What’s happening in your garden today?

What’s happening in your garden today?



773 posts

36 months

Friday 24th May
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I can't believe you have Gladioli flowering already! Mine are probably still 2 months away from flowering, the first leaves are only about 1ft tall.

Is that an early variety or is summer just 2 months behind in N.Ireland?


4,357 posts

194 months

Friday 24th May
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46and2 said:
I can't believe you have Gladioli flowering already! Mine are probably still 2 months away from flowering, the first leaves are only about 1ft tall.

Is that an early variety or is summer just 2 months behind in N.Ireland?
Is a good point as they are usually mid June onwards. As I said everything just seems to have taken off at once for some reason.

Edit to add Wife doesn’t think they are Gladioli. Either way they are usually out later.

Edited by Portofino on Friday 24th May 13:48


9,319 posts

160 months

Friday 24th May
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Summer has hit Northern Ireland! Well, last weekend. And it's gone so that's probably that.


4,374 posts

251 months

Friday 24th May
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All the young sparrows and tits have been following their parents round being fed this week. It's been great to watch with the odd turf war thrown in. No casualties thankfully.


12,671 posts

171 months

Friday 24th May
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RC1807 said:
Bird box I put up a couple of months ago on the shed wall now has nesting great tits inside.
There’s a lot of tweeting going on. smile
They've flown the nest.

Turtle Shed

1,633 posts

29 months

Friday 24th May
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Today and every day, this lovely little fella comes along for dinner.


26,666 posts

183 months

Friday 24th May
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Turtle Shed said:
Today and every day, this lovely little fella comes along for dinner.


Chicken Chaser

7,966 posts

227 months

Saturday 25th May
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Alliums late in their display

Although we're not on acid soils, I cover this with ericaceous every year and it does well. It's 10 years old now and last year when I forgot to add mulch it didn't flower. Back this year with a lot of flowers.

This Ceanothus was a stick when we moved in, it looked dead. 10 years on and it's over 10ft high.

Various Clematis

After a late start, the warm and wet weather has really pushed things along. I've got a couple of victims of the wet winter, a Viburnum which looks pretty sick in an area where it is heavy clay and gets little sun. I'll probably have to replace it.


750 posts

168 months

Saturday 25th May
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Nothing much is happening in our garden today as we’re away for a few days. The grass has been growing like crazy and after a short cut last Sunday it looked great. I’m dreading returning Monday as it’ll be mess again.

So much to do in the garden, and it needs quite a cut back as we missed a few key jobs last year. Trouble is part of the garden is wild, but it now needs some managing and tlc, so my garden work area has effectively doubled in size.


4,086 posts

246 months

Saturday 25th May
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Rain stopped play.


26,666 posts

183 months

Saturday 25th May
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I've cut my grass today after a wet week. First strawberry of the season too.


316 posts

129 months

Saturday 25th May
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Few pics from our family holiday home. Semi wild as not lived in permanently.
I’m not a flower person so apart from the poppies which have grown here wild for decades I couldn’t tell you the names.

Edited by XF-Andy on Saturday 25th May 15:03

C n C

3,395 posts

224 months

Saturday 25th May
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Quite a few pictures from today - click on any for a higher res version.

Finally got round to getting the grass cut (view from the raised patio):

G1 by conradsphotos, on Flickr

Cherry Laurel is flowering well this year.

G4 by conradsphotos, on Flickr

Hope to get a few fruits later on - apples, pears, plums, and figs.

G9 by conradsphotos, on Flickr
G7 by conradsphotos, on Flickr
G2 by conradsphotos, on Flickr
G6 by conradsphotos, on Flickr

A particularly velvet like rose a friend gave my wife:
G3 by conradsphotos, on Flickr

G5 by conradsphotos, on Flickr

Climbing rose
G10 by conradsphotos, on Flickr

A few new additions to a border near a new fence:
Acer palmatum Orange Dream
Clematis Winter Beauty - Evergreen
Fragrant Evergreen Star Jasmin
G11 by conradsphotos, on Flickr

Edited by C n C on Saturday 25th May 18:35

The Three D Mucketeer

6,011 posts

230 months

Saturday 25th May
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I've only just taken my Gazanias grown from seed out of the Greenhouse to harden off frown
And only TWO Victoria Plums have set ....
There is a North / South divide


10,062 posts

221 months

Saturday 25th May
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Turtle Shed said:
Today and every day, this lovely little fella comes along for dinner.

We have a a few come to visit most nights, Try Calciworms they love them and they are good for them.
packed with Calcium

Chicken Chaser

7,966 posts

227 months

Saturday 25th May
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Would love a hedgehog. We've had one before but it was before our extension. They have to be sharper now to know where to get into the garden but there is access...


Original Poster:

3,582 posts

224 months

Saturday 25th May
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Some lovely pics being shared!

The start of more colour in ours….

These are huge!

Edited by W12GT on Saturday 25th May 22:07

Edited by W12GT on Saturday 25th May 22:07

Turtle Shed

1,633 posts

29 months

Saturday 25th May
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pinchmeimdreamin said:
Turtle Shed said:
Today and every day, this lovely little fella comes along for dinner.

We have a a few come to visit most nights, Try Calciworms they love them and they are good for them.
packed with Calcium

I will try calciworms.

Good news is that we've actually got two hedgehogs coming for dinner each night, one clearly bigger than the other so hopefully a mating pair. We've built a decent house too, might get used.

Your picture in broad daylight surprises me, I thought only ones that were poorly ventured out during the day.


10,062 posts

221 months

Saturday 25th May
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Turtle Shed said:
pinchmeimdreamin said:
Turtle Shed said:
Today and every day, this lovely little fella comes along for dinner.

We have a a few come to visit most nights, Try Calciworms they love them and they are good for them.
packed with Calcium

I will try calciworms.

Good news is that we've actually got two hedgehogs coming for dinner each night, one clearly bigger than the other so hopefully a mating pair. We've built a decent house too, might get used.

Your picture in broad daylight surprises me, I thought only ones that were poorly ventured out during the day.
It surprised us too ( although it was 8.30pm )
We have built a few houses in the garden now and have cameras covering them so get lots of night videos so to see him in daylight shocked us. ( he’s definitely not poorly just a greedy sod laugh )


11,764 posts

179 months

Saturday 25th May
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I would love to plant some foxgloves but have been warned off them as we have cats. Am I being overcautious?