The 2024 Lawn Thread


Dr Murdoch

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3,485 posts

138 months

Monday 22nd January
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Apologies if another is up and running....

On the assumption that there isn't......

For the first time ever, I mowed my lawn in January. Its been needing a slight trim since November as the grass kept on growing due to the mild Nov & Dec, but due to the incessant rain the ground felt like walking on a sponge.

Very glad I did though, as it makes such a difference to my outlook when looking outside whilst working.

When mowing I noticed quite a bit more moss than usual (due to the amount of rain/dampness), so I've ordered some winter green fertilizer to try and make the work in the spring a bit easier i.e. dealing with the moss in advance.

Dr Murdoch

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3,485 posts

138 months

Friday 15th March
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DMAndy said:
I don't thnk so. Not that I can tell.

Right'o well I'll stick with the moss-kill and overseed. Thank you for the advice. Perhaps feed might make the difference as its something I've never really put effort into. I was watching some of this chaps YouTube videos. He certainly works on some beautiful lawns. I see he promotes a few winter and autumn feed products and does a lot of work at a time of year when my lawn seems far too soaked to touch. I'm genuinely amazed how good some of his lawns already look this time of year.
Just a thought, do you keep the grass long during late autumn and spring? This protects the roots from frost and helps to stop the moss from forming/growing.

Dr Murdoch

Original Poster:

3,485 posts

138 months

Monday 25th March
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I think soil temp needs to be 8 degrees for grass to grow or thereabouts, and Ive needed to cut mine since the end of Jan, I'm on the 6th or 7th cut (SW London). Ive always assumed if the grass is growing, then its fine to seed. Although, clearly a frost or two will scupper the seedlings.