Electric Fly zapper - anybody use one?

Electric Fly zapper - anybody use one?



Original Poster:

538 posts

226 months

Tuesday 25th June
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We always get a lot of flies in our rear kitchen extension each summer, Wondering if anyone uses a UV fly zapper and if they are any good at dealing with house flies?. Plenty on Amazon, however seemingly mixed reviews.


Original Poster:

538 posts

226 months

Tuesday 25th June
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LooneyTunes said:
Yes, have one of these on top of the wall cabinets in the kitchen (there’s nearly always a random fly around if you live in the country and leave windows open): https://www.nisbets.co.uk/eazyzap-led-fly-killer-1...

They’re best uses when it’s night/early morning and they’re the only/main light source.
Thanks, good to know - could work well in the rear of the room where its a little darker

595Heaven said:
Get an Executioner Pro…
lonny said:
Got this one a few weeks ago and it’s caught a few flies so far with a satisfying ZAPP!! When it gets them. Can be quite a work out as they move so fast.

Certainly save me going to the gym the amount of flies we get !


Original Poster:

538 posts

226 months

Tuesday 25th June
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C n C said:
Is there any option to prevent the flies coming in in the first place?

We often got flies in our kitchen extension due to having the window or door open.

Several years ago, I fitted a fly screen door to the kitchen door, and we were able to leave the door open for ventilation, but it completely stopped the flies from coming in. They also do screens for windows. We bought it from Streme UK

Obviously not as interactive as chasing them around with an electrified tennis racket, but it completely solved the problem.
Problematic as we have bi-folds on the extension which is the root cause of it all I guess, any nice weather and they are always open to some degree...

I have gone for one of the standalone units to see how it goes .