Anyone elses Violas/Pansies struggling this year?

Anyone elses Violas/Pansies struggling this year?



Original Poster:

2,754 posts

167 months

Last years plants (4 off), overwintered them in a cold frame, seemed to bounce back OKish early spring, stems bit pale but plenty flowers, which I've dead headed often. Past few weeks they're really struggling, one in particular is practically straw when I checked it there.

I've kept them watered, anti-fungal, insecticide added, and tried a few times with plant food. Soil is moist, no sign of root rot, I do let them dry out a bit, I don't keep them damp. I also have copper tape wound round the pots, so no slugs.

I'm mirroring exactly what I did last year with no luck, don't really want to put them back in the frame, kind of defeats the purpose of having them.

Anyone else?

Louis Balfour

26,781 posts

225 months

zb said:
Last years plants (4 off), overwintered them in a cold frame, seemed to bounce back OKish early spring, stems bit pale but plenty flowers, which I've dead headed often. Past few weeks they're really struggling, one in particular is practically straw when I checked it there.

I've kept them watered, anti-fungal, insecticide added, and tried a few times with plant food. Soil is moist, no sign of root rot, I do let them dry out a bit, I don't keep them damp. I also have copper tape wound round the pots, so no slugs.

I'm mirroring exactly what I did last year with no luck, don't really want to put them back in the frame, kind of defeats the purpose of having them.

Anyone else?
I didn’t grow ‘em but I planted winter pansies ages ago and they are still going strong.

Simpo Two

86,020 posts

268 months

zb said:
I've kept them watered, anti-fungal, insecticide added, and tried a few times with plant food. Soil is moist, no sign of root rot, I do let them dry out a bit, I don't keep them damp. I also have copper tape wound round the pots, so no slugs.
Maybe too much water and food? The plants won't be growing as fast as usual in this cool weather so not needing so much.


255 posts

227 months

Slugs have been rampant this year, so are you sure they’re not getting eaten?