Who lives with Bats?



2,481 posts

54 months

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A short update for anyone still interested.
Our four foundlings are still with us. Two are a little more advanced than their friends and have progressed to solid food, but all are still taking milk when it's offered. But they develop so fast that I think they'll all be weaned fully in a few days.
The brood as a group are maturing. They still find their way in but can't find their way out. I figure if they can fly they can find a roost and it's very mild weather outside so I have caught and released four flight- capable juveniles this evening alone.
Getting pretty good at it!
Soon the pupping season will be over and they will abandon the maternity roost in the roof until next year.
The wildlife conservation man is planning to visit us at the weekend to take charge of the babies who are looking more promising than ever. While he's here he's going to do a proper bat survey and hopefully give us some advice. Which I'm looking forward to as I confess it's been a lot of work saving as many as we can.
They are remarkably individual. One is very vocal when he's eating. Another is a trembler and vibrates gently all the time he's in the hand. But they all share a common peccadillo - they all love having the top of their head gently rubbed with a fingertip. They actively lean into it and clearly enjoy it and who am I to deny them a small pleasure?
Enough for now. Wish us luck keeping them in the world please.

Fast and Spurious

1,410 posts

91 months

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That's amazing, thanks for the update. Incredible creatures. The only mammal to have mastered flight...and with the world's best sonar!
One day we might evolve to their level ;-)


2,481 posts

54 months

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Fast and Spurious said:
That's amazing, thanks for the update. Incredible creatures. The only mammal to have mastered flight...and with the world's best sonar!
One day we might evolve to their level ;-)
Agreed. Clever little things. What amazes me is how tough and resilient they are, as tiny and fragile as they are.
BTW we're up to five as of a quarter to six this morning, but I'm not too confident about the newcomer. If it lasts the day it has a good chance I reckon.
Only one is still to be weaned and declines solid food for now. But she's growing apace.