Have you put your heating on yet?

Have you put your heating on yet?



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207 months

Sunday 9th October 2016
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I haven't yet had to put my heating on as we move more into autumn. I live in a top floor flat in London so it's slightly warmer than other types of buildings and the London location helps too. Ideally I like to be able to get through October without putting the heating on at all but with the single figure nightly temperatures forecast for the next week, I'm not sure if that will be possible.


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207 months

Sunday 9th October 2016
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AdamIndy said:
But why the time limit? Isn't that why we work? So we can be comfortable. If it's cold, don't be a fanny and just put the heating on!
It won't make too much difference to my bill if I turn it on in October so for me it's more of a little challenge and psychological thing. I'm not too keen to acknowledge summer is over and that we're well on our way to winter.


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207 months

Wednesday 2nd October 2019
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Only six degrees overnight here in London. Still currently twenty one degrees in my flat so the heating isn't on yet but it might be slightly chilly during the night!


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Friday 4th October 2019
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For those of you that keep your heating on all year round and just let the thermostat do the work, presumably you have also implemented day parting? I.e. so that it only comes on during the hours of the evening, for example, in order to avoid wasting energy heating the house when you're not there during the day?


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207 months

Saturday 26th September 2020
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Well, who's done it yet?

I've just had to put mine on because in the last couple of days I've come down with the cold and combined with the low temperatures this evening, I feel fking freezing!


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207 months

Saturday 26th September 2020
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PDP76 said:
It’s always on.
What happens if your heating is always on, you go away for a few days, and the thermostat becomes faulty/stops working early on in those few days. Wouldn't you be at risk of a massive gas bill, for example, because the boiler wouldn't know when to switch off?


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207 months

Sunday 27th September 2020
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NerveAgent said:
Mine has come on a few times in the last few days.

I always find it funny reading this thread, it’s like smart thermostats are some kind of novelty.
I usually don't know when I'm going to be in or out so it's far simpler for me to come home and press one button to switch the heating on when I need it and one button to switch it off when I don't.

The only thing smart about my thermostat is that when the property reaches a certain temperature, it will switch the heating off automatically. Pretty cool piece of kit!


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207 months

Sunday 27th September 2020
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paulguitar said:
I was in the same room as Billy Joel.

It was Madison Square Garden and he was singing and playing piano.smile
That's fine but was the heating on in that room, and if so, when was it switched on?


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207 months

Saturday 2nd October 2021
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Only about six days later than last year and I think it may be going on later today/this evening!


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207 months

Sunday 3rd October 2021
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V8covin said:
The whole point of a room thermostat is you don't need to turn the heating on or off
The worst "I've-got-a-thermostat-home" post ever! Flash git! hehe


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207 months

Saturday 1st October 2022
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I went away for a week at the end of September. It was still warm enough for shorts and T-shirt in London. Upon my return, it was 18.5 degrees inside so it was heating on, slippers out, and winter duvet on!

Today, I bought and fitted a much needed new draft excluder for the balcony door, as well as installing new draft exclusion tape on that door as well as the front door. Has definitely made a difference because there's less noise coming through the gaps from outside now.

I obviously didn't manage to hold out until October but looking at the history of this thread, the end of September seems to be the average point in the year for people to switch the heating on.


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207 months

Saturday 1st October 2022
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croyde said:
...you have to move quick and beat off other potential tenants...
Crikey, I knew it was bad, but not so bad that you'd have to do that! eek


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207 months

Monday 10th October 2022
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I'm pleasantly surprised by the amount of solar gain gathered in my flat, currently. Despite being only 4 degrees overnight in London, I woke up this morning to find the thermostat was still showing 21 degrees. It's now up at 22 degrees, despite not having the heating on at all.

I've only had the heating on twice this autumn so far. Once, when I got back from holiday at the end of Sep and one morning, briefly at the start of Oct. Long may it continue!


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207 months

Tuesday 11th October 2022
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W201_190e said:
Haven’t used it yet and to be honest last year over the winter there was never a point that I thought it should be on, as I felt comfortable putting a hoody on or something, but the wife disagreed.

I run very hot.
Are you well 'insulated'?


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207 months

Thursday 8th December 2022
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With the temperatures the UK saw last night, is anybody still 'holding out' - not put heating on yet..?!


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207 months

Friday 9th December 2022
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skinnyman said:
Any ideas as to how we could further curb the condensation?
Can you not open the windows a little, even if it's just when you go out?

I don't have trickle vents so I just open the windows for while I'm out for the day and that sorts it.


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207 months

Tuesday 13th December 2022
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I was reading with interest just how much the temperatures drop in people's homes on this thread. I'm amazed at some of the heat loss and temperatures that people are waking up to in the morning, e.g. 13 degrees...

I live in a reasonably sized, two bedroom, top floor flat in London, built in the early '60s. Surprisingly, it seems reasonably well insulated. 19.5 degrees when I woke up at 7:00am today (no heating on overnight), left for work at 8:00am, no heating on in between, and returned home at 10pm to a temperature of 17.5 degrees. I think that's reasonable.


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207 months

Sunday 15th October 2023
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I'm surprised people have been discussing putting the heating on as far back as August...

I rode the motorbike almost 200 miles yesterday from London, up to and around Cambridge, and back again. It was getting uncomfortably cold.

When I returned home, the temperature was still a nice 22 degrees in my flat so the heating hasn't been on yet. Despite the very low overnight temperatures, it's still reading 21 degrees in here, so no heating needed this morning either. I'd like to be able to hold out until November, but I think that's unlikely.


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207 months

Monday 22nd April
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Just dropping in here to note, for future reference, that the heating is still on and is likely to be on until the end of April - in London. 4 degrees overnight and then getting down to three degrees overnight later on in the week. I don't remember it being this cold at the same time last year!