What’s the best 3D room planner?

What’s the best 3D room planner?


Disco You

Original Poster:

3,702 posts

190 months

Wednesday 15th March 2023
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Does anyone have a 3D room planner that they recommend? I’ve tried a few free ones that I found via Google in the past and they all were pretty janky.

I’d be willing to pay a small fee (preferably as a one off and not a subscription)

I’d only need to draw one room at a time, and it needs to have ready made models for things like couches and tables, and the ability to change wall colours etc.

What do people here use?


7,651 posts

266 months

Wednesday 15th March 2023
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Try HomeByMe https://home.by.me/en/

I found it quite simple to use with reasonable realtime graphics and really good renders. Here's the render I did of our kitchen design and a real photo below it showing how it turned out in comparison

The high quality renders are limited before you need to pay for them although you can create another free account then share your design and carry on editing it in the second account, giving you more free renders hehe

The floorplan feature is good too, you can upload a scaled floorplan image (from a Rightmove ad for example) and use that as a template to draw the walls

Disco You

Original Poster:

3,702 posts

190 months

Wednesday 15th March 2023
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LocoBlade said:
Try HomeByMe https://home.by.me/en/

I found it quite simple to use with reasonable realtime graphics and really good renders. Here's the render I did of our kitchen design and a real photo below it showing how it turned out in comparison

The high quality renders are limited before you need to pay for them although you can create another free account then share your design and carry on editing it in the second account, giving you more free renders hehe

The floorplan feature is good too, you can upload a scaled floorplan image (from a Rightmove ad for example) and use that as a template to draw the walls
That looks good, I’ll have a crack thanks

Turtle Shed

1,860 posts

36 months

Monday 23rd September 2024
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Quick thread bump.

I just used that website and was most impressed. Nice and intuitive and only took me about 30 minutes from scratch to make an ensuite layout to send to bathroom man.