Electric Fly zapper - anybody use one?

Electric Fly zapper - anybody use one?



1,769 posts

228 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Wheel Turned Out said:
Got a standalone one in the kitchen, certainly does a good job. Never was so much a fan of the racket type, even though it's very satisfying when you do get one.
Agreed- the racquet is fun for a few times, but the blue/UV standalone zappers get a lot more flies over time. Not hugely attractive, but effective.

Old-fashioned fly papers are also very effective.


12,860 posts

183 months

Tuesday 25th June
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My sister has a thing which is like a bit of tape that you just leave dangling near the kitchen door, - it attracts the flies and they get stuck to it - it works but obviously looks a bit grim.

I can also confirm the tennis bat thing works but its only for the occasional fly.

Snow and Rocks

2,023 posts

30 months

Tuesday 25th June
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A couple of things we've done that have made a massive difference. We're in the middle of a Scottish forest so no shortage of flies in warm weather.

Red top fly traps in the garden catch flies in their thousand and have really reduced general fly numbers. The yeast based bait feeds on the caught flies so they work all summer long.

Leaving the Velux windows open at the top of the vaulted ceiling draws the flies/wasps etc up towards the light and allows them to escape.


7,043 posts

161 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Bill said:
LooneyTunes said:
Yes, have one of these on top of the wall cabinets in the kitchen (there’s nearly always a random fly around if you live in the country and leave windows open): https://www.nisbets.co.uk/eazyzap-led-fly-killer-1...

They’re best uses when it’s night/early morning and they’re the only/main light source.
We have the older non led version of this. The UV bulbs need replacing each year but I leave it on 24/7 once the flies start.
I had one of those too, but went for the LED this year when the bulbs failed. Mine’s on a timer so that it’s only on when dark in the room.


53,299 posts

258 months

Tuesday 25th June
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It's a shame they don't seem to do led bulbs for the old version.


877 posts

150 months

Tuesday 25th June
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I have one, the smell of BBQ'd Blue bottle is vomit

I have cats and the litter trays despite regular cleaning seems to attract flies so I have a UV wall mounted one is my bathroom where the litter trays are. Works fairly well.


1,249 posts

15 months

Tuesday 25th June
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The Executioner available on Amazon does the trick but the smell of the cremated remains of an exploded fly is very potent considering how small a fly is.

As this doesn't have the guards on it I suggest you don't hold it near your ear to hear it buzzing as one reviewer on Amazon did and won't do again.


573 posts

161 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Currently wielding an executioner in my house but may supplement the firepower this year with a bug-a-salt rifle for more targeted attacks

Mobile Chicane

20,921 posts

215 months

Wednesday 26th June
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I'm a fan of The Executioner, however one thing I can't understand is why homes in the UK don't have fly screens on doors and windows. Standard equipment elsewhere in the world.


29,272 posts

206 months

Wednesday 26th June
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it's like lots of things really... we've never had it hot enough to need air con, never had it snowy enough to need snow ploughs, never had enough creatures to need to have bug screens or take heed about things like ticks, never had to worry about venomous spiders etc but these things are all changing with climate.


7,598 posts

272 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Blown2CV said:
it's like lots of things really... we've never had it hot enough to need air con, never had it snowy enough to need snow ploughs, never had enough creatures to need to have bug screens or take heed about things like ticks, never had to worry about venomous spiders etc but these things are all changing with climate.
Hyperbole much?
Aircon has only really just come down to a pricepoint where it's viable for the ~2 weeks a year we have enough heat to warrant it
We still do have snowploughs, at least here in Yorkshire
We had flyscreens in the 70s, horrible plastic strips of multicoloured plastic hanging at every door - now we have bifolds and they don't work. There are fewer insects now than there were in living memory as pesticides and intensive farming is reducing numbers year on year.
Ticks have always been a thing, I remember having them removed from legs every summer as a kid
And have we had a sudden explosion in venomous spider species I don't know about?

