Retaining wall quote sense check pleasethankyou

Retaining wall quote sense check pleasethankyou



Original Poster:

6,560 posts

67 months

Sunday 26th May
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Afternoon all. Just had a quote from a reputable local builder (in that he's done work for both immediate neighbours, who are both very happy, and a house round the corner who rate him) to replace a not-actually-a-retaining-wall with a retaining wall, and wanted to check it was about right. In Hampshire as I know there's some regional variation.

So, pull out all the wooden staves (which are just pressed into the soil!), build a block/concrete retaining wall that's level from the path all the way down and round behind that bush. New shingle path with granite edge blocks (from the current little ramp) from the front door to where it ends currently. Add weep holes, and then a decorative stone wall in front. All has to be hand dug because that big bugger of a pine has a TPO (this has all been OK'd by the tree officer).

It's about 6m long to the curve, and they're also building up the garden by about 60cm at the front so it's near level. This is the stone they'll be matching (or close to - the bush will hide the transition). Yes, I know the wall needs a bit of a clean.

The green thing is a gas regulator, in case you were wondering.

And the view from near the front door - you can probably see we're on a fairly steep hill.

He's quoted £5100 including all materials and disposal of all waste, with the job taking 2 weeks start to finish (not solid work as the concrete has to dry). My best beloved felt that was a bit high, but it was less than I'd expected.

Ta in advance.


Original Poster:

6,560 posts

67 months

Sunday 26th May
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I can't remember! I suspect it'll be adequate, he used to do houses and was adamant that he was only interested in jobs he could do right.


Original Poster:

6,560 posts

67 months

Sunday 26th May
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Douglas Quaid said:
£1500 is a good price
The quote is £5100...


Original Poster:

6,560 posts

67 months

Sunday 26th May
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Thanks all.


Original Poster:

6,560 posts

67 months

Wednesday 26th June
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First day on site in case anyone's interested in seeing progress. Dug out the old footings and poured new, and marked up where the path will go. The big shingle stuff on the current path will go between the pavement and the new wall.


Original Poster:

6,560 posts

67 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Wall itself is mostly done. Path and tidying today.


Original Poster:

6,560 posts

67 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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This far I'm pleased - they've also matched the bird's beak pointing that the stone on the house has.

They're about halfway through the little granite edging blocks for the path.


Original Poster:

6,560 posts

67 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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That's a good plan. I've been keeping them topped up with squash and coffee.


Original Poster:

6,560 posts

67 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Path is in.


Original Poster:

6,560 posts

67 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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I should probably point out that the old path will be removed...


Original Poster:

6,560 posts

67 months

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I can get a picture of the blocks - they are granite I believe.

Basically they cut a channel a bit over a metre wide and 10cm deep. That got levelled and stamped down, then the blocks were set in (apologies for probably the wrong terms) a bed of sand/cement mix mortar and pointed. Then scalpings, then membrane, then shingle.

The blocks are about an 8cm cube.

Edited by Sporky on Thursday 4th July 08:46


Original Poster:

6,560 posts

67 months

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The back is filled in with some big shingly stuff (using my best trade terms again), and there are discreet weepholes too.