Do you have a fire extinguisher at home?

Do you have a fire extinguisher at home?

Poll: Do you have a fire extinguisher at home?

Total Members Polled: 305

Yes: 55%
No: 37%
No, but I will now be buying one. Thanks.: 8%


2,604 posts

201 months

Tuesday 16th December 2008
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By law the student house we rent out has to have fire extinguishers and 'break glass' points on each floor, as well as a commercial grade fire alarm system and emergency lighting, a self-opening electronic window at the top of the house (to vent fumes) and a fire blanket in the kitchen.

However, all we have at my parents' house is a tiny little fire extinguisher (and I don't know where it is and doubt it's big enough to be of much use anyhow)

Edited by wiffmaster on Tuesday 16th December 14:53


31,319 posts

244 months

Tuesday 16th December 2008
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falcemob said:
I think most people would be wiser to keep a phone somewhere to hand rather than tackle a fire that could kill you.
You mean if candle got knocked over on to table and the tablecloth caught fire. Rather than put the fire out you'd leg it and let the house burn?

Small localised fires are worth 30 seconds to try and put out I'd think. If the whole room is ablaze then yes get out.

Tuscan Tart

2,187 posts

212 months

Tuesday 16th December 2008
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One in the kitchen, one in the car, 4 smoke alarms wired into the mains, one in the kitchen, hall and landing and one in the garage as there is a bedroom above it.

When the children were younger we often had fire drills, the two eldest had a bedroom in the loft which used to worry me so I made sure they knew how to climb out of the window and onto the flat roof below.


14,626 posts

270 months

Tuesday 16th December 2008
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wiffmaster said:
By law the student house we rent out has to have fire extinguishers and 'break glass' points on each floor, as well as a commercial grade fire alarm system and emergency lighting, a self-opening electronic window at the top of the house (to vent fumes) and a fire blanket in the kitchen.
By law? Is that true...both my kids are in student lets and neither has all that stuff...where's the legislation...


14,730 posts

214 months

Tuesday 16th December 2008
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esselte said:
By law? Is that true...both my kids are in student lets and neither has all that stuff...where's the legislation...
Not sure, but I'm rather certain that wherever they are living then it should have all that stuff... Certainly, I dont think any student accomodation would get proper accreditation with a Universtiy if it didnt have all that.

The ruls are different depending on the type of house / flat though (Multiple occupancy, individual flats, etc etc).


2,147 posts

198 months

Tuesday 16th December 2008
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Got one in the car but not in the house. Possibly I have my priorities wrong!


31,319 posts

244 months

Tuesday 16th December 2008
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snotrag said:
esselte said:
By law? Is that true...both my kids are in student lets and neither has all that stuff...where's the legislation...
Not sure, but I'm rather certain that wherever they are living then it should have all that stuff... Certainly, I dont think any student accomodation would get proper accreditation with a Universtiy if it didnt have all that.

The ruls are different depending on the type of house / flat though (Multiple occupancy, individual flats, etc etc).


14,626 posts

270 months

Tuesday 16th December 2008
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snotrag said:
esselte said:
By law? Is that true...both my kids are in student lets and neither has all that stuff...where's the legislation...
Not sure, but I'm rather certain that wherever they are living then it should have all that stuff... Certainly, I dont think any student accomodation would get proper accreditation with a Universtiy if it didnt have all that.

The ruls are different depending on the type of house / flat though (Multiple occupancy, individual flats, etc etc).
One lives in a completely shared house ie no locks on room doors,the other lives in a house with a shared lounge and kitchen etc but each bedroom has a lock on it....both on a uni accredited list....different unis too..


7,073 posts

253 months

Tuesday 16th December 2008
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I have a Halon fire extinguisher in the kitchen hehe


14,626 posts

270 months

Tuesday 16th December 2008
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john_p said:
I have a Halon fire extinguisher in the kitchen hehe
Just don't breath in when it goes

Rofly Lollers

759 posts

198 months

Tuesday 16th December 2008
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I am a little paranoid about this kind of thing, I have at least two extinguishers in every room of the house, including the garage. Each car carries two, with three in the one I drive the most, and a fire blanket (it might be useful for something).

When people come to stay I point out the locations of the extinguishers and how to use them.

King Herald

23,501 posts

219 months

Tuesday 16th December 2008
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We have a dry powder extinguisher in the kitchen and several fire alarms around the house.

Also a carbon monoxide alarm in the kitchen.

I have a water fire extinguisher in my workshop/garage, plus I keep a bucket of water around when I am welding or cutting metal.

The carbon monoxide alarm went off last week, for no good reason. I took it outside until it cleared, then brought it back in, and it alarmed again a moment later, so I called the emergency people and they came out for a look. The only gas appliance running is the water heater in the well ventilated attached garage, through a sealed UPVC door, and that appeared to be okay, so false alarm I guess. Even the gas guy could not work out why it had tripped, apart from maybe the fumes where I'd painted the doors upstairs the day before?


8,248 posts

239 months

Tuesday 16th December 2008
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Munter said:
falcemob said:
I think most people would be wiser to keep a phone somewhere to hand rather than tackle a fire that could kill you.
You mean if candle got knocked over on to table and the tablecloth caught fire. Rather than put the fire out you'd leg it and let the house burn?

Small localised fires are worth 30 seconds to try and put out I'd think. If the whole room is ablaze then yes get out.
If you say so.


22,227 posts

236 months

Tuesday 16th December 2008
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Silent1 said:
I've got a few lying around the house, when you live in a 700 year old house that's thatched it helps to have something close to hand.

Although the only time i nearly torched the house, i used the garden hose.
I got a bit over enthusiastic with the coal and set the chimney on fire, so after throwing water on the coal fire and it exploding (thank god there's york stone flooring) i had to then use the hose to extinquish the chimney before it started throwing embers out the top and onto the thatch.
hehe Having heard the tales of the Christmas Eve my brother put the aga into mealtdown and chucked a bucket of water on it.

Biggest problem turned out to be the christmas spread set out on the table...


24,980 posts

237 months

Tuesday 16th December 2008
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had my house 10 years and always had 1 easy to get to in the kitchen plus a wall mounted fire blanket


5,278 posts

234 months

Tuesday 16th December 2008
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bp1 said:
House has a sprinkler system inside. Lots of plastic circles on the ceiling which apparently pop down and start sprinkling. Also is location specific so if a bedroom fire occurs it doesnt fry the tv in the loungs etc. Runs on a separate water supply from the house. Hopefully never find out if it works!
Where the hell do you live Tracy island?


8,837 posts

251 months

Tuesday 16th December 2008
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I have a car one ( bought many years ago when I had a kit car) but it stays close to the front door. I have a feeling they've got a use/chuck by date as the work ones get serviced once a year.


25,399 posts

265 months

Tuesday 16th December 2008
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Yes I have one. I found it in the boot of my Trans Am and kept it. It may even work.


7,619 posts

227 months

Tuesday 16th December 2008
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found one in the car a few years ago, along with the junk

not had a fire in the house, other than burning incense, was under the impression that the dry powder gets everywhere.....


1,399 posts

236 months

Tuesday 16th December 2008
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One in each of the cars, plus one in the kitchen, and a fire blanket. TBH the latter was a requirement when the wife did childminding.