Climate has little if anything to do with any of those.

Oliver Hardy

2,826 posts

77 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Unless the room is quit dark you need to buy a more powerful one then a battery ot USB rechargeable one.

I used to have one in a dark corner on top of a cupboard and it worked OK, I think it was 20W. However if I tried to relocate it near the door where it was a lot brighter it didn't work to well during the day. It failed last year, was going to get another but haven't yet


12,300 posts

275 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Hmmm… have had a fixed one (another bumpkin in a rural location); it zapped flies well enough when they dived in (some were resistant to the uv glow), but do recall exploded fly debris used the fallout far wider than the catch tray on the gadget.

This came into acute focus in the local kebab joint, where they had the same zapper installed above the area where wrap paper and trays were stored…

My current disposal method involves hoover, well Miele, stalking… surprisingly therapeutic with the wand on full chat and a few in the hopper followed with a squirt of raid is pretty effective


3,400 posts

169 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Portofino said:
Just bought one for my wife, honest.

Really good fun & gets the job done, although some tougher flies require a few blasts.
Is it messy? Quite fancy one but not the idea of vacuuming salt up.


3,400 posts

169 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Portofino said:
Just bought one for my wife, honest.

Really good fun & gets the job done, although some tougher flies require a few blasts.
Is it messy? Quite fancy one but not the idea of vacuuming salt up.


4,357 posts

194 months

Wednesday 26th June
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SistersofPercy said:
Is it messy? Quite fancy one but not the idea of vacuuming salt up.
Say, for example on a window sill, you’ll see it, but nothing a wipe of a damp sponge doesn’t get rid of.

Against glass, you’ll have a kill zone radius, nothing a wipe doesn’t get rid of.

In open areas then the vacuum sorts that.

In short, it’s not bad at all.


1,686 posts

194 months

Wednesday 26th June
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For those of us with Bug-a-Salt's, do a pattern plate on some tin foil to check your aiming is actually dead centre for the salt load.

I found mine was hitting about 20mm below where I thought if I held the cross hairs on a fly.
So the flies weren't getting hit with the full load and so just getting stunned.
I now get the fly between the cross hairs then raise the gun slightly to cover the fly and... Bam. One shot, one kill.
Sometimes a double-tap, just to make sure.

They are such good fun. I even took down a wasp yesterday with one shot.
And those dumb things that fly in circles. They are satisfying to take down in the air with a more spread shot.


3,400 posts

169 months

Thursday 27th June
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Portofino said:
Say, for example on a window sill, you’ll see it, but nothing a wipe of a damp sponge doesn’t get rid of.

Against glass, you’ll have a kill zone radius, nothing a wipe doesn’t get rid of.

In open areas then the vacuum sorts that.

In short, it’s not bad at all.
I appear to be so excited by the prospect here it posted twice biggrin
Thanks for that, not as bad as I assumed. Might buy him indoors one.....


6,048 posts

96 months

Thursday 27th June
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We used to have a few rabbits in an old shed, would get a lot of flies in especially in this sort of weather. Fixed some fly screen mesh over the windows and door which helped, but this cluster fly dispenser did an amazing job of reducing flies, at a rough estimate probably reduced numbers by 90%.


Unfortunately not really meant for use in the home/living areas. We've used the red top bait traps, and whilst very effective they absolutely stink! Only works if you can hang them away from the house or outdoor living areas.


422 posts

198 months

Thursday 27th June
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otolith said:
We've got a ground floor extension with lightwells, and insects go up into them and won't come down to be murdered. I reckon 3 feet would bring them into range. I think I shall buy one.
I have similar, a high glass roof lantern in a single story extension. When the tennis racket of death won't reach, we use natures solution. We allow a couple of massive spiders to live up there, they never come down as dinner comes to them, we sit and watch them exterminate the annoying little tts. Better than telly! The children have even given the spiders names. hehe