to admit I've been blubbing like a big girl since she left us.
The vet tells us it was a heart attack or blood clot that made its way somewhere it shouldn't have.

Her sister is totally stressed out by this so we are trying our best to fuss and help her though this stty time.

Wish I could have had a bit more time with her, I miss you mate.

Edited by Elli5 on Thursday 14th January 09:43

Edited by Elli5 on Thursday 14th January 09:46
Sorry to read about Blue. I've have been there a couple of times with being a cat owner for 30 years.

Biker's Nemesis

39,228 posts

211 months

Sunday 17th January 2016
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1,383 posts

164 months

Sunday 17th January 2016
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I created a Instagram account for our cat for amusement. people are crazy for the cat profiles !!!

xe mini

533 posts

162 months

Sunday 17th January 2016
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Felix and Mini


19,078 posts

219 months

Wednesday 20th January 2016
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I've been teaching Lebowski some simple commands with hand signals and rewards. He can on command and signal now 'sit', 'give gentle paw', 'give paw', 'high five', 'give kiss' and 'be shy'. I want to work on 'talk' next. Though I'll probably regret that one as he's a loud bd when he wants to be.

He's not keen on 'walkies' though...

Edited by Gretchen on Wednesday 20th January 17:39


458 posts

120 months

Saturday 23rd January 2016
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spitfire-ian said:
Freddie smile

He looks just like my boy just with a less speckly nose! This is Jango:


17,181 posts

193 months

Saturday 23rd January 2016
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Time to re-enter the feline world!

After losing Molly last year to thyroid problems it's taken the other half quite a long time to be happy enough to have another one


After an unsuccessful visit to the local home a few weeks ago we returned today and made friend with "Tinsel". 4 years old, female, rescued stray and Very friendly, purring, scent marking and generally being very chilled:

Sorry for the rubbish pictures! Second jabs this week and collecting next Saturday, very excited!

Naming is proving a problem though, Tinsel in a non-starter and while I quite like different quirky names the other half prefers proper names. Tabitha is currently the front runner....



514 posts

211 months

Saturday 23rd January 2016
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It's been a while since I last posted photos of Loki and Theo. They're now 3 and a half years old. Loki is a Bengal (brown spotted) and Theo is an Abyssinian (chocolate)...



Basting the turkitten?


19,078 posts

219 months

Sunday 24th January 2016
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At 6am Lebowski was pouncing on feet and tapping heads. Tonight he's met a houseful of new people. Currently observing by the light of the moon.


3,578 posts

135 months

Monday 25th January 2016
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Here's Misha as a kitten, just after his bath:

And about 18 months later, after a long night keeping the local mice under control:

And his sister enjoying some spring sunshine last year:

Negative Creep

25,054 posts

230 months

Tuesday 26th January 2016
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Curtis hasn't been eating much for a while now, took him to the vets for a blood test around a month ago but came back all clear. However last few days he's barely eaten at all, and I haven't seen him drink. Had resorted to just feeding him raw chicken, treats and even my food he likes (crisp packets and soft cheese were a particular favourite). However he just takes a few licks then walks off. Although still friendly he is more distant and quieter than before as well.

Will ring the vets tomorrow but can't shake the horrible feeling that after 16 years this could be it. Already lost both grandparents in the last 6 weeks Nan's funeral is next Friday) and these things are supposed to happen in threes...........


3,995 posts

225 months

Tuesday 26th January 2016
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Sorry to hear that - I had that twice with my Kif.

The first time was due to him having an inflamed gum - he had most of the teeth out of one side of his mouth, and about 6 weeks of antibiotics and steroids which cleared it up.

The second time was beginning of December. Unfortunately it was terminal - he had a tumor on his left kidney, and after ultrasound (which confirmed the tactile diagnosis) and blood test (which confirmed his kidneys were failing), he was PTS the day after the tests as it looked like he only had 3 or 4 more days left anyway (and there was a worry he'd wander off to die).

Still tearful about it now.

This is the picture I took of him curled up on my legs after getting him back from the vets having booked his final appointment for him...


19,078 posts

219 months

Wednesday 27th January 2016
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Want to discover things you never knew you had? Get a Bengal.

Lebowski protesting his innocence...

'Have you asked the dog?'


32,003 posts

224 months

Wednesday 27th January 2016
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Mine just lose things I want to keep frown


3,829 posts

189 months

Wednesday 27th January 2016
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Apparently, kittens grow. Who knew!?

Negative Creep

25,054 posts

230 months

Wednesday 27th January 2016
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tribbles said:
Sorry to hear that - I had that twice with my Kif.

The first time was due to him having an inflamed gum - he had most of the teeth out of one side of his mouth, and about 6 weeks of antibiotics and steroids which cleared it up.

The second time was beginning of December. Unfortunately it was terminal - he had a tumor on his left kidney, and after ultrasound (which confirmed the tactile diagnosis) and blood test (which confirmed his kidneys were failing), he was PTS the day after the tests as it looked like he only had 3 or 4 more days left anyway (and there was a worry he'd wander off to die).

Still tearful about it now.

This is the picture I took of him curled up on my legs after getting him back from the vets having booked his final appointment for him...

Sorry for your loss, he looked lovely frown

He did eat the chicken overnight but nothing aside from a few treats today. Will be going to the vets tomorrow and hope I'm just being paranoid


3,995 posts

225 months

Wednesday 27th January 2016
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Gretchen said:
Want to discover things you never knew you had? Get a Bengal.

Lebowski protesting his innocence...

'Have you asked the dog?'

I discover things I didn't know my neighbours had.

And since I don't know which neighbour had them in order to return them, "had" is definitely the right word.

I've gained a pair of gardening gloves (took two weeks for them), a number of rags, another cat's catnip toy, endless bits of plastic bags, Christmas string, bread (put out for the birds) and an empty packet of crisps. Plus the worms, leaves, pieces of bark and a couple of (dead) mice.

I'm contemplating training her with money and giving her treats if she brings it in...

ETA: I did mention this a couple of weeks ago, but some new things arrived this week