


Original Poster:

2,675 posts

193 months

Wednesday 13th December 2023
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Sounds more Velociraptor that cockerel !

All the piggies in the barn are to good enough condition to turn off the heat lamp in the day now smile. Also they are to breed standard, so with the fact they are used to being handled I am planning to sell 3 of them for breeding boars, and I think Minnow will stay as our herd boar. Unfortunately means Bigpig will move on to someone else as she is his only relation in the OSB herd.


Original Poster:

2,675 posts

193 months

Wednesday 13th December 2023
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Unexpected weaning day for Cagney & Lacey as Cagney decided to escape her pen and it was just easier moving them both to a new pen. I put them a new pigloo and fresh straw in the new pen but it is too posh for my girls so they are camping out in a grass nest they have made themselves. The litters are all in a heap in the ark in their pen ready to be moved tomorrow, after a trip to the local farm supplies place to get some hurdles!


Original Poster:

2,675 posts

193 months

Wednesday 13th December 2023
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Original Poster:

2,675 posts

193 months

Monday 1st January
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a busy few weeks on the piggy front.

The little ones are in their own pen and growing fast. stating to be sold off, hope to get down to around 4-6 to keep to grow on

IMG_20231216_154902_570 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

Bigpig and Greta have moved on to another local farmer, 2 reasons, I want to keep a boar from their litter and they are going to be the only breeding relation to the boar it makes sense for them to move on, also we have had so much rain I am struggling to keep the pens in a state good enough for the pigs I have.

20231230_125000 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

This little monkey escaped and found something sharp somewhere and cut her leg, so she is in the barn in a dry pen until it heals up fully
20231220_103623 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

Finally the 4 small boys in the barn, they are in an open pen next to pig above and are doing really well. Minnow has developed a pot belly and is now walking fine, still a bit of muscle to build up but he will be fine. He really likes food, expect if comes from 4 weeks of not getting enough. He has got to the stage now where the weight is piling on him.

Piggy on the right in this photo may get to visit a show or 2
20240101_103204 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

20240101_103308 by Old_Chad, on Flickr


Original Poster:

2,675 posts

193 months

Thursday 1st February
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Well the OSB/Manga crosses have moved house to a farm in Derbyshire bar 2, one for fattening and the one with the cut leg who is being retained for breeding & named Scarlett Johamsson

20240126_130540 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

IMG_20240127_212215_840 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

She will move back in with Cagney & Lacy in a week or two as she is getting very big.

Had some bad luck with the ginger ninja that was in the barn, he was always very excitable and jumpy & bouncy, unfortunately he got a massive hernia that wasn't sensibly repairable and had to be PTS, really sad as he was a friendly chap and would have been herd registered for breeding on and was from a line that isn't greatly represented in my part of the UK.

The rest of the barn pigs are doing well (top to bottom), Bucket Pig, Minnow & Patches. Bucket Pig and Patches I think will be shown this spring, really coming on well.

20240130_125657 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

Minnow is staying, he thinks I am mum and is very friendly, what I want in a boar I keep.

IMG_20240127_163812_145 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

20240126_130527 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

The rest of the litters are growing fast, hopefully a few going to a new home next week, currently I don't have the ground to grow them on myself, however that may be changing shortly.....

signal-2024-01-27-16-35-56-022-2 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

IMG_20240121_214049_402 by Old_Chad, on Flickr


Original Poster:

2,675 posts

193 months

Thursday 1st February
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Indeed! I am currently looking at a new field for them, it is much dryer sandier ground as apposed to the clay ground they are on now. I have really struggled with the weather over the last few months, I am not doing another winter without a barn I can move them into for the worst of the weather, apart from the benefits to the piggies it will make my life so much easier, will cost a bit more in straw but ease of looking after them over winter will vastly make up for it. Current pens will be used for summer only going forward.


Original Poster:

2,675 posts

193 months

Thursday 1st February
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And as this is pistonheads some toy news.

The unreliable NH T4s....
20221231_130725 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

Has been replaced by a Kubota M95GX
signal-2024-01-11-13-02-22-305 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

Way more than I need, but the extra weight has really helped with loader work, plus it doesn't break down like the NH constantly did.


Original Poster:

2,675 posts

193 months

Wednesday 21st February
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RIP little Minnow frown Vet visited Monday, gave him some antibiotics and diagnosed weak immune system and suspected bacterial infection / pneumonia. He perked up no end Monday afternoon but found he had died in his sleep over Monday night. Gutted, he was such a happy chap and always up for a chat

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20231217_175521 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

20231225_100604 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

IMG_20240108_173026_323 by Old_Chad, on Flickr


Original Poster:

2,675 posts

193 months

Tuesday 2nd April
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A bit of an update, the pig pen field is now a swamp, so piggies are moving into the orchard.
C&L have a new pen under the oak trees, will extending some more but it was put in in a hurry

20240326_153851 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

Splashed out on a load of mobile fencing for the little pigs, now split into girls and boys pens

20240328_124131 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

20240329_133012 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

Patches and Bucket are still living it up in the barn, I cannot get to my pig houses with the tractor right now due to the mud so although they have a pen outside it doesn't have a house to go into it. Both are now registered boars as they meet the breed standard. Patches is staying, Bucket will be for sale once he has proved he can produce a litter.

