Is anyone moving now?



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Tuesday 24th March 2020
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Couldn't see a specific thread..

Is anyone actually still moving in the foreseeable future? Bearing in mind last nights lockdown, has this put house moves in jeopardy?


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Wednesday 25th March 2020
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Blimey. Really feel for everyone on here with the current situation.

When I started this thread yesterday, it was only just coming into peoples thoughts that moves may not take place..and now..

Michael Gove now told people not to exchange...


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Wednesday 25th March 2020
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156651 said:
I think you're being a little alarmist. The evidence does not suggest the virus transmits mainly though touching a surface contaminated with the virus and then touching ones face. If it did we could all get it from deliveries, packages, buying food at the supermarket, etc. And you can disinfect when you move in if you are concerned.

It isn't the bubonic plague.
That is exactly how it can be transmitted.

Have a read up, it could just save your, or someone else’s life.


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Thursday 26th March 2020
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156651 said:
I suggest you do some more reading. The principal method of transmission is droplets in the air. It may transmit through surfaces, but exactly how commonly is unknown, and how long it stays in the surface and remains viable is unknown. It is lower risk hence why, for example, non-essential package deliveries are not banned. I never said it was no risk, but it is not something to be terrified of in a home that only had one family in it.

Person-to-person spread
The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person.

* Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
* Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
* These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.

Spread from contact with contaminated surfaces or objects
It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.

Emphasis my own.

Correct. So this is the thing. It may be spread through the virus being on surfaces.

It's up to everyone to balance the risk. Touch a surface that could be infected, then touch your mouth / nose / eyes and you ould then be infected.

This is one of the reasons removal companies are not able to carry out their work.


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Saturday 29th August 2020
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Having started this thread way back on the day after lockdown....we spent the time finishing off the refurbishment on our house and put it on the market at the end of July.

We’d seen our dream house come up for sale, so were hoping for a quick turn around on ours.

Luckily we’ve sold within a short timeframe and the chain looks good below us.

Offer agreed on the house we want....

However I’ve got a feeling that this is just the start of the fun and games and there’ll be a rocky road to navigate along the process....

Need more fingernails.....


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Wednesday 16th December 2020
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We sold on 23rd August, but after about 7 weeks we found out that the house at the bottom of the market had not actually sold at all and was still on the market....none of the agents checking the chain had actually checked.....back to square one...

Everyone went back on the market, our buyer sold straight away to a new buyer. We were told their new buyer had sold to a first time buyer so the chain was actually a couple of houses fewer than before.

We also had another offer at £5k less to someone else in a slightly better position, but stuck with our original buyers as they really love our house, so we took the decision to remain committed to them as buyers.

However their selling price was £5k lower than previously, so we were asked to split the difference with them and reduce ours by £2.5k to keep everything going. In the spirit of keeping things progressing, we agreed, but only as the vendor of the house we're buying agreed to do the same, so in reality it has cost us £ 1,250....

Three weeks ago, after continually pressing the agent to chase things up, we found out the new buyers of our buyers house had not even instructed a Solicitor on the sale of their house...all they had done was to apply for a mortgage and arrange a survey...again, none of the agents had chased this through for their Solicitors details.... unbelievable....back to square one...!! mad

So having sold nearly 4 months ago, the house at the bottom of the chain has only instructed Solicitors and ordered searches...

Despite our agents protestations of 'how would we have known this', I'm having none of it. If the 4 agents involved had chased this at the start, we would have been in our new house by now.

Now we have no chance of even exchanging before Xmas, so we can't start packing up with any confidence that it will still all go through.

Possibly, the most frustrating experience I have ever had.

Just trying to keep myself busy with other things now, in the remote hope that it will all suddenly pull together... spin


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Friday 18th December 2020
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TimmyMallett said:

Sorry, so in response to the OP. Yes.


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Wednesday 13th January 2021
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Hopefully, if they do something, It will be limited to new viewings and not a pause to houses already in the system with Solicitors etc.

