New UVPC sash windows fitted. Sill too narrow?!

New UVPC sash windows fitted. Sill too narrow?!



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65 posts

26 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Afternoon folks

Having new UVPC sash windows fitted currently. Got a call yesterday afternoon saying they were here and being fitted today. I was at work so they cracked on without me and got the upstairs ones fitted.

Coming home I've noted that whilst the windows look great I can't fathom why they have done the sill so narrow on the side window (same each side). Surely it should go flush to the end as per the old wooden sill (which I thought we were keeping but I'm guessing had potentially rotted)

I have called the manager and he is viewing tomorrow but I'm guessing it's probably now impossible to resolve and swap the sill? Currently not happy if they end up as they are as it doesn't look right in my option.

Any thoughts on resolutions would be most appreciated.


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65 posts

26 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Thankyou both. I called them and the manager said he would come and look tomorrow (when I am working again). The sill is also much thinner than the timber original which is a shame.

It's been roasting today so I expect the silicon will have gone off. Will the whole windows need to be removed to resolve?

My wife thinks I'm fussy but I want them to look right!


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65 posts

26 months

Wednesday 26th June
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James6112 said:
The cill is usually fixed to the bottom of the frame - window out job.
Maybe you’ll be lucky!
Hmm I suspect you are likely right. I do tend to think it's the window company's problem as it really doesn't look right to me.

I don't know whether windows can be removed and re fitted without issues though.


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65 posts

26 months

Wednesday 26th June
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J6542 said:
The cills on upvc sliders come as part of the window, unless it has a double cill on it. What do the windows look like on the inside? Is there a reason why they have been fitted so far out?
I haven't seen the fitters to ask them. This is what they look like from the inside, they have used the existing architrave inside so appear the same level from the inside as the old ones, albeit no doubt are thicker.


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65 posts

26 months

Wednesday 26th June
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J6542 said:
If they were not going to fit new finishes on the inside, then they should have cut them back to allow the window to come in, so it doesn’t silt so far out.
Thanks for the replies, sounds like I'm scuppered on both accounts then with the cill width if they are made like that and the actual fit of the windows.

This is the original window, I guess it doesn't look drastically different. We will eventually re render the front so can go for a slightly deeper top coat if needed.


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65 posts

26 months

Wednesday 26th June
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J6542 said:
From that picture it looks like there is a wooden sub frame around the window, it looks like it has been left in, the window has then been fitted flush with it and a trim piece put over it to cover. It would have looked a lot better if the cills had been left longer and notched in with the trim piece down on the the big window
When you order sliders from the manufacturer you have to specify if you want the cills left longer than the window or not. Of course maybe they did come long and the guys chopped them without thinking how they were going to make the outside look good.
The windows would still have looked better if they had been kept in a bit, but if they were doing that, it should have maybe been discussed when it was surveyed.
Thank you I really appreciate your replies. I made it clear I wanted the boxes removed as had read you get a much better install with them out, I'll be annoyed if they have left that wooden sub frame in though. Would seem an odd decision having removed the rest.

I'll have to see what they say re the cills Tomo when he calls me, I suspect it's too late to do anything but I'm really not happy with it. When you are buying a hopefully 20 year investment you want it to look right.


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65 posts

26 months

Thursday 27th June
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Chumley.mouse said:
I do a lot of things myself , but the number one rule when having anyone do work on the house is always be there. Keep an eye on things , answering any queries they have and making decisions there and then .

Had one guy fitting some aluminium french doors, where he positioned them to be fitted , when opened they would have hit the brickwork but i wanted them further forward so they opened flat to the wall. He moved them out slightly. Little things like that can save a lot of hassle further down the line.

I would not be happy with the cill length on those side windows and make them change them.
You could add some extra moulding under the cills to make them look like the old ones would be straightforward to do. Ive seen similar on wooden frames so it shouldn’t be a problem on upvc.

I had this once on a window, told the guy to not bother sealing the window as it would need another cill, he said i would need to talk to the office………..they changed it . If i hadn’t been there he would have filled it with sealant.
Thanks mate, that cill they tried to get away with on yours was terrible!