20240329_130050 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

20240329_130039 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

All the little ones are going to be gone by next weekend, off to various local farms. Next litters will be planned for August/September time, want to get a barn up before then though.


Original Poster:

2,675 posts

193 months

Sunday 21st April
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So down to only 3 of the litters from last year now, Patches, Bucket & "a pig", all the rest have gone off to local farms for breeding or fattening on.

We only retained one for growing on ourselves, and that was only as we are selling Bucket so want a companion for Patches until he is old enough to get jiggy with the girls.

There is alot of interest in Bucket, a young well handled boar of his line is sought after it seems, there are only 27 Clarence line boars registered (well 29 with Bucket & Patches but they missed the count), and I think he is heading down Somerset way.

bucket2 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

bucket by Old_Chad, on Flickr

Patches is ahead on growth of all the litters from last year, he is turning into a real tank and will be ready for action late summer.

patches by Old_Chad, on Flickr


Original Poster:

2,675 posts

193 months

Sunday 21st April
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Just to add Scarlett went off to a local farm for breeding, I really wanted to keep her but she is the only relative of Patches in our herd and it would be too much hassle keeping them apart, she is only local & I have got visiting rights, can't wait to see what sort of piglets she produces.


Original Poster:

2,675 posts

193 months

Sunday 21st April
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The old paddocks are a mess, still have 4 girls on the best pen, they are coming into the orchard this week. 1/2 the field still has standing water on it, and I need to rotovate and reseed the whole field, so they won't be useable until autumn I think. I may rest them until next year now, we have extra land now so will set up new pens and as its our land I can stick down concrete slabs for the arks to sit on, will make them more useable as all year pens then.


Original Poster:

2,675 posts

193 months

Sunday 28th April
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Bucket is actually off to Norfolk now, via the OSB charity group's assistance to spread the genetics about the UK. And his is keeping the name & the new owners know his story LOL

After Minnow he was the one I was most worried about, he was so small & Cold when I found him lost outside. He turned out to be my first registered pedigree boar.

signal-2023-11-29-13-15-56-236 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

20240329_130039 by Old_Chad, on Flickr


Original Poster:

2,675 posts

193 months

Sunday 28th April
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The four OSB girls are in the orchard now, condition wise they have done really well over the winter, to the point Gerry who is in charge is a bit over weight as she is a bully at feed time, unsure if I will split her off for a couple of weeks or just keep an eye her and reduce all their feed a touch.
20240427_170347 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

Really need a litter off Gerry soon, and before patches is old enough, so may have to AI her next month, will see.

Cagney & Lacey are cheerful as ever, planning on having a litter off them next spring so Patches will be in with them November/December this year.

20240426_153641 by Old_Chad, on Flickr


Original Poster:

2,675 posts

193 months

Sunday 28th April
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Oh yes, boars are just shagging machines, left to their own devices sisters & mum would get it.


Original Poster:

2,675 posts

193 months

Sunday 5th May
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Well Bucket, or his posh name "Old Chads Clarence 1" is on his way to Norfolk and his new herd of ladies

440794902_757069229869774_9010319310441423106_n by Old_Chad, on Flickr


Original Poster:

2,675 posts

193 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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A quiet few weeks on the piggy front

20240521_131734 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

Apart from Cagney & Lacy jumping over their pen fencing and having a wander around the orchard for a night! Thought someone had let them out until I shoo'd them back in and watched them out of sight, they both cleared the stock fencing from a standing start. Impressive that a 250kg pig can clear a 3ft fence with ease. A couple more strands of electric fence have been put in to put more hight on the fence, and its high viz orange and they know that one hurts so hopefully that is an end to the escaping.

20240521_131157 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

20240519_131308 by Old_Chad, on Flickr


Original Poster:

2,675 posts

193 months

Friday 24th May
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No all gone, next weaner available in 6-7 months depending on Patches perfkrmance


Original Poster:

2,675 posts

193 months

Friday 24th May
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Lol, fat fingers and a few too many beers


Original Poster:

2,675 posts

193 months

Wednesday 29th May
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Update from Bucket, he now has his first girlfriend and doing what he should already, should be mini Bucket's in september

Snipaste_2024-05-29_20-00-33 by Old_Chad, on Flickr

Patches is getting very interested in the girls next door, will have a re-jig of the pens and he will be getting a visit from Gerry I think in a few weeks.

Snipaste_2024-05-29_20-03-47 by Old_Chad, on Flickr