Have you put your heating on yet?

Have you put your heating on yet?



2,932 posts

167 months

Tuesday 11th October 2016
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Nope, still using the A/C...... (which might turned off in December and back on in February).


10,717 posts

163 months

Tuesday 11th October 2016
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Just moved and we have a proper fireplace but the missus is too scared to light it at the moment. Thinks the entire house will burn down if I go near it (which is probably correct - my man skills are somewhat disappointing). Anyway, I'll get it swept first before I pour on the petrol (that is how you start them - right?).

Just got to figure out the timer thingy for the CH as I'm not sure if it fires the boiler or launches a Saturn V rocket - too many buttons and no instructions! Google will no doubt be my friend here.


76,809 posts

285 months

Tuesday 11th October 2016
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15.3C here so fleece and a cup of tea.


35,667 posts

153 months

Tuesday 11th October 2016
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Hoofy said:
15.3C here so fleece and a cup of tea.
Is the sheep still inside it Hoofy? cloud9


25,480 posts

195 months

Tuesday 11th October 2016
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Lit the fire one evening last week but that's the only heating so far. I find heat from the log burner doesn't seem as stuffy as from central heating, I guess because it's drawing fresh air through the house.


22,459 posts

204 months

Tuesday 11th October 2016
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valiant said:
Just moved and we have a proper fireplace but the missus is too scared to light it at the moment. Thinks the entire house will burn down if I go near it (which is probably correct - my man skills are somewhat disappointing). Anyway, I'll get it swept first before I pour on the petrol (that is how you start them - right?).
No - the trick is to put the whole petrol container in there and then use a match to light it. Good to test how your reactions are doing, smile

bazza white

3,594 posts

131 months

Tuesday 11th October 2016
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Winter duvet went on last night cloud9


211 posts

95 months

Tuesday 11th October 2016
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Mine has been on the last few days. Only really first thing in morning (6am) and about 8pm at night until 10pm ish. It gets turned off from March till about October.

Humpy D

615 posts

198 months

Wednesday 12th October 2016
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Chris7865677 said:
March till about October.
Sorry, but why? What if it's -20 in April or 35 in October? Surely if it's cold you put the heating on regardless?


853 posts

135 months

Wednesday 12th October 2016
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I put heating on already last week but this morning has been the coldest so far, just 1 C°.


853 posts

135 months

Wednesday 12th October 2016
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I put heating on already last week but this morning has been the coldest so far, just 1 C°.


12,856 posts

158 months

Wednesday 12th October 2016
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erm last night but that was because i was installing evohome so had to make sure it was working smile
might set it to just warm up bed and bath for waking up next week then then set the schedule properly

Fore Left

1,445 posts

185 months

Wednesday 12th October 2016
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rossub said:
You people do realise that there is a thing that exists called heating without a thermostat??? i.e. you put the heating on and the individual radiators in each room then regulate the heat??? These systems have to either be off or on manually - you can't set them to come on and off by themselves according to temperature in the house.
Genuinely, no. Everyone I know has a thermostat on their heating. I thought the regs required it. You'll be telling me people still have coal fires next getmecoat

Yex 450

4,583 posts

223 months

Wednesday 12th October 2016
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Put the heating on last weekend to test the system was still sound and timed this to get the job done whilst SWMBO was out shopping. Unfortunately SWMBO returned a lot earlier than expected and has now had the heating on ever since mad


1,166 posts

190 months

Friday 14th October 2016
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I'm resisting until November.

Mrs is in. I way impressed by this. Yet has been seen wearing a jumper once.


76,809 posts

285 months

Friday 14th October 2016
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glenrobbo said:
Hoofy said:
15.3C here so fleece and a cup of tea.
Is the sheep still inside it Hoofy? cloud9
As you know, it adds extra warmth!


9,289 posts

231 months

Friday 14th October 2016
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Nope, still no sign of it being anywhere near cold enough yet... Think last year my heating was only on for a couple of months


17,434 posts

174 months

Friday 14th October 2016
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Not yet, not, although I did attach the radiator to the wall just in case. hehe


20,083 posts

119 months

Friday 14th October 2016
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55palfers said:
My wife put the heating on in August
Me? Not until there is a D in the month.


17,951 posts

187 months

Friday 14th October 2016
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The dog's pleased with the heating...