By way of update the fitters arrived this morning and have agreed to remove the two smaller windows and will re fit with the correct cills which is good. Apparently they were apologetic it wasn't picked up prior to fitting. Both will have a moulding fitted beneath the cill to mimic the original look so should look much better. The downstairs windows will be the same so they won't be fitted until the new cills arrive.

Sadly regarding the actual fit of the windows my wife has banned me from kicking up a fuss if they are slightly too far out so I will have to live with them. Once the render is renewed it will look better I am sure as I can ask it to be a slightly deeper finish. I guess I won't have that luxury with the bottom one but I guess there isn't much point me saying anything now as if they set this one back it'll look different to upstairs!

I will make sure I am home for when the bottom ones are fitted, I was caught at short notice so typically wasn't home when they came but totally get the advantages of being around to keep an eye on progress.


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65 posts

26 months

Thursday 27th June
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Simpo Two said:
It's a pity the mouldings underneath have disappeared, they gave it character.
I'm hoping they'll fit a decorative moulding underneath all being well.

May I ask your thoughts re a side window they fitted today? (again whilst I was at work)

Looks super from the inside but gaping gaps on both sides outside which will no doubt be foamed tomorrow and huge plastic trims fitted. Surely a complete survey fail? I feel having voids this size either side of the window completely negates the point of having double glazing in the first place.


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65 posts

26 months

Thursday 27th June
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Other side


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Thursday 27th June
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Oh and this is a reputable local family firm who I have used before so not sure what has gone wrong.


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65 posts

26 months

Thursday 27th June
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Thanks folks

I can get to the right side on a ladder and the gap is approx 20mm but goes in to a big hole at the top. I can't access the left side but the gap looks bigger.

Not sure how this will be fixed so it's thermally efficient - foam and then render?

I'm so angry honestly


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65 posts

26 months

Thursday 27th June
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I think the inside looked ok but the baby is asleep so I can't check now. It's a wooden surround like the pic of the other window inside I posted.

Two bathroom windows fitted too which are finished and looks fine- not sure what the gaps underneath will be on them mind you


Original Poster:

65 posts

26 months

Sunday 30th June
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So having emailed the company owner the fitters turned up in the morning, clearly none the wiser. First time I'd met them. Explained my concerns re the large gaps but he said it was normal as the external window frames were so bulky. He said in a modern house the internal and external line up, ours is 1905. He showed me on the bedroom window they were doing and to be fair there was a large difference between outer and inner and you couldnt have the outer fully covered as the glass would be right up to the architrave inside.

Not impressed the company owner never replied, I'm sure the fitters spoke to him but I still expected some contact.

This is how the previously shown window now looks


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65 posts

26 months

Sunday 30th June
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Tomorrow the UVPC back door is going on, the left it in the garden Fri when they went home.

It rained heavily today so I nipped out to bring the bottom panel in.

It doesn't look great! I can't imagine the beading will hide this adequately, no doubt they will intend on fitting it though. Reckon I should leave them a note asking them to replace? I will be at work again when they come.

Roll on the job being finished ??[url]|


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65 posts

26 months

Sunday 30th June
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Digger said:
See bold . . . Yet again herein lies the problem
Sadly I don't have a choice, I'll have to flag it to them somehow before.


Original Poster:

65 posts

26 months

Sunday 30th June
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Digger said:
These are expensive decisions that you are mis-managing . . .
I don't really think it's fair to call it mismanaging, I don't the luxury of being able to take short notice annual leave to supervise the window fitters- nor should I have to really!

I'll just have to leave them a note saying I want this panel swapping out.


Original Poster:

65 posts

26 months

Sunday 30th June
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Digger said:
Okay that is fair. Apologies

Surveyor presumably measured accurately or close to . . .

Hopefully resolved soon yes
No worries matey. Maybe by posting im at least putting folk on their guard that even well respected little firms can be a disappointment and to try and keep an eye where you can