It's Caturday- Post some cats (vol 3)

It's Caturday- Post some cats (vol 3)



100 posts

210 months

Thursday 14th January 2016
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Thank you

Life isn't fair. I took it for granted that she would grow to be a fat old grumpy moggy and now she has gone. I can't quite believe it. Blue and her sister Pfieffer were the first pets my wife and I got together so it been a complete shock to us both. We miss her dearly.

It sounds daft but I wanted to put a tribute for her someplace lasting where others could see how awesome she was. Felt this was the right place.


Edited by Elli5 on Thursday 14th January 12:42


41,090 posts

193 months

Thursday 14th January 2016
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sorry to hear that dude. Really sucks - at least you had several good years with her.


1,659 posts

205 months

Thursday 14th January 2016
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Awful news, so sorry to hear this, she was a gorgeous looking lady cry


31,319 posts

244 months

Thursday 14th January 2016
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That sucks. But on the plus side that looks like a great life to have lived. Full of food and love. cloud9


1,313 posts

148 months

Thursday 14th January 2016
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Sincere condolences Elli. frown


100 posts

210 months

Thursday 14th January 2016
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Thank you guys for all for your kind words.


19,078 posts

219 months

Thursday 14th January 2016
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I came to post a photo but now feel all torn up. My stomach churned. Sorry for your loss Eliss. Blue was beautiful.


100 posts

210 months

Thursday 14th January 2016
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Gretchen said:
I came to post a photo but now feel all torn up. My stomach churned. Sorry for your loss Eliss. Blue was beautiful.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take away from the thread. Please post your pics, it will cheer me up no end!

In the spirit of the thread the following picture is of Pfeiffer who is Blues sister. We got them both at the same time so they have known one another their whole lives. She's currently a little lost and confused about the whole ordeal and off her food but she will bounce back soon enough.


19,078 posts

219 months

Thursday 14th January 2016
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I didn't really want to have any more dogs or cats. Probably. But then one comes along and just clicks.

I've been teaching Lebowski 'sit' and 'gentle paw' and he's picked it up!

Also to 'give kisses' which he now does

I just need him to come down from the wardrobe and accept the dog would run and hide if actually confronted!

This is all from a rescue cat who was described as a vicious, predatory attacker.


19,078 posts

219 months

Thursday 14th January 2016
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It's hard to capture his coat and markings but he has a lovely almost iridescent shine to him. Something akin to how Edward Cullen was portrayed in Twilight. A glittery sheen.

And I'm quite liking becoming one of those strange mad cat women too wink


538 posts

102 months

Friday 15th January 2016
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Sorry to hear about Blue. I dread that day happening.

Here's another of Missy to try and cheer you up ...


11,503 posts

210 months

Friday 15th January 2016
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Sorry to hear about Blue.


3,858 posts

231 months

Friday 15th January 2016
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Freddie smile

The Penguin

269 posts

222 months

Friday 15th January 2016
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Here are Elliot and Timothy. They adopted us while I was working in Korea on an expat assignment.

We flew them back to Scotland and they love it.

Elliot brought Timothy to us


19,078 posts

219 months

Friday 15th January 2016
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^ That's so lovely. Well done to you and Elliot for looking out for others. If you're feeding them Cullen Skink they've really landed in their feet!


538 posts

102 months

Saturday 16th January 2016
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Top job by Elliot, I love the photo of them sitting outside the door!


538 posts

102 months

Saturday 16th January 2016
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Negative Creep

25,054 posts

230 months

Saturday 16th January 2016
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Got woken up last night by Curtis yowling and hissing right next to me, which he's never done before. Turned on the light to see another cat in my room helping himself to his food! Never even seen that one around before so don't know where he got the confidence to do that


3,995 posts

225 months

Saturday 16th January 2016
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One of ours meows loudly to let us know that she's brought another present for us...

Most of the time it's worms (when it's raining), bits of paper, bits of plastic, occasionally bread from people who've left it out for the birds.

We've had a pair of rubber gloves - although not at the same time; there was about a fortnight between them.

And she's stolen the catnip toy from another cat.

The only time she doesn't relinquish them is if it's a mouse - she growls at her brother if he comes near her!

We initially thought it was our elder cat who was bringing the mice in for them to play with, but as he was PTS yesterday (kidney failure; known about it for a month), last night's mouse certainly didn't come from him! They've not learnt to eat the mice yet (despite the elder one showing them how it's done)...


19,078 posts

219 months

Saturday 16th January 2016
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I was going to tidy the top of one of my wardrobes and see if Lenowski might like to sleep up there... It seems he's beaten me to it!

I've crafted him this today from a Christmas hamper basket and some odd fabric and ribbons