What’s happening in your garden today?

What’s happening in your garden today?



3,406 posts

147 months

Thursday 16th May
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The Gauge said:
Nice looking plant, do you know what it is please?
They look like London pride to me


1,121 posts

221 months

Thursday 16th May
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White-Noise said:
CharlesdeGaulle said:
Can spiders damage plants? I've never heard of that happening before.
I don't know much about that but with that plant definitely yes. It was really suffering last year, I had a poke around and all these evils spiders came running out on me. A google search and it's a thing in the cordyline at least! Got some special stuff and they went packing but it still appears to be being picked on. I had a look back but I don't recall what species they were, they are one that imitate a dangerous species iirc

Edited by White-Noise on Thursday 16th May 18:05
Spider mites can harm cordylines but not spiders.


Original Poster:

3,572 posts

224 months

Thursday 16th May
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The Gauge said:
W12GT said:
Given the warmer weather I’m finding myself in the garden more and noticing some lovely things growing and some cute visitors!

So for fellow garden lovers - what’s happing in your garden today?

Nice looking plant, do you know what it is please?
As someone else has commented - it’s London Pride. Absolutely stunning in the flesh. We didn’t plant it but glad we have it.

Edited by W12GT on Thursday 16th May 21:04


Original Poster:

3,572 posts

224 months

Thursday 16th May
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Had a little wander around the garden today and these caught my eye…

C n C

3,391 posts

224 months

Friday 17th May
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A few from this morning.
Roses doing particularly well.
My wife likes planting stuff in pots/containers.

pots by conradsphotos, on Flickr

cordyline by conradsphotos, on Flickr

roses1 by conradsphotos, on Flickr

As well as the roses, the Weigela is also doing rather well:

roses2 by conradsphotos, on Flickr


163 posts

59 months

Friday 17th May
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I’ve been on and off with gardening since moving into my first house, but this year I’ve decided to give it a go again but stick with container planting for now.

One that is standing out for me is our Lupin (“manhattan lights”).

Edited by Harmonica on Friday 17th May 19:22


4,135 posts

205 months

Friday 17th May
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Unexpected emergence of spring kittens:


Original Poster:

3,572 posts

224 months

Saturday 18th May
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jagnet said:
Unexpected emergence of spring kittens:

So cute!


12,661 posts

171 months

Saturday 18th May
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Bird box I put up a couple of months ago on the shed wall now has nesting great tits inside.
There’s a lot of tweeting going on. smile


4,374 posts

251 months

Saturday 18th May
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The kittens look super cute. Do you know who the mum is or is it your own cat?

Managed to spot what's eating the cordyline curse


1,347 posts

44 months

Saturday 18th May
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BBQ turned fire pit for me… heaven.


4,135 posts

205 months

Saturday 18th May
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White-Noise said:
The kittens look super cute. Do you know who the mum is or is it your own cat?
The mum's a semi-feral cat that hangs around our place. We think we may have found a home for her and the kittens - fingers crossed.

We think the dad may be her brother, because you know, village ways. If it's good enough for the human inhabitants here...


579 posts

30 months

Saturday 18th May
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My fave plant at the moment. This little beauty greets us every time we come home.

Spent rather a lovely afternoon putting some timber treatment on the garden fencing. Usually hate doing this 'cos I do it old school with a brush rather than spray it on. Had a quick word with myself about glass half full and a few other positive thoughts and headed to the shed. Tbh, the time flew and it was just nice to be lost in thought, enjoying the sunshine and garden.


3,188 posts

199 months

Saturday 18th May
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Petunia Gotunia Purple Cosmic

Irises have done exceptionally well this year.


57,065 posts

207 months

Saturday 18th May
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Unusual but not unknown for earwigs to do damage.


26,646 posts

183 months

Sunday 19th May
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After a hiatus after the spring flowers, the summer stuff is beginning to come through. Seems to have been a late start this year.


2,611 posts

61 months

Sunday 19th May
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Wisteria is enjoying the sun.

Simpo Two

86,004 posts

268 months

Sunday 19th May
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jagnet said:
Unexpected emergence of spring kittens:

Wow. How did they get in there or does the mother live in that pot too?


19,429 posts

262 months

Sunday 19th May
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3,742 posts

47 months

Sunday 19th May
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andy_s said:

In your garden?!