If they do anything, an extension to the SDLT freeze would have to happen...hopefully...


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Thursday 21st January 2021
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/\ Congrats!

They're a nightmare aren't they?!!!

The Solicitor for the house we're buying delayed things for almost two months, eventually we discovered the main reason being he didn't have a copy of the vendors Transfer Form...and he didn't want to reply without including it.....FFS! rolleyes

I went on the Land Registry website and found it in 1 minute....


Hoping to exchange shortly now, complete on 5th February....that'll be 7 months for a 5 house chain....

Moving to our absolute dream house I'm never moving again!!

Edited by MrVert on Friday 22 January 11:47


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Thursday 28th January 2021
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Solicitors below us forgot to inform the mortgage provider of the slightly reduced price on our house....£1400 to contribute to some roofing costs, agreed in early November...

Realised today, then tried to blame it on the provider...

So we still haven’t exchanged....despite everyone else in the chain being ready...

Solicitors can be complete idiots....



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Sunday 31st January 2021
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After Thursday's debacle where the Solicitor for our buyer forgot to amend the mortgage amount with the provider...thereby needing a new mortgage document..

We were told first thing Friday that we would exchange that day...

Phone call Friday 10am from our agent...'The first time buyer at the bottom of the chain hasn't actually got a mortgage'....

My reply was something along the lines of..'WTF?!!! We're supposed to be exchanging today & their Solicitor confirmed the day before he was ready to exchange?!!'

How the hell could he have confirmed that without having a mortgage offer and the funds available to draw from?

Another hour passes, the agent for the house above found out the first time buyer had the mortgage offer, but did not send it to the Solicitor, nor did the lender (Lloyds)...

A few frantic hours passed with many emails and phone calls, ended up with the news that Lloyds would send the mortgage offer to the post.... FFS rolleyes

My Solicitor said they could have sent this via secure portal and could not see why this didn't happen...

So still waiting, all the fault of two moronic Solicitors who confirm one thing one day, then realise the next they were incorrect...

Trying to remain positive, but still have the feeling everything could all fall apart at any minute...

Never, ever again..


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Sunday 31st January 2021
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fesuvious said:

This is where an actual solicitor doesn't even see the file until the poorly paid minion that is actually doing the conveyancing said 'i think we're ready to exchange'.

Cue an actual qualified person reviewing.

Don't be fooled peeps. This happens all the time.

I buy property all the time, it's what I do to make money.

My Solicitor has been involved throughout with direct contact. Always copied in on emails and responds quickly. Makes a huge difference.

Solicitors should operate on facts, with checklists and processes to confirm each stage of the transactions. Things like this should not be able to happen. Full stop.

The two at the bottom of the chain we're in obviously do not do this and throughout have been sporadic, inaccurate, slow to respond and yes, moronic.

The vendors of the house we're buying had to go into their Solicitors, in person, on Thursday to sign contracts...complete waste of time and with Covid 19 around quite dangerous to them (nearly 70). We have done everything by email, as I always do, including signing contracts. He's an absolute dinosaur, dictating emails to his secretary to send out at some point when they're typed out, after waste of time.

Edited by MrVert on Sunday 31st January 11:25


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Sunday 31st January 2021
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surveyor said:
Very odd. The offer is important to buyers, but solicitors have a pile of extra work and reports to do for the lender. Unless they just assumed their buyer was paying cash.
That would be one hell of an assumption for them to make...


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Saturday 20th February 2021
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We've been going through the ridiculous 'process' with our sale & purchase since 23rd July.

Solicitors have been telling lies about mortgages, dates when things were sent off, then when caught out and proved to be lying, trying to cover it up with more lies.

People not taking calls, not returning emails etc's almost as if they don't want to actually get paid...utter imbeciles the lot of them.

But, after all this time and the biggest roller coaster I think I've ever been on....we finally completed yesterday....

