Cats VS Dogs..........



Original Poster:

17,435 posts

202 months

Wednesday 27th October 2010
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Seemed suitable seeing as we have a new forum and everything......

Cats are cooler, they are independant, not dopey idiot creatures


Edited by Dan_1981 on Wednesday 27th October 16:33

Mr Will

13,719 posts

209 months

Wednesday 27th October 2010
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Bears. I like Bears.

Mrs Grumpy

863 posts

192 months

Wednesday 27th October 2010
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And cats have no purpose (except maybe farm cats to catch the mice).

Dogs can be trained to help the blind, the deaf, people with disabilities, people with epilepsy and as PAT dogs. Oh and they can herd sheep and other animals.

Purpose of a cat?


9,932 posts

214 months

Wednesday 27th October 2010
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Cats are a damn sight better therapy than most drugs for blood pressure, anxiety or depression.

My youngest cat comes when whistled for and retrieves toys too.


1,507 posts

211 months

Wednesday 27th October 2010
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BlackVanGirl said:
Cats are a damn sight better therapy than most drugs for blood pressure, anxiety or depression.
I seriously doubt that, I've got a cat with my gf, I far preferred my grandparents Labradors.

BlackVanGirl said:
My youngest cat comes when whistled for and retrieves toys too.
Those are more dog traits than cat ones wink


10,146 posts

251 months

Wednesday 27th October 2010
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Dogs have owners, cats have staff.

I know, I'm a dog person myself, we've been adopted by three cats now, and don't I know about being staff!


24,114 posts

232 months

Wednesday 27th October 2010
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mrmaggit said:
Dogs have owners, cats have stafftake the piss.

Go out all day and then meow expecting food on demand.


7,305 posts

178 months

Wednesday 27th October 2010
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I have one rescue cat that treats us as lodgers (she loves mefood really), and a youngster who i did my best to bring up as a puppy so he is now a bad temperd dog that has claws. hehe

However, he does walk to heel and fetch little sticks. biggrin


15,087 posts

264 months

Wednesday 27th October 2010
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Just think of the the drug smugglers caught by hard working cats .... oh no wait.

Try to think of them both as Human types

Dogs are the working class, only as good as their leaders can teach them to be, but loyal to a fault, hard working and if they go wrong, well its because they don't know any better.

Cats, cats are like benefits cheats....



Original Poster:

17,435 posts

202 months

Wednesday 27th October 2010
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Gargamel said:
Just think of the the drug smugglers caught by hard working cats .... oh no wait.

Try to think of them both as Human types

Dogs are the working class, only as good as their leaders can teach them to be, but loyal to a fault, hard working and if they go wrong, well its because they don't know any better.

Cats, cats are like benefits cheats....

Or more accurately, cats are like the upper classes, expecting everything to be done for them, food to be provided on a whim, entertainment to be laid on. A nice comfy warm spot in the house. Reagrdless of who is actually sat there.

And occasionaly they'll go out hunting.


10,877 posts

191 months

Wednesday 27th October 2010
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Cat's are helpful when Zeroing your sights and practising hitting moving targets for when you go for Rabbits and want a clean kill.


14,682 posts

214 months

Wednesday 27th October 2010
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I actually have no preference. I love both cats and dogs. They both have their good and bad points.

However if I was forced at gun point to choose I'd probably go with cats but only because of my amazing little cat Fitz.

RB Will

9,687 posts

243 months

Wednesday 27th October 2010
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Dogs win.

Close the thread.


11,594 posts

247 months

Wednesday 27th October 2010
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RB Will said:
Dogs win.

Close the thread.


11,594 posts

247 months

Wednesday 27th October 2010
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To use the old analogy:

If you were shrunk to 6 inches high your cat would kill you, but your dog would still be your best mate.


9,932 posts

214 months

Wednesday 27th October 2010
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madbadger said:
To use the old analogy:

If you were shrunk to 6 inches high your cat would kill you, but your dog would still be your best mate.
One of mine would play with me for a bit, get bored after 3 seconds and pounce on his sister. One would lick me and then go and sleep in the sun, and the third would probably just hide. paperbag


14,682 posts

214 months

Wednesday 27th October 2010
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BlackVanGirl said:
madbadger said:
To use the old analogy:

If you were shrunk to 6 inches high your cat would kill you, but your dog would still be your best mate.
One of mine would play with me for a bit, get bored after 3 seconds and pounce on his sister. One would lick me and then go and sleep in the sun, and the third would probably just hide. paperbag
Actually there is quite a chance Fitz would eat me unless he could hear me! He is the sweetest cat with people but give him a mouse and he'll eat it in seconds. My dog would prob think I was a toy!


57,011 posts

207 months

Wednesday 27th October 2010
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madbadger said:
If you were shrunk to 6 inches high your cat would kill you slowly but your dog would eat you without you touching the sides.


70 posts

185 months

Thursday 28th October 2010
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erm just get a Maine Coon... best of both????? confused lol


920 posts

195 months

Thursday 28th October 2010
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Dan_1981 said:
Or more accurately, cats are like the upper classes, expecting everything to be done for them, food to be provided on a whim, entertainment to be laid on. A nice comfy warm spot in the house. Reagrdless of who is actually sat there.

And occasionaly they'll go out hunting.