WTF? Triffid???



Original Poster:

53,299 posts

258 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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Wife's out so I can't ask, but she seems to be cultivating a triffid... Looks a bit like a giant hogweed, about 4 ft tall and the stem is a couple of inches across at the base. But I think the leaves are wrong?

Any ideas??

Edited by Bill on Tuesday 2nd July 13:20


Original Poster:

53,299 posts

258 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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Edited by Bill on Tuesday 2nd July 13:21


Original Poster:

53,299 posts

258 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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Sorry, didn't realise how crap the leaf photo was...


Original Poster:

53,299 posts

258 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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vaud said:
Wild angelica according to an app.

Which would explain the bulky stem.
That sounds about right, ta. It's a lot bigger than the angelica she's planted elsewhere though.


Original Poster:

53,299 posts

258 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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Here's the beastie now I've cleared more bracken...