In the end, we were forced by a single Solicitor in the chain to exchange and complete was all rather nerve racking having your entire life loaded onto a lorry awaiting 'the call'....

3pm came and went, chased Solicitors for the 4th time, was told our money had come in from the buyer below and they had in turn sent the money to the Solicitor above..but we could not have access until they confirmed receipt.

Sod that, could have been waiting another hour. Went to the new house, guessed where the previous owner had left the keys....and we were in! 10 mins later had the official 'you can access the property now' call.. hehe

By 11pm, we had something that almost resembled a home biggrin

Converted Barn, up to date Building Regs, insulated heavily, underfloor heating throughout, edge of a village...with two great pubs....Dream Home biggrin

I am never, ever moving again...


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242 months

Saturday 20th February 2021
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Gad-Westy said:
TimmyMallett said:
MrVert said:
I am never, ever moving again...
Moi aussi.
Amen brothers.

F that for a game of toy soldiers.
They’re bringing about their own downfall in a way, by making the experience so odious that no one is going to want to move again!

Good luck for anyone else getting near exchange /’s a roller coaster of emotions and weirdly difficult not to get fixated on it!


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Tuesday 23rd February 2021
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AlmostUseful said:
Heh, we’ve packed a few boxes and have been ready to exchange for nearly 2 months now smile
We could, in theory exchange tomorrow, today or any day now - and until we do we won’t be packing anything else because we still don’t really believe this move is going to happen.
We were exactly the same to a point, where we had to start packing as a possible exchange arose...ended up being another 5 weeks until we actually moved. Lived with bare minimum clothes etc during that time. Glad we did though as it definitely pays to get ahead on the packing / clearing front. Made the last week a lot easier.

Ended up doing a simultaneous exchange & completion last Friday, which was a nightmare and right up to the point when we got the phone call at 11am on moving day (with everything loaded onto the lorries) I refused to believe it was going to I wouldn't be too disappointed if it all fell through.

Fingers crossed your move all goes according to plan. It's a nightmare getting anything done at the moment..


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Friday 26th February 2021
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tuffer said:
And we are in......Happy Days.

Congrats! The sense of relief is immense I bet!

Lovely place cool


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242 months

Thursday 25th March 2021
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AlmostUseful said:
Think the house is 99% there now, just little bits and pieces and then dismantle the beds in the morning.
Removals firm will be here at 8am tomorrow, sod doing it ourselves!
It cost me £ 1,400 for removals...

It’s the best £ 1,400 I’ve ever spent....biggrin


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Wednesday 23rd June 2021
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Evoluzione said:
Completion next Monday, 14 months of house buying stress will come to an end woohoo
I think you have to win the ‘Rollercoaster of The Year’ award on this thread…congratulations, hope all goes well! beer


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Monday 28th June 2021
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Evoluzione said:
After a 14 month roller coaster ride we finally get the keys today woohoo
We're not in a chain and currently renting so will steadily move our stuff over the next few weeks. We both have work commitments too and the place needs a lot of work so it's far from your normal completion and move in day.
Apparently we have to go to the EA and pick the keys up from them at 1pm so we'll be headed over in the car with some cleaning stuff to see what we've bought.
We're probably going to move with my van, trailer and help of friends with vans too, right on cue the clutch has just failed on my van so won't have that until Weds (hopefully).
It's funny but I've just remembered what my mother said when we were kids 'Why can't I just have normal children?!'

A few pics of the smallholding with farmhouse and 17 acres nestled into the edge of the Pennines:

Scaffold will soon go up, that horrible paint blasted off the stone, repoint in lime, re-lay the stone slate roof etc and get it water tight for Winter.
A heck of a lot of work to do over the next few years.

Sorry Mum, i'm far from normal laugh
Beautiful...congratulations! That's a lovely spot!

You'll forget all the stress pretty quickly, especially if you're going to dive into refurb works straight away!

Enjoy in good health thumbup