


Original Poster:

1,846 posts

121 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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We have gravel on our drive, which is being used by every cat or fox within 20 miles to lay turds on. I assume foxes because of the level of turdage and it mostly seems to happen overnight.

How do I get them to fk off, or to at least instead use my neighbours drive?

I bought some repellant which came in a tiny bottle that you mix into water which smells horrific, but it doesn't seem to do much.

My wife has vetoed my air rifle, and also vetoed me buying a fox suit and waiting out for them and beating the st out of one as a warning to the others.

Any advice please?

P.S: On the off-chance that one of the foxes are reading this - I'm gonna stove your head in you silly orange bellend