Have you put your heating on yet?

Have you put your heating on yet?



2,230 posts

211 months

Sunday 9th October 2016
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One hour of heat on Christmas Day. Off after the queens speech.


10,203 posts

131 months

Sunday 9th October 2016
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Londontaximan said:
technodup said:
Mine hasn't been on the last three years, so definitely not. I can't stand it, I'd rather see my breath indoors than put the heating on.

I usually just check it still works and once I feel the rads warm up it goes off again for another year.

I take it you live alone
On the Equator.


26,396 posts

212 months

Sunday 9th October 2016
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Fore Left said:
I've never understood this turning it off and on. Mine stays on all year. If it gets cold it comes on. Its got cold so, yes, the heating is on smile
Same. It's set to come if it gets cold enough. I don't mind it kicking in - if there's an issue with it I'd rather know in early October than when it gets properly chilly.

After a very warm summer do you think we're in for a cold winter?


1,228 posts

169 months

Sunday 9th October 2016
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Here in Inverness were having unseasonably warm weather for the time of year, were in a third floor flat and its still uncomfortably warm at nights, think downstairs must have there heating on, cant see ours needing to be on before november.


3,762 posts

138 months

Monday 10th October 2016
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Had our first snowfall last Wednesday so yes we do have the heating on , also the fire in the sitting room in the evenings , very cosy tnx .


6,427 posts

184 months

Monday 10th October 2016
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Mine has been set to 21C all year and may have come on once or twice over Summer. I turned it up to tropical a few times to speed up drying curtains/bedsheets and after I'd steam cleaned the carpets across the house.

There has been a female staying with me over the weekend so I'm not surprised to see the remote thermostat has suddenly jumped up to 24C.


8,853 posts

166 months

Monday 10th October 2016
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No central heating, here!

Woodburner has been lit once or twice in the mornings to take the edge off but that's all.


11,557 posts

257 months

Monday 10th October 2016
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Mines controlled via home automation, the set points are at 10' and locked to prevent them following the winter patterns - however I've coded in a feature called 'boost' where it moves the setpoint up for 30 mins only to get a little warmth in a zone.
So officially i can claim the heating is off - but have a little top up now and then.



1,186 posts

253 months

Monday 10th October 2016
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Mine was turned on for the first time this season just before I opened PH 5 minutes ago. I had it automated last week, so thought I would give it a try as it was a little chilly in here (13C).
Need to figure out settings and schedules for it now, and then it will be left turned on permanently.


7,586 posts

133 months

Monday 10th October 2016
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43034 said:
technodup said:
Mine hasn't been on the last three years, so definitely not. I can't stand it, I'd rather see my breath indoors than put the heating on.

I usually just check it still works and once I feel the rads warm up it goes off again for another year.

The chair I usually sit in at home is next to the rad, it makes me feel sick when the heating is on. I'm not worried about my fuel bills when I move out as I think i'd be just like you.
It gives me a sore head and a dry mouth.

Even when it's freezing outside it rarely goes below 11 inside so it's fine for me.

Although I've had interesting conversations when I've brought people back from the pub. I did warn them but I think they thought I was joking. smile


28,377 posts

287 months

Monday 10th October 2016
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I leave ours on all year. To stop it going on whilst we're out I turn it down to 10C, otherwise it's locked in at 19C.

This, frankly, is st. The house is never quite "right".

I'm going to fix this with a Hive or a Nest and some science.

Dog Star

16,241 posts

171 months

Monday 10th October 2016
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It comes on in the bathrooms all year round, but I try to avoid putting it on otherwise as we have got several tons of logs stacked up and I want to use all those.


28,377 posts

287 months

Monday 10th October 2016
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Dog Star said:
It comes on in the bathrooms all year round, but I try to avoid putting it on otherwise as we have got several tons of logs stacked up and I want to use all those.
Yes. Our bathrooms have the radiators on a separate circuit so that they come on with the hot water. That way the towels are heated through nicely when it is time to use them. It took me ages to work out that was what the house builders had done! Clever, though...


13,864 posts

159 months

Monday 10th October 2016
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Mine sits at 19.5C all year. Come in the last few days.


3,741 posts

142 months

Monday 10th October 2016
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Not yet, decided to put in on more last winter and my bill went through the roof, I think I will wait for the first dusting of snow this year smile


8,906 posts

205 months

Monday 10th October 2016
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We've had a few fires in the evening to take the chill off and the heating has clicked on a few times over the last few days as the thermostat is set to 19c.

We've got a nipper so we have to at least keep his room to a set temperature, I don't really like the heating being on all the time but needs must.

C0ffin D0dger

3,440 posts

148 months

Monday 10th October 2016
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Much as it pains me I've had to set ours to come on for a couple for hours in the evening. If I lived alone I'd just rely on the woodburner, I love having a cold room to sleep in, but with the wife and kids needs must.

My grandparents had a big 16th century house in Norfolk. It had central heating but it was screwed, I thing all the pipes were furred up as it never worked. In the winter we all used to gather round the fire of an evening which was very nice but going to bed took some planning, quick dash upstairs an hour or so before bed to put the electric blanket on, then at bed time do everything to minimise the time between getting undressed and getting into bed after turning the blanket off. I'm sure we woke up some mornings with ice on the inside of the single glazed windows smile Probably what made it worse was that the central heating thermostat was in the same room that they had the open fire in! I'm sure it used to be a lot colder back then but in some respects I used to quite enjoy it all smile

Edited by C0ffin D0dger on Monday 10th October 12:36


17,949 posts

187 months

Monday 10th October 2016
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C0ffin D0dger said:
Much as it pains me I've had to set ours to come on for a couple for hours in the evening. If I lived alone I'd just rely on the woodburner, I love having a cold room to sleep in, but with the wife and kids needs must.

My grandparents had a big 16th century house in Norfolk. It had central heating but it was screwed, I thing all the pipes were furred up as it never worked. In the winter we all used to gather round the fire of an evening which was very nice but going to bed took some planning, quick dash upstairs an hour or so before bed to put the electric blanket on, then at bed time do everything to minimise the time between getting undressed and getting into bed after turning the blanket off. I'm sure we work up some mornings with ice on the inside of the single glazed windows smile Probably what made it worse was that the central heating thermostat was in the same room that they had the open fire in! I'm sure it used to be a lot colder back then but in some respects I used to quite enjoy it all smile
Remember similar. When my grandparents retired to Cornwall my parents bought their house.

Lovely large traditional house, with an aga (very unusual in a mining town), but the rear extension was single brick only. My room. Also when the extension was done the heating was not upgraded - did not reach my room....

I can confirm that ice on the inside of a window is a possibility.


1,798 posts

109 months

Monday 10th October 2016
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I've set mine for an hour in the morning before I get up and an hour and a half in the evening for when I get home. My radiators stay hot for a good hour or so after it switches off


39,788 posts

287 months

Monday 10th October 2016
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I had a new boiler installed this year so I now have a thermostat. I used to have to turn it on and off. Its set to 21c and it has come one as the temperature has dropped below that some nights.

Sometimes in the previous years I have been freezing and put it on because that's what its for.