What’s happening in your garden today?

What’s happening in your garden today?



Original Poster:

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224 months

Wednesday 15th May
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Given the warmer weather I’m finding myself in the garden more and noticing some lovely things growing and some cute visitors!

So for fellow garden lovers - what’s happing in your garden today?

Pleased to see that our wildflowers are starting to grow where we seeded. Might have to wait a while before we see any real colour though as they look like weeds at the moment!


Original Poster:

3,582 posts

224 months

Thursday 16th May
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The Gauge said:
W12GT said:
Given the warmer weather I’m finding myself in the garden more and noticing some lovely things growing and some cute visitors!

So for fellow garden lovers - what’s happing in your garden today?

Nice looking plant, do you know what it is please?
As someone else has commented - it’s London Pride. Absolutely stunning in the flesh. We didn’t plant it but glad we have it.

Edited by W12GT on Thursday 16th May 21:04


Original Poster:

3,582 posts

224 months

Thursday 16th May
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Had a little wander around the garden today and these caught my eye…


Original Poster:

3,582 posts

224 months

Saturday 18th May
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jagnet said:
Unexpected emergence of spring kittens:

So cute!


Original Poster:

3,582 posts

224 months

Saturday 25th May
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Some lovely pics being shared!

The start of more colour in ours….

These are huge!

Edited by W12GT on Saturday 25th May 22:07

Edited by W12GT on Saturday 25th May 22:07


Original Poster:

3,582 posts

224 months

Monday 27th May
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Evening visitors - low light and terrible phone picture having to zoom in a little way, but often have some pop in when we leave the driveway gates open, one definitely looks like she’s carrying a baby or two.


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3,582 posts

224 months

Saturday 8th June
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thepritch said:
otolith said:
It’s what you do with it, not how big it is. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.
Indeed it is!

A large garden requires a lot of work and expense to keep it looking even remotely tidy. Be careful what you wish for!!
Agreed! My wife and I keep talking about potentially getting a gardener in for at least a full day a week. At the moment we’re out there at least 1.5days each and we’re are at risk of losing the battle - we are already behind on the bushes and hedges and probably need a week solid to get on top of them.


Original Poster:

3,582 posts

224 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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mcelliott said:
Still really pleased with how the meadow is looking - oxeye daisy now slowly finishing, so that means collecting seed. Surprisingly addictive and very satisfying. Sweet peas still producing huge amounts of bloom, running out of room at home.

Envious - our areas we seeded this year have not done very well. In fact the smaller areas are ok but the bigger ones look patchy to say the least! I definitely over seeded the smaller areas and they are looking lush! Won’t be sticking to the prescribed seeding rate next year!